
In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

author:The eighth continent

In Chinese history, such a masterpiece was born.

In the East, it is the "guide book for governance, management, and self-cultivation" of emperors, generals, literati and scholars of all dynasties.

In the West, it is the best-selling book outside of the Bible.

In Germany, where philosophers are numerous, people call it the existence of "the highest wisdom of mankind".

Some people even say that without it, traditional Chinese culture and thought will lose half of its brilliance.

It is known as the "Oriental Bible" and "the first of all classics" - "Tao Te Ching".

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Since its birth, the Tao Te Ching has been regarded as a lifelong "spiritual teacher" by countless heroes and heroes.

Tang Xuanzong, Song Huizong, Ming Taizu...... Regard it as a "treasure book of governance" and make a note for yourself.

When Qian Mu, a master of history, was ninety-two years old, he still reread it every year to support his longevity with his cultivation.

It can be said that the "Tao Te Ching" of more than 5,000 words.

It not only reveals the root cause of human troubles, but also gives people the ultimate guidance for how to behave and do things.

Perhaps the most famous example is Tsang Guofan.

Zeng Guofan, when he was young, believed in Confucianism's "Tianxingjian, a gentleman is self-improving".

Deal with people, go straight, and show no mercy.

Until because of a reckless reckless remark, he offended Emperor Xianfeng and ended up with a "go home and worry". ”

After experiencing a low point in his life, he had an epiphany that the so-called "weak is better than strong" in the Tao Te Ching, which seems to be a negative birth, but in fact it is a positive entry into the WTO.

Because the way of detour can better achieve the goal.

It was through reading the Tao Te Ching that Zeng Guofan practiced the principle of "great softness is not softness, and there is no rigidity" in the later period, and walked more and more steadily.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

And this is the reason why the Tao Te Ching is the "first of all classics" -

Compared with personal struggle and ability, it respects the "way of heaven" more, and with higher wisdom and a longer vision, it allows us to see the unchanging law of success and failure in the course of history.

It's like a ruler, where it's not doing well and where it's doing well, you can use it to measure it and you will know it all.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Whether you are 20 years old to enter the WTO to make a living, 30 years old to start a family, or 40 years old to seek steady progress, 50 years old optimistic fate...

Holding a copy of the Tao Te Ching in your hand can make you feel like a master guiding you and avoiding many detours.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Unfortunately, the ancient texts are too obscure and difficult to understand.

The more than 5,000-word "Tao Te Ching" is deeply mysterious, and for ordinary readers, reading it directly is like reading a book from heaven.

Today, I would like to recommend to you a classic enough and a good enough reading book of "Tao Te Ching" -

Lao Tzu's Heart: The Tao Te Ching

Teacher Xue Mo, a national first-class writer and a three-time finalist for the "Mao Dun Literature Award", has been working hard for ten years.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Different from the works on the market that simply study the Tao Te Ching, Mr. Xue Mo is not only a senior researcher of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, but also has twenty or thirty years of "practice" experience.

Therefore, there is no theoretical trickery in this book, but a real lesson to teach you to "apply what you have learned" the classics, guide your words and deeds, and change your life.

After reading it, you will truly understand what it means to "listen to your words is better than reading a book for ten years." ”

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

This set of books is not only practical, but also better looking and easy to read.

Professional interpretation + real cases, peeling off the cocoon, makes you feel like chatting with a wise man, and unconsciously learning the essence of the Tao Te Ching.

In the words of a Douban reader: After reading it, it is no less than "running a spiritual marathon".

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

If in 2022, you only want to read one book, you can let yourself have an epiphany of the great wisdom of life and harvest the "solution" to face life's problems

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

20 years of "practice" practitioners, it took 10 years

Create a good-to-read Tao Te Ching reader

From ancient times to the present, the Tao Te Ching is a god-like existence.

Nietzsche said that the Tao Te Ching is like an inexhaustible well, full of treasures.

Lu Xun said that the roots of China (the straight roots of trees) are all in Taoism, and the ideological roots of Taoism are in the Tao Te Ching.

Hu Shi has been rote since he was a teenager and has studied repeatedly throughout his life.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Why are there so few ordinary people who have read such a divine book that "penetrates the heavens"?

Because it's too profound.

Those who don't have enough comprehension can't read, and those who have too little experience can't read.

Therefore, ordinary people who want to get a glimpse of the door of the Tao Te Ching need a guide. This is also the reason why Ten O'clock Jun recommends "Lao Tzu's Heart"-

It's classic enough and easy to read.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

First of all, the author's experience is deep enough, and the explanation is popular enough.

Mr. Xue Mo has studied Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism for many years, and has more than 20 years of meditation experience.

In order to create "Lao Tzu's Thoughts", he spent 10 years studying literature and papers, and practicing Lao Tzu's wisdom in retreat.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Just to write a reading book of "Tao Te Ching" that "can be read by the aunt of the vegetable field" and "can benefit from opening".

The golden sentences in the whole book are sprinkled everywhere, making people feel like an initiation when they read it. Like what:

On looking at people: If you want to know whether a person can do great things, you have to see whether he is sharp.

On the three elements of success: first, understand what the times need; second, to help all those who need themselves and help them succeed; Third, there is no self.

On troubles: Anyone with a sad face must have something in his heart that is not satisfied.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Not only the explanation is popular, but all interpretations are combined with historical figures and real cases to assist everyone in understanding.

Reading it makes you feel the "coolness" of seeing each other late.

In 2017, as soon as the first volume was launched, with the word of mouth of readers "tap water", it immediately set off a craze for reading "Tao Te Ching" on the whole network.

4000+ reviews, with an astonishing 99.97% praise rate.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

In a word, if you want to choose a book that will serve as a guide to get a glimpse of the Tao Te Ching, this set of "Lao Tzu's Thoughts" will not disappoint you.

As a reader who has watched it for three weeks and read it by countless friends around Amway, I can safely say that it will be your biggest reading surprise in 2022.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Based on the present, apply what you have learned

Helping you live better and do things better

As the saying goes: all books can be read, but not all of them edify.

Some books are theoretically advanced and very refreshing when you read them, but you forget them after reading them, and they will not have any impact on your life.

Such a book can only increase the topic of conversation, but cannot really nourish and enlighten a person.

That's why Ten O'clock is crazy about Amway's book – it's so practical!

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

90% of the explanations on the market about the Tao Te Ching are picking out words, dropping book bags, and adding various annotations, which makes people start to get sleepy when they turn two pages.

Teacher Xue Mo is different, he not only explains the "Tao Te Ching" in an easy-to-understand way, but also combines it with real life and tells you the practical methods that can really be implemented. Like what:

With so many choices in life, how do you make the right decisions?

In the book, through the interpretation of "knowing and knowing the gains and losses", it tells you a unified law of "judgment of gains and losses"-

"What's the body and the goods? Sickness or death? ”。

What does it mean, before doing something, you have to ask yourself a question: is wealth important, or is life important? Which of the gains and losses is more harmful to you?

When you don't know how to choose, you can ask yourself -

Got the honor, lost the health, is it worth it?

Is it worth it to get rich, lose fame?

Got power, lost character, is it worth it?

In this constant questioning, you will naturally find the answer to whether something is worth doing.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

For example, we often say:

"Seeing him rise up a tall building, seeing his building collapse", it seems that the myth of success always can't avoid falling off the altar?

So for ordinary people, how can they avoid "short-lived" and achieve long-term success?

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

Through the interpretation of "contentment and knowledge can last long", the book tells you the importance of virtue for long-term success.

What do you mean? If you are content, you will not bring shame upon yourself. Knowing when to stop will not lead to bad luck.

Confucius said: "If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster." ”

The ancient Greek historian said, "If a god wants to destroy it, he must first make it mad." ”

The fate of heroes in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, cannot escape this law.

Therefore, in order for a person to achieve long-term success, he must know how to stop in moderation.

Otherwise, once the desire is over-inflated, it will be beyond one's controllable range and lead to a tragic end.

Think about the successive "accidents" in the entertainment industry, and if you understand this truth early, you may be able to avoid many big holes in life.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

What amazed me the most was the interpretation of "greed" in the book.

"Covetousness is extreme, and evil takes root." The things you love the most are the biggest troubles and the most troublesome.

When many people see this sentence, they will remind themselves not to become addicted to gambling, drink too much, and flip houses excessively.

But Teacher Xue Mo told you that the so-called "great love must cost a lot".

Even if it is for the sake of doing good, it must not be excessive. Only by doing the best within the scope of ability, can everything you want to do continue for a long time, and will not rise and fall apart in a hurry.

This pattern and foresight are suddenly different. And when you think about it, it's really right!

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

In a word, a "Tao Te Ching" has already explained all the wisdom that people need in this life.

No matter who you are, open the table of contents and think about the problems that confuse you, and you can find a winning way to solve the "problem" in this set of books.

In the Tao Te Ching, there are the best practices of middle-aged people

When young people read it, they can understand the dangers of going against the trend and exposing their edges.

Middle-aged people reading it can reap the true meaning of a happy life that relieves their hearts and solves their doubts.

Entrepreneurs can grasp the secret of success and management by reading it.

Workers can read it, they can avoid detours and rise to the top.

Even if you don't pursue success, you can improve your spiritual realm and gain a more open-minded attitude towards life.

More importantly, reading this book, having an epiphany of Lao Tzu's wisdom, and always referring to self-reflection, can make life avoid many detours and avoid unnecessary disasters.