
Travel to Greece with your ex! The 54-year-old Sanchez, who is full of tendon meat, can Bezos afford it?


#头条创作挑战赛#当地时间7月1日, 54-year-old Lauren Sanchez and 60-year-old fiancé Jeff Bezos appeared on vacation in Greece, surprisingly accompanied by Tony Gonzalez, the father of Sanchez's son (ex-ex-boyfriend) and his wife, and 44-year-old Internet celebrity founder Kim Kardashian.

Travel to Greece with your ex! The 54-year-old Sanchez, who is full of tendon meat, can Bezos afford it?

The Sanchez ex-boyfriend Gonzalez is an athlete who used to play in the NFL and fell in love with Sanchez in the 90s. In 2001, the two broke up after giving birth to their son, but since the breakup, the two have remained close, Sanchez is now tied to Bezos, and even his ex-boyfriend Gonzalez has stepped into high society.

Travel to Greece with your ex! The 54-year-old Sanchez, who is full of tendon meat, can Bezos afford it?

Left: Ex-boyfriend's wife Right: Sanchez

At the beginning of June this year, the two also attended the graduation ceremony of their 23-year-old son. It is reported that Gonzalez and his girlfriend have two daughters and a son, and the two held a wedding in 2007, but did not get a license.

Travel to Greece with your ex! The 54-year-old Sanchez, who is full of tendon meat, can Bezos afford it?

Sanchez has a very high emotional intelligence, gets along very well with his ex, and is not tall, but at the age of 54, he still has a body of tendon meat, and his leg lines are extremely clear, which shows that he usually exercises his body. With such a good figure, it's strange not to be fascinated by Bezos!

Travel to Greece with your ex! The 54-year-old Sanchez, who is full of tendon meat, can Bezos afford it?

It's just that with such a strong figure, can the 60-year-old Bezos afford it?

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