
Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?

An outrageous incident suddenly happened on the Chinese Internet, when a group of people aggressively announced that they would "wage war against the Boxers."

There is also the so-called "very courageous" announcement of the online platform...... It is so outrageous that it reminds people of the "Anti-Semitism Act" of the United States, is it possible that there should be "Tianlong people" in China who cannot be provoked, touched, or spoken?

Is it not possible for anyone to popularize the bad things that Japan has done in the future? For example, the crime of the war of aggression against China, Japan's following the United States to contain China, meddling in the Taiwan issue - "if there is something wrong with Taiwan, there is something wrong with Japan", discharging nuclear sewage, and sending a large number of spies (I went to search for how many Japanese spies have been arrested over the years...... Is it that as long as you tell the facts, you will be labeled as "inciting confrontation between China and Japan"?

I see that some "liberals" preach freedom every day, why do they seem to be more fascist than fascists today, and they don't even let people speak?

There are two points to illustrate:

1. There is no "Boxer Rebellion" in China today. The "Boxer Rebellion" was a product of a special historical period, because the country was weak, it was invaded by imperialism and oppressed by comprador lackeys, and ordinary people had to make a desperate blow...... Today's China is so powerful that it is the ballast stone of world peace, so there is no soil for the birth of the Boxers.

2. There is no "xenophobia" or "ultra-nationalism" in today's China. Open your eyes and see, which city is not a large number of foreigners now? Does anyone feel discriminated against, hated? A large number of European and American bloggers are praising China as "safe", "civilized" and "advanced".

As I said a few days ago, there are many racist and ultra-nationalist countries in the world, especially the United States and Israel, which are systematically discriminating against and suppressing Asian Americans and inciting anti-China sentiment among the people. Needless to say, Israel is killing civilians, women, children in a frenzy...... Describe a people as "humanoids" that can be exterminated. Such a country, why does no one accuse them of "extremes"?

According to authoritative data from the FBI, in 2022, the number of incidents recorded by federal departments in the United States that are clearly identified as hate crimes against Asian American groups is as high as 499, with an average of one per day, and in 2021, the number is even as high as 746. Some experts in the United States have made it clear that "anti-Asian hate crimes are often related to U.S. foreign policy, and we expect it to rise again at some point." ”

Some people claim that the Western world has "zero tolerance for hate speech...... Do you want to open your eyes and look at the United States?

Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?

In the United States, we have never heard of any platform blocking American accounts on the grounds of inciting confrontation between the United States and China and cracking down on ultra-nationalism, but to protect anti-China rhetoric on the grounds of "freedom of speech...... Those "liberals", why don't they criticize the "extremes" of the United States?

As for those who "incite Sino-Japanese contradictions," I hope you can distinguish clearly whether these people are ordinary patriotic masses or those frenzied "Jingri"? Who started it first?

You've forgotten what happened a few years ago, right? Who in the end ran to the relics of the Anti-Japanese War in Japanese military uniforms to provoke? Who is undermining Sino-Japanese relations?

Whether it is our school, there has never been any "anti-Japanese education", and we have always taught children to "oppose war and love peace". Our media have never engaged in "anti-Japanese propaganda," and to some extent have even praised Japan and touted Japan's "craftsman spirit." Some of our simple self-media people may not like Japan, but basically they are objective and fair, because it is true that Japan has done those dirty things, it is true that Japan has visited the Yasukuni Shrine, it is true that it denies the Nanjing Massacre, it is true that it has tampered with history textbooks to beautify the war of aggression, it is true that Japan has something to do with Taiwan, it is also true that there is something wrong with Japan, it is also true that the discharge of nuclear contaminated water is also true, it is also true that Japan's major enterprises have been cheating for decades, and the anti-China sentiment of the Japanese people is also true, and Japan follows the United States to contain China. It is also true that the deployment of weapons threatens China's security...... So, what's wrong with saying that?

Finally, let's talk about the Boxers, who were wildly slandered by the "liberals".

The Boxer Rebellion was a fierce resistance of the people at the bottom at a critical juncture of national peril.

Without food, without education, without industrialization, and without advanced organization and culture, we can only fight with religion, superstition, and talismans...... Do you think they are really stupid? Do you understand the burning of jade? Is the mantis arm stupid when it is a car? No, that's the greatest courage in the world.

Many people stigmatize the Boxers as "foolish people" who don't know anything, on the contrary, the Boxers also know how to use foreign guns and cannons, and they can also take the train...... The reason why they want to destroy railways and power lines is actually to paralyze the enemy's communications and transport!

Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?
Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?
Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?

Don't ask whether there is a meaning in resistance, resistance itself is meaning, and the independence and liberation of any great nation are built on immeasurable blood.

Only when there are "not advanced" Boxers can there be more advanced, more civilized, and greater organizations and contingents.

Many people don't know how to learn, thinking that the Boxers disappeared after the Gengzi National Disaster. In fact, the Boxers are the simple Chinese people, how can the people disappear? They have been resisting, they have been fighting! In fact, the Boxer Rebellion in the later period was already the prototype of "guerrilla warfare" and "people's war."

The Qing government did not resist, but the Boxers have been resisting, and the coalition troops who had returned from the robbery in Zhangjiakou were ambushed by the Boxers, and the German colonel York (earl) was hacked to death. From time to time, coalition forces have suffered defeats in sudden clashes. (China and Japan in the Past 60 Years)

Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?

French parliamentarians admonished their people in Congress: "China's vast land and strong people are by no means comparable to India and other parts of the South Seas." Chinese people have only been suppressed by the government for a long time, so their intelligence has not been revealed. If they are plucked (with war), who would dare to say that this great power in Asia cannot produce a figure like Washington? So I think the idea of carving up China is nothing short of a dream! ”

It was precisely because of the resistance of the Boxers that the Eight-Nation Coalition gave up the delusion of "carving up China."

Wadsey commented on the Boxers:

"We can't see the Chinese people as weak or morally decapitated. In fact, they still have infinite anger. The Chinese have always had the spirit of being brave and good at fighting, and they have not completely lost it"; "None of Europe, America, or Japan has the brainpower and military strength to rule over a quarter of the world's living beings...... Therefore, it is really the next policy to divide up. ”

Sun Yat-sen said:

However, the personality of the Boxers, compared with Gengzi Xin Chou, a group of flattering eunuchs, and traitors who betrayed the country, are really a world apart. It's no wonder they laughed at the barbarism of the Boxers. Hum! If the Boxers were barbaric, they wouldn't even be able to catch up with the monkeys."

Lenin said:

"The Chinese do not hate the European people, because there is no conflict between them, they hate the European capitalists and the European governments that obey the orders of the capitalists. Can the Chinese not hate those who came to China only to make a fortune, those who used their so-called civilization to deceive, plunder and suppress, those who fought against China in order to gain the right to sell opium that poisoned the people, and those who used missionary nonsense to cover up their predatory policies? ”

Mark Twain said:

"At this point, I stand with the Boxers at all times. The Boxers were patriots. They love their own country more than they love the countries of other peoples. I wish them success. The Boxers advocated that we should be driven out of their country...... Well, I'm also a Boxer, because I'm in favor of that as well. ”

Chairman Mao Zedong even said:

"Did the Chinese people organize the Boxer Rebellion to go to the imperialist countries of Europe, the United States, and Japan to rebel and "kill people and set fires"? Or did the imperialist countries come to China to invade China, oppress and exploit the Chinese people, and thus provoke the Chinese masses to rise up against imperialism and its lackeys and corrupt officials in China? This is a major issue of right and wrong, and we cannot afford to make it clear without debating. ”

Our history textbooks say:

“...... In the face of the aggression of the Eight-Nation Alliance, the Boxers put up heroic resistance, but in the end they were defeated by the strangulation of Chinese and foreign reactionary forces, and in a certain sense, it was a general outbreak of various contradictions in Chinese society since the 40s of the 19th century. ”

The means of the Boxer rebellion were not clever and advanced, and all the peasant struggles in history were not clever and advanced; The struggle of all backward civilizations in the world against aggression and oppression is not considered advanced...... Do you think they don't want to be "civilized advanced"? They have been invaded and slaughtered like that, they have been squeezed and blocked to a desperate situation, what can they do?

Do you think they don't know that "magic skills" and "Fu Shui" can't beat foreign guns and cannons? They actually know it, but in order to save themselves and the country, they have to work hard.

Shen Peng: Declaring war on the Boxers? Do you deserve it?

What else do you want from them?

They are just a group of ordinary Chinese farmers who want to farm at home, do business at home, support their families well, and pass on their ancestry. What should I do to be able to fight for my own interests and seek justice for myself in a civilized and polite manner?

In the history of the Chinese revolution, the three words "Boxer Rebellion" are glory, not shame. They are among the "people's heroes who have sacrificed their lives in all struggles in order to oppose internal and external enemies and fight for national independence and the freedom and happiness of the people."

To tell you the truth, not every country deserves to have the "Boxers." A country and nation that does not even have the "Boxers" is the saddest ethnic group, and the children are slaves from generation to generation, and the children are prostitutes from generation to generation.

"The hymn of humanity is a hymn to courage".

With the Boxer Rebellion, future generations will have the opportunity to stand upright.

Contemporary China is very strong and tolerant, crushing the total industrial output value of the G7 countries combined, and the strongest industrial capacity and industrial chain in human history, so that we do not need the "Boxer Rebellion" today.

But all of us are descendants of the "Boxer Rebellion".

Some people want to "go to war against the Boxers"...... Have you figured out who you are going to war against?

(The author is a special researcher of Kunlun Ce Research Institute; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's authorization], reproduced from "Plains Child", revised and released)