
How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

author:Asahi Ome

The Birth of the Sun: A Miracle in the Universe

In the vastness of the universe, the formation of the solar system is an amazing process. This process has not only shaped the planetary world as we know it, but also created the conditions for life on Earth. Let's explore the birth of the solar system and the life of the star.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

The Formation of the Solar System: The Birth of the Planets

About 4.6 billion years ago, a huge molecular cloud began to collapse, forming the solar system as we know it today. This process begins with an increase in the density of the center of the cloud, and gravity causes matter to gather towards the center. As the matter continues to collapse, the clouds begin to rotate, forming a flattened disk-like structure that we call the protoplanetary disk.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

In this disk-like structure, the temperature and pressure in the central region continue to rise, eventually reaching the conditions for nuclear fusion, and the sun is born. And on the periphery of the disk, the remaining gas and dust begin to form planets. In this process, planets are formed in two ways: gas giants and rocky planets.

Gas giants, such as Jupiter and Saturn, are mostly made of hydrogen and helium. They form in the outer reaches of the solar system, where there is ample gas to absorb. These planets first formed a rocky core, then rapidly accreted the surrounding gas, eventually forming giant gaseous planets.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

In contrast, rocky planets such as Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury form in regions closer to the Sun. Here, the sun's heat blows most of the gas away, leaving only the heavier rocks and metals. Through the continuous collision and aggregation of these materials, they gradually formed the rocky planet we see today.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

The formation of the earth is particularly special. Not only did it gather enough material to become a moderately sized planet, but it also formed an environment suitable for life through a series of geological activities and chemical reactions. The formation of the atmosphere, the presence of water, and the movement of plate tectonics all created the conditions for the birth and evolution of life on Earth.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

The life cycle of the sun

As the center of the solar system, the life cycle of the Sun has a profound impact on the entire planetary system. The Sun is currently in the main-sequence phase, which will last for about 10 billion years. At this stage, the sun produces energy primarily through hydrogen fusion reactions in its core, maintaining a relatively stable size and brightness.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

However, over time, the hydrogen fuel in the solar core will gradually run out. In about 5 billion years, the Sun will enter the red giant phase. At this stage, the Sun expands to hundreds of times its current volume, and its surface may extend near the Earth's orbit. This will have a devastating effect on the planets inside, with Earth's oceans evaporating and the atmosphere stripped.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

After the red giant phase ends, the Sun will eject out of the outer layers to form a planetary nebula, while the core will shrink into a white dwarf. This white dwarf will slowly cool over billions of years, eventually becoming a faint object.

This life course of the sun has a profound impact on the future of the earth and human civilization. While these changes will occur in the distant future, they remind us of the dynamic nature of the universe, and our place in it.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

The Birth of the Sun: The Cosmic Theater 4.6 Billion Years Ago

Back 4.6 billion years ago, the birth of the sun was the culmination of a cosmic drama. This process begins with a huge molecular cloud, possibly triggered by a shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion. This shock wave caused a region of uneven density to appear inside the molecular cloud, and gravity began to dominate the evolution of this region.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

As the matter continues to gather towards the center, the clouds begin to spin faster and faster. This is due to the principle of conservation of angular momentum: when the matter gathers towards the center, in order to keep the total angular momentum constant, the rotational velocity must increase. This rotation eventually causes the cloud to become a flattened disk-like structure.

In the center of the disk, matter accumulates, forming a super-dense sphere. This sphere is the prototype of the primordial sun. As the substance continues to collapse, the temperature and pressure in the center continue to rise. When the temperature reaches about 10 million degrees, the hydrogen atoms begin to undergo nuclear fusion reactions, releasing huge amounts of energy. This marks the official birth of the sun.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

This process lasted about 10 million years, a split second relative to the age of the universe, but unimaginably long for human time scales. In this process, the sun continues to accrete the surrounding material, gradually reaching its present mass and size.

Pioneers of the universe: the first generation of stars

In exploring the origin of the sun, we cannot but mention an earlier generation of stars - pioneers in the universe. These first stars were born when the universe was only a few hundred million years old, and the environment was very different from what it is today.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

The early universe consisted mainly of hydrogen and helium, with few heavy elements. It was in this environment that the first generation of stars was born. Due to the lack of the cooling effect of heavy elements, these stars tend to be enormous, some reaching hundreds of times the mass of the present Sun.

These massive stars burn extremely violently and have relatively short lifespans, perhaps only a few million years. But the process of their death is extremely important. When these stars run out of fuel, a violent supernova explosion occurs. These eruptions not only release enormous amounts of energy, but also scatter heavy elements that are synthesized inside the stars into space.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

It was these supernovae explosions that enriched the chemical composition of the universe and provided the necessary heavy elements for later star and planetary systems. Our solar system, including life on Earth, is made up of the "ashes" of these early stars.

This process demonstrates the cyclical nature of the universe: the death of stars provides the raw material for the birth of new star and planetary systems. The Sun, as a second- or third-generation star, inherits the legacy of these pioneers and becomes the cradle of life.

How is the sun formed? Scientists speculate that it is a product of the death of the first generation of stars

By exploring the formation of the solar system, the life cycle of the sun, its gestation, and the pioneer stars in the universe, we learn not only about the origin of the sun, but also about the evolution of the universe.

This process showcases the magnificence and complexity of the universe and also makes us realize the special place of the earth and humanity in the universe. Although we seem insignificant relative to the scale of the universe, our very existence is a miracle of cosmic evolution.

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