
China fought back against the United States and slapped the United States in the face at the United Nations: the resolution was unanimously adopted and won!

author:Beacon view

Just now, China has launched a powerful counterattack against the artificial intelligence blockade of the United States!

China brokered the passage of a resolution at the United Nations, slapping the United States in the face.

China fought back against the United States and slapped the United States in the face at the United Nations: the resolution was unanimously adopted and won!

The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly held consultations on July 1 (Beijing time) and unanimously adopted the resolution on "Strengthening International Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence Capacity Building" proposed by China. According to a Reuters report, Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, said in an interview after the resolution was adopted that U.S. restrictions on specific investment targets in artificial intelligence in China will not help the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and will create divisions in global governance.

According to reports, the United States released its latest draft bill in June to restrict the use of funds into Chinese artificial intelligence and other technology areas that "may threaten U.S. national security." In this regard, Fu Cong stressed: "We firmly oppose these sanctions. He noted that these restrictions are not only detrimental to the progress of AI technology, but also create divisions around the world.

The UN resolution, voted on July 1, calls on the international community to provide and promote a fair, open, inclusive and non-discriminatory business environment throughout the lifecycle of safe, secure and trustworthy AI systems. Fu Cong stressed that the relevant actions of the United States have not created an inclusive business environment, and he urged the United States to change its decision. "We don't believe that the U.S. government's position or decision will contribute to the healthy development of AI technology itself, and that it will divide the world in terms of regulatory standards and rules for AI," he said. ”

Fu Cong further pointed out that the restrictive measures of the United States run counter to the spirit of the resolution and cannot provide a platform for win-win cooperation for the international community. He called on countries to strengthen cooperation and jointly promote the advancement of AI technology for the benefit of all mankind on a global scale.

China fought back against the United States and slapped the United States in the face at the United Nations: the resolution was unanimously adopted and won!

Earlier, on June 20, Fu Cong expressed a similar view in his speech at the Security Council's open meeting on cybersecurity. He said that building a "small circle" with ideological lines, generalizing the concept of national security, raising a "digital iron curtain", seeking technological monopoly and dominance, and even openly interfering with and suppressing the economic and technological development of other countries will only hinder the efforts of the international community to promote cyber governance. He called on all countries to be more open and inclusive on cyber security issues, and avoid affecting international cooperation due to ideological differences.

China's resolution not only emphasizes the importance of AI technology, but also calls for greater coordination among countries in terms of technical standards and regulation to ensure that the development of technology is not dictated by political factors. Fu Cong pointed out that only through international cooperation can the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology be truly realized and effectively respond to various challenges that may arise in the future.

The adoption of the United Nations resolution shows that the international community attaches great importance to and expects the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology. Fu Cong said that China will continue to promote international cooperation and strive to build a fair, just and inclusive global environment in the field of artificial intelligence. He also stressed that the development of science and technology should not be hijacked by the political interests of a few countries, but should serve the common well-being of all mankind.

Fu Cong's speech was supported by many countries, and the participants said that the development of artificial intelligence technology requires global cooperation, and any form of restrictions and sanctions is not conducive to the healthy development of technology. Through this resolution, the international community has once again demonstrated its firm determination to promote cooperation and development of artificial intelligence technology.

China fought back against the United States and slapped the United States in the face at the United Nations: the resolution was unanimously adopted and won!

Overall, the adoption of the UN resolution is a big step forward for the international community to cooperate in the field of AI technology. Fu Cong called on all countries to abandon prejudice and work together to create an open and inclusive international environment for the healthy development of AI technology. This will not only help promote technological progress, but also inject new impetus into global economic and social development.

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