
Why did the ancients advise people to "abstain from sex"? What happens if you don't quit? A story breaks the cause

author:Cheerful and generous, I'm Amin

Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, persuade people to abstain from sexuality


In the traditional eastern powers, the cultural influence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism has always run through people's lives, whether it is in moral concepts, ways of thinking or living habits, they can be found. In the culture of these three schools, there is a common view about "sex", that is, to persuade people to "quit sex". Although people have different views and attitudes towards "color" in today's pluralistic society, through an in-depth understanding of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, we may be able to gain a new understanding of this issue.

1. The three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have far-reaching influence

As the traditional culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, as a big country in the East, its influence is far-reaching and omnipresent. The ideas of "benevolence" and "filial piety" advocated by Confucianism have made people know how to live in harmony with others, how to respect their elders, and how to be a person with moral sentiments in their daily lives. The concepts of "Prajna" and "Nirvana" emphasized by the Buddha have taught people how to transcend the shackles of the world and how to seek inner peace and liberation on the path of life. The concepts advocated by Taoism, such as "rule by doing nothing" and "balance between yin and yang", make people realize the mysteries of the natural world, learn how to go with the flow, and how to adjust their mentality.

Why did the ancients advise people to "abstain from sex"? What happens if you don't quit? A story breaks the cause

It can be said that the cultural influence of the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism did not only stay in the ancient society, but has continued to this day, becoming an important part of the way of thinking and behavior habits of people in the big eastern countries.

The second and third families are unanimous and persuade people to quit sex

In the culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, they seem to have the same view on the issue of "sex", that is, to persuade people to "abstain from sex". Confucianism believes that "lust" is an external temptation and interference, which can easily make people greedy and selfish, so that they lose themselves and cannot cultivate themselves with peace of mind. Confucianism advocates the need to "remove color and preserve form", that is, when facing the temptation of beauty, we must learn to abandon the distracting thoughts in it, and truly realize that the mind is not moved by color, so that we can concentrate on cultivating the Tao and pursue the true beauty of our hearts.

In the vast background of the universe, all hues are illusory and impermanent, and whether it is a beautiful scenery or a seductive beauty, it should not become the object of people's attachment. Only when one is able to transcend the attachment and pursuit of color can one realize the true path to nirvana and attain inner peace and liberation.

Why did the ancients advise people to "abstain from sex"? What happens if you don't quit? A story breaks the cause

Taoism put forward the view that "if there is no desire, then there is rigidity", believing that excessive desire and pursuit will make people's hearts fragile and weak, unable to resist the temptations and tests of the outside world. Taoism advocates that we must learn to quit excessive desires and maintain inner perseverance and strength, so that we can achieve steady progress on the road of life.

It can be seen that whether it is Confucianism, Buddhism or Taoism, they have very deep conjectures and observations on the issue of "color", they do not blindly reject and avoid the existence of hue, but hope that people can be moderate and self-disciplined in the face of hue, not confused by it, so as to truly grasp the "degree" of life and embark on a healthy and beautiful road.

3. The importance of abstaining from sex, the story of the children of rich families

To better illustrate the importance and benefits of abstaining from sex, here is a story about the children of rich families.

Once upon a time, there was a wealthy family that had produced beautiful women for generations, so it was quite famous in the local area. With the changes of the times, the aura of this family gradually faded, because their children were always unable to resist the temptation of the outside world and indulged in a life of drunkenness, which eventually led to family tragedies.

Why did the ancients advise people to "abstain from sex"? What happens if you don't quit? A story breaks the cause

It wasn't until a generation of family heads that he began to reflect on the decline of the family and finally understood the truth. He understands that the decline of the family is not because they have beautiful women, but because these women have become a channel of temptation from the outside world, so that the children of the family cannot extricate themselves.

Under his advocacy, the whole family began the movement of "abstaining from sex", both men and women, to learn how to resist the temptation of the outside world, how to maintain a pure heart in the face of hue. It can be said that it is precisely because of such efforts that the family has been able to regain its strength and embark on a path of true wealth.

Through this story, it is not difficult for us to find that quitting color is not to blindly reject and avoid the existence of hue, but to remind people that whether it is external temptation or inner desire, we need to learn how to resist and adjust, so as to truly grasp the "degree" of life and embark on a healthy and beautiful path.

Why did the ancients advise people to "abstain from sex"? What happens if you don't quit? A story breaks the cause

Fourth, how to view "color" in contemporary society

In this pluralistic contemporary society, people have a variety of views and attitudes towards "color", whether in real life or in virtual cyberspace, they can feel the influence and impact of hue.

In this context, how to balance the attitude towards "color" on the premise of respecting individual freedom has become a question worth pondering. It can be said that Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism culture still has important enlightening significance for contemporary society, reminding people that whether it is external temptation or inner desire, we need to learn how to resist and adjust in order to find true happiness and beauty.

Especially in the context of today's digital era, the influence of "color" in the virtual world on people is becoming increasingly prominent, and how to achieve moderation and self-discipline in such a space has become a new challenge. We can look for answers from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and learn how to recognize and grasp the existence of hue from the depths of our hearts, rather than being swayed and controlled by it.

Why did the ancients advise people to "abstain from sex"? What happens if you don't quit? A story breaks the cause

This does not mean that we should blindly follow the way of the ancients to abstain from sex, but on the basis of traditional culture, combined with the development and changes of the current society, re-conjecture and understand it, find a suitable method for the contemporary society, and make it a kind of ability and quality for people's inner self-management.

V. Conclusion

The topic of "abstaining from sex" seems to be the precepts and norms of the ancients, but in fact it is a kind of care and reminder to people's hearts. Whether it is ancient or contemporary, whether it is real life or virtual space, people's understanding and grasp of hue are inseparable from their own moral concepts and self-control.

How to balance the attitude towards "color" in contemporary society, and how to achieve moderation and self-discipline in the virtual world, all need to be conjectured and discussed together. We can find the answer from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism culture, and learn how to recognize and grasp the existence of hue from the depths of our hearts, so as to find a way to "abstain from color" suitable for contemporary society, so that it can become a kind of ability and quality of people's inner self-management, and contribute to the harmony and beauty of society.