
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

author:ZLG Zhiyuan Electronics
In the wave of digitalization, ZLG Zhiyuan Electronics' GXF222-4G industrial data acquisition edge gateway came into being, which meets the urgent needs of industrial sites for efficient data collection and rapid transmission with excellent interface integration and data processing capabilities. This article will provide a detailed description of its multi-domain applications to help you gain an in-depth understanding.

Intelligent manufacturing and automated production lines

  • Intelligent transformation of production line: The CAN interface is used to collect production line data in real time to achieve process transparency and help enterprises accurately grasp the production status.
  • Precise control of automation equipment: DI and DO interfaces achieve precise control, reduce manual intervention, and improve the level of automation.
  • Remote monitoring and real-time adjustment: Through remote monitoring of production status, enterprises can adjust production parameters in time to ensure product quality and production efficiency.
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

Smart logistics and port management

  • Logistics equipment information interconnection: RS-485 interface realizes real-time information sharing of logistics equipment and improves logistics transportation efficiency.
  • Intelligent port management and operation: Integrate with the monitoring system to achieve cargo tracking and positioning, and improve the overall operation efficiency of the port.
  • Data analysis optimizes decision-making: Through data analysis, enterprises can optimize logistics routes and resource allocation, and reduce operating costs.
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

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Smart Grid & Energy Management

  • Power grid equipment monitoring and early warning: The ADC interface collects power grid equipment data in real time, discovers potential risks in time, and ensures the safe and stable operation of the power grid.
  • Energy use analysis and optimization: Analyze energy use data, put forward energy-saving suggestions, and reduce enterprise operating costs.
  • Energy demand forecasting and allocation: By forecasting energy demand, enterprises can rationally allocate resources to ensure the stability of energy supply.
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

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Smart agriculture and greenhouse management

  • Real-time monitoring of environmental data: ADC and DI interfaces receive sensor data such as temperature and humidity in real time to provide the best growth conditions for crops.
  • Precision agriculture management and decision-making: Combined with data analysis, it can achieve accurate management of crop growth cycle and improve yield and quality.
  • Remote monitoring and management: Through remote monitoring and management of multiple greenhouses, labor costs can be reduced and agricultural management efficiency can be improved.
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

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Urban Management and Public Services

  • Waterworks facility monitoring and emergency response: Real-time collection of waterworks facility operation data to ensure the safety and stability of urban water supply and rapid response to failures.
  • Public safety monitoring and early warning: Combined with the video surveillance system, real-time monitoring and early warning of urban public areas can be realized to improve the level of urban security.
  • Data helps optimize public services: Through data analysis, we can optimize the allocation of public service resources and improve the quality of life of citizens.
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

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Industrial safety and environmental monitoring

  • Mine safety production monitoring: real-time monitoring of key indicators such as gas concentration and water level to ensure mine safety production and reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment and monitoring: real-time collection of wastewater treatment data to ensure that the wastewater treatment effect meets the standards and achieve green production.
  • Environmental data monitoring and analysis: Through the monitoring of environmental protection data, the impact of industrial activities on the environment is analyzed, and data support is provided for environmental decision-making.
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

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Smart car applications

  • On-board data collection and transmission system: Realize data collection and real-time transmission of on-board sensors, cameras and other equipment, and provide accurate decision-making support for intelligent driving.
  • Intelligent driving assistance and safety system: Combined with the data processing capability of the GXF222-4G gateway, intelligent driving assistance functions such as adaptive cruise control and automatic parking can be realized to improve driving safety.
  • Vehicle remote monitoring and management platform: Realize remote monitoring and management of vehicle status, including key information such as battery power and mileage, and provide decision-making support for vehicle owners or fleet managers.
  • Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communication network: The communication capability of the GXF222-4G gateway is used to realize information interaction and sharing between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure, improve road traffic safety, and optimize traffic flow.
Industrial DAQ Edge Gateway: GXF222-4G leads a new era of industrial intelligence

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