
Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

author:Xiao Wang talks about sports 5

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

Wei Shao's situation can be described as plummeting in the Lakers! When he was in the Wizards, he was also the new NBA 3-double king, and led the team to the playoffs, proving his ability to lead the team and creating his own legend, but after joining the Lakers, Wei Shao and the team were very incompatible, resulting in Wei Shao's shortcomings being infinitely magnified, and his status also suffered Waterloo!

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

Soon, Wei Shao was also traded by the Lakers and bought out, and Wei Shao also reached the bottom of his career, but fortunately, at this time, the Clippers became a beam of light for Wei Shao, and regained his happiness and value here.

Wei Shao played really well in the Clippers, in the first season, in the case of Xiaoka and George's injuries, although there was a big gap in strength in the playoffs, Wei Shao still defended the dignity of the team with his performance and played his own value! In the 23-24 season, Harden joined the Clippers, and Wei Shao and his brothers teamed up again, and they also saw the opportunity to fight for the championship! But in the end, the Clippers failed to attack the championship again and were out of the first round, which also disappointed Wei Shao!

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

In the Clippers for 2 seasons, the team ended in failure, although Wei Shao played very happily, but he couldn't help but have the idea of leaving the team, no way, he and the Clippers, in fact, have begun to drift apart since last season!

Wei Shao first joined the Clippers because he saw the ball in the team and the opportunity to win the championship! However, the Clippers themselves have serious injury problems, and the possibility of winning the championship is not high, and Wei Shao has failed for 2 seasons, and his heart is a little cold! Secondly, Wei Shao worked hard in the team, and also played a good performance in the 22-23 season, he still attached more importance to the position of the main point guard, but with the arrival of Harden, Wei Shao could only play as a substitute, whether it was playing time or ball possession, it was greatly reduced, and his personal performance also fell sharply, so he was relieved.

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

Wei Shao's treatment in the Clippers made him dissatisfied, he wanted to get more ball and performance opportunities, to prove his worth, but also to attack the championship, obviously the Clippers can not meet his idea now, so in the offseason, he refused to stay with the Clippers, and wanted to find a team that suits him again.

Reject the Clippers and go all out to attack the championship, and the team that Wei Shao may join is the Nuggets!

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

According to Shams, Wei Shao and the Nuggets are interested in each other, and the two sides are likely to reach a cooperation, and the Clippers may start a trade with the Nuggets about Wei Shao.

Wei Shao wants to join the Nuggets, and the Nuggets also want to get Wei Shao, the probability of this deal being reached is very high, and Wei Shao and the Nuggets are indeed in love.

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

The Nuggets successfully won the championship in 23, but after winning the championship, the Nuggets also sent away a number of role players in order to save money, resulting in a significant decline in the team's bench strength. And this offseason, the team's wing big man Pope left again, and the Nuggets roster further collapsed, and the team needed to add players even more.

Wei Shao is undoubtedly a good fit for the Nuggets! Wei rarely has a leadership temperament, drives the team's rhythm and morale, and is very suitable for the Nuggets with a flat style of play. In addition, Wei Shao serves as a substitute and can take on the scoring and organization of the substitute stage, improving the combat effectiveness of the team's substitutes! It can be said that Wei Shao can bring a lot to the Nuggets.

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

Similarly, the Nuggets can also bring Wei Shao a greater chance to win the championship, at least much higher than the Clippers, and Wei Shao also has a bigger stage in the Nuggets, can get more shooting opportunities and ball possession, and his cooperation with Jokic is also very interesting, for both parties, it is in the interests of both parties to reach cooperation.

Reject the Clippers and go all out to win the championship! Goodbye Harden, Jokic is the destination for Willis

Wei Shao has a high probability of leaving the Clippers, this is also the third time that Wei Shao and Harden have met in different teams, but they all finally separated, and the two of them hit the championship together, but they still got nothing, it can only be said that the creation has made people, I don't know who can win the championship first between Wei Shao and Harden?