
Why is the factory recruiting people all day long, but there is still a shortage of labor? The female worker who resigned gave her real reason

author:Workplace Feike

In recent years, many companies have been hiring employees on a large scale, but when it comes to hiring the most frequently, factories are undoubtedly the first to bear the brunt. Whether it's a large factory or a small one, you can see job advertisements almost every day. In some factories, even after they closed, the recruitment sign at the door was not taken down. So why are these factories hiring every day, but they can't?

Why is the factory recruiting people all day long, but there is still a shortage of labor? The female worker who resigned gave her real reason

Xiao Zhang has worked in some factories in Guangdong for 5 years, and has worked in three different factories. She recently left her job and revealed the real reason behind the labor shortage in the factory:

1. The salary package is low and not attractive enough

Why is the factory recruiting people all day long, but there is still a shortage of labor? The female worker who resigned gave her real reason

Most factories have wages between 4,000 and 5,000 yuan, which may be slightly more if overtime pay is added, but on the whole, this wage level is not very attractive. Even more disappointing is the fact that the benefits package at the factories are generally poor, and some factories are reluctant to pay for even basic insurance for their employees. Xiao Zhang mentioned that many factories claim to earn 8,000 to 10,000 yuan a month when recruiting, but the actual situation often does not match the publicity, and this false publicity makes many job seekers lose trust.

2. Strict rules and regulations, oppressive working environment

The rules and regulations of factories are often very strict, and some even violate the principles of humane management. Xiao Zhang shared her experience that in the factory where she used to work, the meal time could not exceed 20 minutes, and the time to go to the toilet was also strictly limited to 5 minutes, and the money would be deducted if it was overtime. This high-pressure work environment is very oppressive, and many employees choose to leave because they can't stand the system. Xiao Zhang himself only lasted 3 months at that factory before resigning.

Why is the factory recruiting people all day long, but there is still a shortage of labor? The female worker who resigned gave her real reason

3. Diversify employment options

Today's job market gives people more choices, and factory work is no longer the only way out. Xiao Zhang mentioned that several of her colleagues chose to work as delivery workers after quitting, earning about 7,000 yuan a month, and have more freedom to work, only need an electric car to work. In contrast, the working environment in the factory is monotonous and boring, repeating the same work on the assembly line all day long, without the slightest room for freedom, and is often scolded by the management, and the salary is not as good as other occupations. This contrast makes more people reluctant to choose to enter the factory.

Why is the factory recruiting people all day long, but there is still a shortage of labor? The female worker who resigned gave her real reason. Why do you think the factory can't recruit people? Do you have any friends who work in factories? Everyone is welcome to communicate in the comment area!