
Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

author:Goshi Ryuyoshi

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

A person who is not only a scientist and a businessman, but also has been imprisoned as a criminal for many years, this person's life experience is quite exciting, he is Chu Jian.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

What kind of identity does everyone know about Chu Jian? Xiaobian met him in 2010 when he was the founder of the Central Control Group, but he was labeled as having a chaotic private life by a whistleblower letter.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

And the most unforgettable thing about his life experience is the 27.58 million national project support that Chu Jian received after three years in prison!

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Just finished prison, it stands to reason that there must be a private interview process? Why is Chu Jian so exceptionally reused by the state when he goes out? What other outstanding abilities does he have?

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison


Speaking of Chu Jian's being confronted by an unknown enemy this time, we have to start with Chu Jian's own excellence, maybe this is what the ancients often said, "Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind".

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Chu Jian was born in Chun'an, Zhejiang Province, is a person born in the 60s of the last century, and his growth experience is mainly focused on the work at the age of 26.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

It may also be affected by the family environment, Chu Jian's parents focused on cultivating their children's love and pursuit of learning when they were very young, and they all said that interest is the best teacher for children, which is particularly appropriate for Chu Jian in childhood.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

It is precisely this extraordinary ability to grasp knowledge that makes Chu Jian's learning path like a continuous ladder, coupled with his own advanced learning ability, with this exploration and thirst for new knowledge, Chu Jian has a high reputation in the academic world at the age of only 26.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

At the age of 26, he has already gained a certain prestige in the academic world, and with his love and hard work in chemistry and industrial automation, he has successfully sat on the high degree and high position of doctor and professor at a young age.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Especially after the training of the master of the Japanese automation field, Chu Jian, who was already very interested in exploring it, absorbed the most cutting-edge international vision and cognitive level, and helped him to teach at Zhejiang University after returning to China.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

In addition to these deep cultivation in the academic field, Chu Jian also attaches more importance to the combination of learning and practice, which is also the reason why we mentioned the Central Control Group above.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

If the teaching of Zhejiang University is to meet Chu Jian's imparting of knowledge, then the establishment of the Central Control Group is his actual innovation and development in the field of automation in the mainland, it is no exaggeration to say that the Central Control Group has indeed filled a lot of gaps in the field of automation control systems for the country.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Chu Jian has indeed led his central control group to overcome one technical problem after another for the country, and has made great achievements for the country's industrial modernization and informatization.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

But no one's life course can go on smoothly all the time, such as the prison disaster that Chu Jian was involved in after 2010!

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

«——【Prison Disaster·】——»

Just when Chu Jian's career was in full swing, a sudden turmoil unexpectedly pushed him into the trough of fate.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

In 2010, Chu Jian, who was teaching at Zhejiang University, was accidentally handed over to the university's top management by an anonymous whistleblower letter, in which he also listed many examples of his corruption.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Because the amount of money involved was huge and linked to state funds, Chu Jian, who was suspected, was taken to the local procuratorate for investigation.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

This incident had a very bad impact at the time, because Chu Jian was responsible for the management of the Central Control Group after all, and once the incident was found to be true, the once famous Central Control Group would inevitably become Chu Jian's crazy money-making tool and difficult to investigate.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

In order to prevent the suspect Chu Jian from having a chance to escape, the local prosecutorial department can be said to have mobilized most of the agency's forces to deal a head-on blow to Chu Jian, who had not yet been prepared.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

But the clear person clears himself, even if there are so many reasons for accusation and reporting, Chu Jian has not done it, and he can't investigate different results.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

After two years of inspection, the employees of the investigation team began to prepare for the end of the entire case.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

But at the end of the incident, an accident in 2012 gave the investigation a new turn, it turned out that Chu Jian's daughter had received a lot of threatening text messages during this time, and the meaning of the words was nothing more than to ask her father Chu Jian to be careful when he went out.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

We can think of it as a provocative text message from an unknown enemy, but after many searches by the police, nothing was found, and the source of these threatening text messages was not known.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

It may also be that Chu Jian's police behavior angered the other party, and then some unknown people came out of nowhere, saying that they would fight with Chu Jian to the end, and they were bound to send Chu Jian to the cell.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

This kind of intimidation was not taken seriously by Chu Jian at first, he and his family have always adhered to their former pursuit, and Chu Jian has also been focusing on the innovation research of the Central Control Group.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

But there is no reason to prevent thieves for a thousand days, even if Chu Jian is well prepared here, he will not be able to resist the enemy's calculations in the shadows after all.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

In September 2014, just as Chu Jian was preparing for his second academician speech, an unsuspecting Chu Jian was taken away from the podium by the staff of the procuratorate.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

The reason for his arrest this time is that he used his identity as a manager of the Central Control Group to seek nearly 130 million public funds.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Here, the editor would like to make it clear that the Central Control Group is a public-owned enterprise of Hejiang University, and if you want to carry out a project research within the group, it must be approved by all the leaders of Zhejiang University before it can be implemented.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

This is also the reason why, after hearing that Chu Jian was reported, the leaders of Zhejiang University and four academicians of the National Academy of Engineering jointly appealed to demand that Chu Jian be cleared.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

But how could the enemy in the shadows who had been laid out early let his hard work be burned, and sure enough, even with the support of these school leaders, Chu Jian could not escape the three-year prison sentence after all.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

But everyone also has to think about a question, in addition to wanting to send Chu Jian to prison, what does this enemy in the shadows want to do, but it is self-evident to everyone, we can see the true intentions of this enemy in the shadows from the fact that the Central Control Group was almost facing bankruptcy later.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Three years have passed quickly, here Chu Jian continues to study his career in prison and waits for the moment when he is released from prison, while on the other side, the enemy in the shadows is also coveting the fat of Zhongkong.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

In order not to let his enterprise collapse, Chu Jian could only "confess" and anxiously wait to be released from prison when he was three years and three months old.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

«——[Ready to serve the country with industry]——»

In 2017, as the door of the prison slowly opened, Chu Jian walked out of the prison that had besieged him for more than three years, and he didn't care about tidying up and adjusting his mentality.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Fortunately, with Chu Jian's efforts to turn the tide this time, the glory of the Central Control Group was rebuilt by him again, and quickly gave the Central Control Group, which was already approaching decadence, a chance to become the leader of the industry again.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Didn't you say that Chu Jian didn't forget to innovate research in prison, so after the group stabilized, he applied for his new research project again, and successfully applied for a full research grant of 27.58 million yuan from the state, which was 2018 and his first year after being released from prison.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

This year, after Chu Jian had sufficient research funds, he led the launch of a series of forward-looking research projects with the support of national policies and the injection of social capital, including supOS, an industrial operating system independently developed by SUPCON Group.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

This system operation project, which has been studied by the Central Control Group for a long time, finally had the opportunity to be launched in 2018, and successfully broke the information silo as soon as it was launched, becoming the most convenient and easy-to-operate new industrial APP integrating development, deployment and use at that time.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

According to Chu Jian's introduction at that time, this new software system does cover the framework structure of physical connection and upper-level application, providing everyone with capabilities such as reports, industrial data lakes, low-code development, big data computing and data middle platform, forming the integration effect of today's smart factory.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

It is no exaggeration to say that this system not only greatly enhances the technical strength of the group, but also contributes an important force to the breakthrough and development of China's automation technology.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Chu Jian's persistence and efforts have indeed been rewarded in the end, and SUPCON Group has not only made remarkable achievements in technological innovation, but also gained a firm foothold in the market competition, and successfully listed to become a leader in the industry.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

This achievement is not only an affirmation of Chu Jian's personal ability, but also a strong promotion of the development of China's automation industry, but as an innovative researcher, Chu Jian has never been proud, he has always maintained his love for knowledge and technology, and loyalty to the country, the pursuit of dreams.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Nowadays, he not only pays attention to the development of technology, but also pays attention to how technology can serve the society and how to promote the progress of the country, and he firmly believes that the power of technology should be used to benefit mankind and promote the development of society.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Therefore, he is constantly exploring and trying to apply automation technology to many fields such as medical care, education, and urban management, contributing his wisdom and strength to the modernization of society.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

With the vigorous development of SUPCON and the continuous innovation of automation technology, Chu Jian has not only left a deep imprint in the field of automation in China and even the world, but also become a role model for the younger generation of scholars and entrepreneurs, and his development with the group is almost a win-win state.

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison


Today, Chu Jian is still active in the front line of scientific research and industry, and continues to contribute to the promotion of scientific and technological progress and social development with his wisdom and enthusiasm.

Chu Jian's story continues, and the legend of each of us is waiting to be written......


Daily Economic News - 50 years after being arrested and imprisoned for 3 years: the former vice president of Zhejiang University returned to the road of entrepreneurship and received 27.58 million central funds 2018.5.17

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Panorama Network - became a professor at Zhejiang University at the age of 30, arrested at the age of 50, and after he was imprisoned for 3 years, he returned to the road of entrepreneurship and received 27.58 million central financial funds 2018.5.17

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

Sina Finance - Chu Jian's "Corruption" Past and "Roller Coaster" Life2020.6.3

Chu Jian: After being in prison for 3 years, he received 27.58 million yuan of national support after being released from prison

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