
After 4 years of remarriage, my new wife gave me 100,000 yuan and a house, but I was embarrassed by the request

author:Xiao Chen's emotional class

My name is Liu Mei, I am fifty-five years old this year, and I have been remarried for four years, I thought I had found a reliable wife and could live the rest of my life together in peace. But who knows, this halfway couple is even more difficult to do than the first marriage.

I met Lao Zhang four years ago while walking in the park. At that time, I had just come out of a failed marriage, and I was quite depressed. Lao Zhang is also divorced, but he has a daughter who is already married. The two of us chatted a few words in the park, and found that we could talk to each other quite well, so we started walking, playing chess, and chatting together. Slowly, feelings are cultivated.

Lao Zhang, this person, looks quite honest, and usually doesn't talk much, but he is very good to me. He always said that he wanted to find someone who knew the cold and the hot to live with, and as soon as I heard this, my heart warmed. After all, at our age, we don't want to be rich and expensive, we just want to be able to take care of each other.

In this way, we got the license and lived together. Lao Zhang has a small house in the city, although it is not big, but it is very clean. He still has a little pension every month, and I usually do some odd jobs, so I can get by.

In the beginning, we got along quite well. Lao Zhang is very careful, and he will remember what I like to eat and what I don't like to eat. Sometimes when I wasn't feeling well, he would take care of me. I thought to myself, this time I've found the right person.

After 4 years of remarriage, my new wife gave me 100,000 yuan and a house, but I was embarrassed by the request

But gradually, I realized that something was wrong with Lao Zhang. He always mentions his daughter, intentionally or unintentionally, saying that she marries far away and usually can't come back a few times, and there are just two of us at home, lonely. As soon as I heard this, I chuckled in my heart, wondering if this old man had any other thoughts.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Lao Zhang to have a showdown with me. He said that he wanted a son in his life, but unfortunately he didn't have a son with his ex-wife. Now that I'm older, this thought is even stronger. He asked me if I could have a son for him, and he was willing to give me 100,000 yuan and transfer the house he lives in to my name.

As soon as I heard this, my heart was on fire. This old man, how can he be so shameless? I'm so old, and you still want me to give him a baby? Besides, it's not up to me to decide to have a boy or a girl, so if I really give birth to a daughter, does he want me to continue to give birth?

I rejected Lao Zhang on the spot, and I said, "Who are you to me?" Do you think 100,000 yuan and a house can buy out the rest of my life? I'm not the kind of person who can sell myself for money! ”

When Lao Zhang heard me say this, his face changed suddenly. He didn't say anything more, but I could feel that his attitude towards me had cooled down significantly.

Ever since that showdown with Lao Zhang, the atmosphere in the house has become weird. Lao Zhang always mentions having children, intentionally or unintentionally, and every time I resolutely refuse him. But he didn't seem to give up and always tried to convince me.

After 4 years of remarriage, my new wife gave me 100,000 yuan and a house, but I was embarrassed by the request

One night, Lao Zhang drank some wine and began to bring up the matter again. He said, "Meizi, I want a son in my life, you can do it and help me realize this wish." I'll give you 100,000 yuan, and then I'll give you the house, this condition is good enough, right? ”

As soon as I heard this, the fire came up. I glared at him and said loudly, "Lao Zhang, who am you to me?" Do you think money and a house will buy me the rest of my life? I tell you, no way! Although I, Liu Mei, am poor, I have backbone, and I will not sell my body and dignity for money! ”

Lao Zhang was also anxious when I said this. He stood up, pointed at me and said, "Liu Mei, don't be ignorant!" I'm willing to give you so much money and a house, I already look up to you. You're not too young, can you find someone better than me? ”

When I heard this, I was even more angry. I rushed up, pushed him away, and shouted, "Get out of here!" I don't want to see you again! Who do you think you are? Do you think you're great if you're rich? Let me tell you, I, Liu Mei, am not so easy to bully! ”

Lao Zhang was pushed by me like this, and he stumbled and almost fell. He stood still, looked at me with a grim face, then shook his hand, turned and walked out the door. I heard him slam the door and then the sound of footsteps moving away.

That night, I lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. I'm wondering, was my marriage to Lao Zhang a mistake from the beginning? Is our relationship real? And his request for me to have a son, what the hell should I do?

The next morning, Lao Zhang didn't get up to make breakfast as usual. When I got up, I saw a bank card and a title deed on the dining table. I know that this is the 100,000 yuan and the transfer procedures of the house that Lao Zhang gave me. I picked it up with mixed feelings. I don't know what Lao Zhang means by this, is he going to completely cut off relations with me?

After 4 years of remarriage, my new wife gave me 100,000 yuan and a house, but I was embarrassed by the request

At this moment, Lao Zhang walked in from outside. He looked at me and said, "Meizi, what I said last night may have been a bit too much. But I really want you to consider my request. If you don't want to, I won't force you. The money and the house should be regarded as compensation for you. ”

When I heard this, my heart became even more uncomfortable. I looked at Lao Zhang's old face and suddenly felt a sense of sadness. I know that he is actually a poor man, and he has wanted a son all his life, but unfortunately he can't do it. But I can't sacrifice my happiness for his wishes.

I took a deep breath and said, "Lao Zhang, I know what you think. But I also have my principles and bottom line. I can't risk my life to have a son because of money and a house. I hope we can get together and be well. ”

When Lao Zhang heard me say this, he was also silent. He looked at me, then nodded, turned and left the house. Since then, I have never been in touch with Lao Zhang. I know that our marriage has come to an end.

After separating from Lao Zhang, I lived a lonely but comfortable life. I still walk in the park every day, occasionally chatting with a few old friends and playing cards. Although I didn't have Lao Zhang's company, my life didn't become boring.

One day, I met an old friend in the park, and after she learned about me and Lao Zhang, she advised me: "Meizi, you are doing the right thing." You can't compromise because you're soft-hearted, you're over half a hundred years old, and you have to think more about your body. ”

I nodded, grateful for her understanding. I know that my decision may have left some people feeling incomprehensible and even thinking that I was a little stupid. But for me, sticking to my principles and bottom line is more important than anything else.

As time passed, my life gradually returned to peace. Occasionally, I think of Lao Zhang, and the days we used to spend together. But those memories have become vague and distant.

One day, I received a package with a bank card and a letter inside. The letter was written by Lao Zhang's daughter, and she said, "Aunt Liu, thank you for the time you used to spend with my father. This is the hundred thousand dollars he asked me to give you, and he said this is what he owes you. Hope you can find true happiness. ”

I looked at the bank card and the letter, and I had mixed feelings. I know that this is a kind of compensation for me by Lao Zhang, and it is also a kind of farewell to our past. I took the money, but I didn't touch it. I don't think this money means anything to me anymore.

I deposited the money in the bank and put the bank card in the drawer along with the letter. I know that this marriage has completely ended, and all the entanglements and grievances between me and Lao Zhang have been sealed in the past along with the money and letters.

Now I have completely stepped out of that shadow. I started to pay more attention to my life and health, and I learned to appreciate every day in front of me more. I know that there is still a long way to go in the future, but I believe that as long as I stick to my principles and bottom line, I will definitely be happy.