
At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

author:Goshi Ryuyoshi

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

Not long ago, an earth-shattering event occurred in French politics, in the first round of the French National Assembly election held on June 30, French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron's party received 21.5% of the vote, ranking third.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

In front of it are the far-right National Alliance and the pan-left coalition's New Popular Front, with the National Alliance coming in first with 34.2% of the vote, far ahead of Macron.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

What Macron didn't expect was that the current president of the National Alliance, which defeated him, was a 29-year-old young man with a high school education, and this person's name was Jordan Bardeira.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

So why did Jordan Bardeira become the president of the National Rally and what did he rely on to defeat French President Emmanuel Macron in this first round of elections? Is France's naivety really about to change?

«——【Jordan Bardeira's Experience·】——»

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Since entering 2024, it is as if the door to the election has been opened, many countries have started their own election journeys, and the most eye-catching election journey is the European countries, for some reason, the various elections opened in European countries this year, the right-wing forces have begun to occupy an advantage in them, and there is a great tendency to change the entrance hall.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

For example, on June 30 this year, France held its first round of elections to the National Assembly, and in this election, France's far-right National Alliance came first with 34.2% of the vote, nearly 13% higher than the camp of French President Emmanuel Macron.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

What is even more surprising is that the president of the National League participating in the election this time is only a 29-year-old man with a high school education, and the man's name is Pontifical Jordan Bardeira.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Born in 1995 in a working-class neighborhood in Paris, France, Jordan Bardeira grew up in a slum north of Paris, where his parents divorced when he was 1 year old.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Although the life of the family was not very good at that time, his mother still tried her best to give Jordan Bardeira a good life and education, and at the age of 16, he joined the National Front, the predecessor of the National Alliance, and began his political career.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Later, he was admitted to the Sorbonne University with excellent grades, but at that time, Jordan Bardeira chose to drop out of the university because of his concern for politics and began his political journey.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

At the age of 20, Jordán Bardeira was elected to the Île-de-France Regional Council; Since then, he has held a wide range of positions, including as a member of the European Parliament and vice-president of the National League, before being elected to the European Parliament in 2019.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

At the time of the 2022 National League elections, Jordang Bardeira was elected president of the National League by overwhelmingly beating other candidates.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Such a young president is very rare in the world, and just after becoming president, Jordan Bardeira also led the National Alliance to the 2024 National Assembly elections, and won the first place in the first round of the election with a high number of votes.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

At this time, whether it is Jordán Bardeira's National Alliance, the French people, and even all the countries in the world are looking forward to the results of the second round of the National Assembly elections on July 7. After all, if the National League wins again in the second round, Jordan Bardeira will become the youngest prime minister in French history.

«——[Reasons for the ultra-high votes of the National Alliance]——»

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

In the first round of the National Assembly election, the far-right National Alliance won a large number of votes, which also attracted people's attention and discussed why the National Alliance was able to win such a high number of votes.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

In fact, the victory of Jordan Bardeira's National Alliance in this election is inseparable from the series of ideas and policies put forward by Jordan Bardeira during this election campaign.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

During the election campaign, Jordan Bardeira put forward his political views on the various social problems facing France, saying that if his national alliance wins the election and succeeds in becoming the prime minister of France, then he will take a series of drastic measures to solve these problems after taking office.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

First, Jordan Bardeira advocated tightening immigration rules and tighter scrutiny of people entering the country in order to reduce the number of illegal immigrants and prevent the entry of terrorists and other criminals. Second, Jordan Bardeira advocated the expulsion of foreign Islamists in France and made every effort to protect the stability of the country. The reason for this is that such foreign Muslims have committed various illegal acts that affect the peace and security of French society.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Finally, Jordan Bardeira also advocated the abolition of French nationality for those born in France. He argues that these Muslims were born in France and received their education and culture, but instead of contributing to the national interests of France, they became a destabilizing factor in French society.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

In addition, Jordão Bardeira stressed that he would take measures to reduce the tax burden on the people during his presidency and use the proceeds of the tax cuts to raise the wages of workers. However, Jordan Bardeira was not a complete "savior" either, and he made it clear that he would punish them by cutting the benefits of their parents who had fallen on the wrong side of the minor.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

It can be seen from this that the reason why Jordán Bardeira's ideas have won the support of the broad masses of the French people is that almost all the propositions he put forward can be said to fully reflect the issues that the French people are most concerned about and concerned about, and these problems are precisely some of the more important problems and practical dilemmas existing in French society.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

And this has undoubtedly caused great pressure on French President Macron, Macron originally thought that it was imperative to hold an early election to the National Assembly, but he did not expect that the appearance of Jordan Bardeira posed a very significant threat to Macron, once the far-right forces of the National Alliance appeared, it will undoubtedly bring an earthquake to the French political arena, and no one can predict the direction of French politics at that time.


At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

However, Jordán Bardeira's argument shows the dissatisfaction of French voters with the status quo, and therefore has the support of many voters. But also in France, there was a controversy over the cause.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Some argue that Jordão Bardeira's ideas are too radical and that, if implemented, will undoubtedly cause destabilization in France today.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Others argue that Jordán Bardeira is too young to be prime minister of France.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Jordan Bardeira is also well aware of these doubts, but Jordan Bardeira did not give up, but turned these doubts into his own motivation to move forward and proved himself with practical actions.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

It is for this reason that the second round of the French election on July 7 has become the world's attention, because whether it is Macron's camp coming back from defeat to victory, or Jordán Bardeira's national alliance chasing after victory, they must face serious balancing challenges and practical problems.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

If the controversial centrist politician Bardeira is to be elected as the new prime minister of France, he must demonstrate the ability to solve real problems, not just a politician who stirs up populist sentiments. He needs to find solutions to the many economic, social and political challenges facing France in order to ensure its stability and development.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

On the other hand, if Macron's camp comes back from defeat in the second round of the election, they will also need to deeply reflect on the reasons for the defeat in the first round and seek ways to regain the trust of voters. They need to re-examine their policies and positions and take steps that are more in line with the needs of voters to regain voter support.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Overall, whoever is ultimately elected as Prime Minister of France will need to face serious balancing challenges and practical problems and take effective measures to address them in order to ensure the stability and development of France.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

The results of the French National Assembly election indicate not only the adjustment of the political party structure, but also the in-depth adjustment of French social values and political concepts. Can the 29-year-old Bardeira make history as France's youngest prime minister? Is the rise of far-right parties a short-term phenomenon or a long-term trend? How will Europe's political ecology evolve? These questions may only be revealed after July 7.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

However, one thing is certain: France, a country with a glorious revolutionary tradition, is once again at a turning point in history. The change was not led by an experienced politician, but by a 29-year-old Joldan Bardeira, who had only a high school education. This fact is enough to make us deeply awe of the vitality and unpredictability of democracy.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

The slogan of the Revolution, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", is still instructive for today's society, and Bardeira's election is the best proof that in a democratic political environment, change will continue, regardless of political views. Regardless of status, as long as you have dreams, strength and perseverance, you have a chance to turn the fortunes of the country around.

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

The unique charm of democratic politics lies not only in its emotional and moral aspects, but also in its far-reaching economic, social and governance implications. It can resolve conflicts of interest between groups in a peaceful and rational manner, balance the interests of all parties, and promote the development and prosperity of the country and society. Therefore, we expect that the French elections on July 7 will achieve a balance of community interests and bring about a more open, inclusive and vibrant political environment in France.

Information sources:

Reference news - "Bardeira: I want to be the "prime minister of all French people"" 2024.07.01

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

Xinhuanet - "Polls show that France's far-right parties lead the first round of voting in the National Assembly election" 2024.07.01

At the age of 29, with a high school education, will he end the Macron era? Or just one step away from the premiership

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