
It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

author:Light Dream said

"How did Yang Ying become like this? Even if there are no resources now, but the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, isn't it good to take care of the child at home? ”

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

"What capital does she have? Her only capital is Huang Xiaoming, but unfortunately she doesn't know how to cherish it. ”

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Once upon a time, Yang Ying was also a top-notch existence in the entertainment industry, even if her acting skills were not up to par, there were still many film and television dramas and variety shows waiting for her.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

But since she went abroad and watched a performance that she shouldn't see, Zhang Jiani, who was traveling with her, has long since "disappeared", although Sister Nose has not been completely banned, but the resources have long been much worse than before.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

The endorsements are dropping one after another, and the resources are getting fewer and fewer, I thought that the running man would give her a chance to breathe, but I didn't expect that some netizens found out two days ago that the running man had coded all of Yang Ying's face!

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

For Yang Ying, this is undoubtedly "the last straw that broke the camel's back", and she had to set her sights on the Internet celebrity live broadcast circle.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

As a result, Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba, and all the arrogance she once had was crushed, and it became a low-voiced flattery.

I don't know if it's because the beauty in the live broadcast room is too big, Yang Ying's face is a little deformed in the camera, but the nasolabial folds on her face are so deep that you can't even remove dermabrasion.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Because of her request, Yang Ying's face was full of flattering smiles, and she shouted "Mr. Xin" one by one, and her posture was lower than that of the eighteenth-tier starlet.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

But I didn't expect that in the face of Yang Ying's flattery, Simba directly scolded "Get out", although this sentence was scolded half-jokingly, but it did not prevent Yang Ying from showing embarrassment in the scene.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

There are also sharp-eyed netizens who found that Yang Ying was a guest in Simba's live broadcast room, mainly to promote her new endorsement of "Red Dragonfly Women's Shoes", that's right, it is the king of 100 yuan cost performance for a pair of feet - Red Dragonfly.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

You must know that Yang Ying, who was once known as "the face of the entertainment industry", has almost countless fans with "Running Man", and still has 100 million+ fans on Weibo, and her endorsements are all high-end luxury brands such as Tiffany & Co. and Dior.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

But even the endorsement of this 100-yuan brand is already the result of Yang Ying's hard work, looking at her face carefully, sweet and elegant are no longer there, but wrapped in thick fatigue, full of shrewd calculations eager to make a comeback.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Today's Yang Ying is really embarrassing, she used to be the "princess" who lived in the sky with a skirt carried by that man, why did she have to go down to work hard, and finally ended up falling off the altar?

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Looking closely at Yang Ying's road to fame and the relationship history with Huang Xiaoming, in fact, the two of them are "destined" in the end.

In 1989, Yang Ying was born in the spring breeze of the 90s and became the youngest group of post-80s.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

When she was a child, Yang Ying was very cute, and she was almost a smaller doll than now, plus she had baby fat, so her friends liked to call her "baby" dotingly.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

When she grew up, Yang Ying lived up to her good skin and chose to be a photography model, which was also the most difficult time in her life.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

At that time, the young model circle was synonymous with "chaos" in the eyes of the public, and Yang Ying, as a small model, was only the lowest level in the circle.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Such a status is unavoidable, and some netizens picked up a video of Yang Ying dancing at Jay Chou's concert in the early days, wearing a black silk sequin skirt, charming and gaudy.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

It wasn't until she met Huang Xiaoming later that Yang Ying's status changed dramatically, and it can even be said that she "ascended to the sky in one step".

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

One is an eighteenth-tier young model, the other is already a major shareholder of Huayi Company at a young age, and a famous actor in the mainland, with such a huge disparity in identity, how did the two come together?

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Many girls have fantasized about the drama of "the domineering president falls in love with me", but it was not until middle age that they realized that such an idea was too naïve and almost impossible to achieve.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Yang Ying may not understand this truth, but the moment she saw Huang Xiaoming, she was still desperate like a moth to a fire, as if this was her only salvation.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

The acquaintance of the two did not have the romance of the wind and snow, and the first meeting was also because of the needs of work, Huang Xiaoming's MV needed a girl, Yang Ying happened to receive this job, and fate unfolded like this.

At first, Huang Xiaoming didn't take Yang Ying to heart, because the age difference between the two was large, and he hoped that Yang Ying could find someone of the same age to stay with him for the rest of his life.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

But after getting along several times, Huang Xiaoming found that he gradually fell in love with this pure and beautiful girl, and there always seemed to be a vigor and enthusiasm in her body, attracting her attention to follow her figure for no reason.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

After several candid photos by the paparazzi broke the news, the two confirmed their relationship and held a high-profile "wedding of the century".

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

That wedding invited almost half of the entertainment industry, and those present were either rich or expensive, which can be called half of the social circle.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Yang Ying's wedding dress and accessories are even more luxurious to the point of indescribable, the diamond ring is designed by Huang Xiaoming himself, surrounded by a circle of small diamonds, and a pigeon egg in the middle, worth tens of millions.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

And Yang Ying's crown of the veil is said to have been specially created by Huang Xiaoming by asking the craftsmen of the French brand who used to make jewelry for the queen, which took time and effort to create, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is extremely valuable.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

After marrying Yang Ying, Huang Xiaoming never concealed his love, first signed Yang Ying to Huayi, and then spent a lot of money in the running man program group, just to make Yang Ying popular.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

In front of and behind the scenes, when it comes to his wife Yang Ying, Huang Xiaoming has always had a smile on his face, and he does not hesitate to praise Yang Ying's goodness, and explore the marriage between the two, in fact, Huang Xiaoming gives Yang Ying enough respect and love.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

But after marriage, Yang Ying doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic as she was at the beginning, she almost doesn't talk about Huang Xiaoming in the interview, compared to Huang Xiaoming, it seems that Huang Xiaoming is the passionate love brain.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Feelings need two people to manage seriously, such a relationship is destined to not last long, 7 years later, the two announced their divorce, just like the wedding 7 years ago, shocked everyone again.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Facts have proved that without Huang Xiaoming, Yang Ying's resources are not as good as day by day, but she can still see it, if it weren't for her so-called "star chasing" abroad, I'm afraid she would still be able to thrive.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

And the real reason why the two agreed to divorce two years ago is probably because they really saw the true face of the baby, and the taste of being used and thrown away, it is not comfortable to change anyone, not to mention that he is a rich son who was born with a golden key?

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

However, despite the divorce, the relationship between the two is still maintained, after all, there is a crystallization of love in the middle - little sponge, and some time ago the two also visited the little sponge together to give the child enough love.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

Now that Huang Xiaoming is winning awards and filming works, his new girlfriend Ye Ke is also a real strong woman, it can be said that her new life is singing all the way, and everything is developing in a good direction.

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago

On the other hand, Yang Ying, resources and love have been lost, I wonder if she will regret the decision she once made?

It wasn't until I saw Yang Ying's recent photos that I finally understood that this was the real reason for her divorce 2 years ago