
How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

author:Asahi Ome

Jupiter: A two-sided giant star in the solar system

In the vastness of the solar system, Jupiter attracts the attention of scientists and ordinary people alike with its unique charm and complex characters. As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter is not only stunning in size, but its impact on the solar system is profound and multifaceted.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

Let's explore the dual role of this superstar, reveal its mysterious physical structure, and learn about its unique place in human culture.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

Jupiter's dual role

Jupiter plays a complex and contradictory role in the solar system, both as a guardian of the Earth and as a potential threatener. This dual identity stems from Jupiter's powerful gravitational field, which is able to significantly influence the orbits of surrounding celestial bodies.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

As a guardian, Jupiter's enormous gravitational pull is able to attract and capture many small celestial bodies that could threaten Earth. The most famous example of this is the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levi-9 in 1994. The comet was torn into 21 pieces by its strong gravitational pull as it approached Jupiter, and then hit the surface of Jupiter one after another.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

The impact would release energy equivalent to 750 times the total global stockpile of nuclear weapons, and if it happened on Earth, the consequences would be unimaginable. Jupiter, through "self-sacrifice", protected the planets of the inner solar system from such catastrophic impacts.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

However, Jupiter's guardianship role is not absolute. Sometimes, it can also become a potential threat to the planet. Jupiter's powerful gravitational field could alter the orbits of some small bodies, directing objects that would not otherwise be close to Earth to the inner solar system. The 1770 Comet Lexel event is a case in point.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

The comet was originally orbiting the outer solar system, but as it passed Jupiter, its orbit was significantly altered, causing it to pass by the Earth at an astonishing close range. Although the close encounter did not cause actual harm, it was a reminder of the potential risks that Jupiter's gravitational pull could pose.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

The physical structure of Jupiter

To understand Jupiter's dual role, we need to have a deep understanding of its unique physical structure. As a gas giant, Jupiter's composition is fundamentally different from that of rocky planets such as Earth.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

Jupiter is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, two elements that make up the majority of Jupiter's total mass. But contrary to popular belief, Jupiter is not entirely made of gas. Scientists speculate that Jupiter may have a relatively small solid-state core, made up of rock and metal, and potentially more than a dozen times as massive as Earth.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

Jupiter's atmosphere is one of its most striking features. It presents a complex band-like structure, consisting of alternating light and dark bands. These bands are caused by Jupiter's rapid rotation (only about 10 hours in one Jupiter day) and internal thermal convection. The most famous of these bands is the Great Red Spot.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

This massive storm system, which has lasted for hundreds of years and is large enough to hold two to three Earths, is the largest known storm in the solar system.

Beneath Jupiter's deep atmosphere, scientists speculate on the existence of a huge ocean made up of liquid hydrogen. At extremely high pressures, hydrogen may take on metallic properties, and this metallic hydrogen layer is thought to be the source of Jupiter's powerful magnetic field.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

Jupiter's gravitational pull

Jupiter's massive mass (318 times that of Earth) gives it a powerful gravitational field. On the surface of Jupiter, the acceleration of gravity is about 2.4 times that of Earth. This means that if you can stand on the "surface" of Jupiter (in fact Jupiter has no solid surface), you will feel like you are weighing 2.4 times as much as on Earth.

It is this strong gravitational pull that allows Jupiter to influence the motion of other celestial bodies in the solar system. Not only does Jupiter have numerous moons (79 are known), but it can also influence the orbits of objects in the asteroid belt and even change the path of comets in some cases.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

Jupiter's place in human culture

Jupiter has held an important place in human culture since ancient times. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods, ruling the sky and thunder and lightning. The name reflects the reverence that the ancients had for this bright planet. In ancient China, Jupiter was known as the "Year Star" because it orbits the Sun approximately every 12 years, corresponding to the 12 years of the Earth's branch.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

As science evolves, so does Jupiter's place in human culture. It is no longer just a mythical deity, but has become an important object for human beings to explore the mysteries of the universe.

Since Pioneer 10 first flew by Jupiter in 1973, multiple probes such as Voyager, Galileo and Juno have taken a closer look at Jupiter, greatly improving our understanding of the giant planet.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

In modern art and science fiction, Jupiter is often depicted as a mysterious and spectacular world. Its large red spots, brilliant banded clouds, and numerous satellite systems provide a rich source of inspiration for creators. At the same time, Jupiter is often regarded as an important transit point for human deep space exploration in the future, and plays a key role in science fiction works.


Jupiter's complex role, unique physical structure, and importance in human culture as a giant star in the solar system make it a fascinating subject to study.

How scary is Jupiter? Scientists are both protectors and destroyers, hidden dangers of the solar system

With the advancement of science and technology, our understanding of Jupiter will continue to deepen, which will not only help to reveal the formation and evolution of the solar system, but also provide valuable experience and knowledge for human exploration of the universe farther afield. Jupiter's presence reminds us that the mysteries of the universe are far more complex and magical than we think, inspiring us to continue exploring and thinking about our place in the universe.

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