
There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

author:Tsai browsing hall
There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

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There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

——【Foreword·】 ——»

China's cities are developing rapidly, from obscurity to prosperity, and cities are rising one after another, outlining an amazing urban map.

Among them, the first-tier cities are undoubtedly the brightest stars, with strong economic strength, profound cultural heritage, and strong scientific and technological innovation, which are well-deserved national business cards.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

However, in order to be called an "international metropolis", it also needs to have strong strengths in economy, transportation, science and technology to attract global talents.

Looking at the whole country, there are only 5 cities that have won this award, which ones are they?

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

——【Beijing、Hong Kong·】——»

Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient, the capital of the world, these two words have almost become synonymous with the city. The dazzling night view of Victoria Harbour and the towering skyscrapers constitute a bustling urban scene.

Beijing, the capital of China, has a long history and profound cultural heritage, and in recent years, it has gradually shown the style of an international metropolis.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

These two cities, one modern and the other classical, both exude a unique attraction that people flock to. What makes them so fascinating? The answer may be: internationalization.

Beijing, a city with a history of 3,000 years and a history of 870 years, has a heavy history flowing in its bones.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

The red walls and golden tiles of the Forbidden City and the winding majesty of the Great Wall all tell the glory of Chinese civilization. Every year, millions of tourists flock here from all over the world to experience this unique cultural charm firsthand.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

But Beijing's charm goes far beyond that, it is also the center of China's politics, culture, and scientific and technological innovation, with a GDP of 4.3 trillion yuan, ranking among the top in the country, and its strong economic strength and development potential attract countless dreamers.

Hong Kong, known as the "Pearl of the Orient", has attracted the world's attention with its unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

The dazzling night view of Victoria Harbour and the magnificent view of Victoria Peak have become a beautiful memory in the hearts of countless people.

Hong Kong is the world's third largest financial center, with a sound financial system and legal system, attracting many multinational companies to set up headquarters or branches here, and the economic prosperity has also led to the construction of urban infrastructure and the improvement of social welfare, making it one of the safest and most livable cities in the world.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Cultural heritage is the soul of a city's temperament, and both Beijing and Hong Kong have unique advantages in this regard.

Beijing, the city with the world's largest number of world cultural heritages, is breathtakingly steeped in its historical and cultural heritage.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

From the imperial gardens such as the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace, to the market life of old Beijing in the hutongs, all of them exude a strong historical and cultural atmosphere.

Hong Kong, on the other hand, has a unique cultural atmosphere with its unique colonial history and the blending of Eastern and Western cultures.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

The Hong Kong-style milk tea in the café and the fortune-telling stalls at the Temple Street Night Market all show the multicultural charm of Hong Kong.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Of course, the charm of a city lies not only in its history and culture, but also in its economic strength and development potential.

As the capital of China, Beijing has strong political resources and policy advantages, attracting a large number of domestic and foreign enterprises and talents to gather here.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

In recent years, Beijing has taken scientific and technological innovation as the top priority of urban development, and Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park has become one of the important scientific and technological innovation centers in China and even the world, attracting more and more high-tech enterprises and entrepreneurs.

As one of the world's financial centres, Hong Kong's economic strength and degree of internationalisation are beyond doubt.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

It has a well-established financial system, legal system and free trade environment, attracting many international financial institutions and multinational companies to set up branches or headquarters here.

A livable environment is an important factor in attracting talent and capital, and both Beijing and Hong Kong have made great efforts in this regard.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

In recent years, Beijing has vigorously tackled environmental pollution, and its air quality has improved year by year, while continuously improving the construction of urban infrastructure to improve the convenience of residents' lives.

Hong Kong has always been known for its safe, clean and efficient urban environment, with world-class medical facilities and educational resources, providing residents with a high quality of life.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big


"A Tale of Two Cities" is not only in Dickens's novels, but also in China.

Shanghai, the leader of China's economy, an international metropolis, and a synonym for modernization; Chongqing, the representative of the rise of the west, is a charming mountain city with an astonishing development rate.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

These two cities, like two rushing rivers, each rushing forward, but together they paint a magnificent picture of China's urbanization process.

Chongqing, a city with a history of more than 3,000 years, has left a deep imprint on Bayu culture here.

As early as the Shang Dynasty, the highly developed Bayu civilization appeared here, and it became the political, economic and cultural center of the southwest region.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Shanghai, a century-old city, has a very different historical trajectory. From a small fishing village to the financial center of the Far East, Shanghai's rise is the best interpretation of openness and inclusiveness.

Different histories have shaped their different personalities and laid the groundwork for their future development.

When it comes to the economy, Shanghai and Chongqing, like a high-speed running train, and a powerful rocket, are bursting with amazing energy.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Shanghai, China's largest industrial base and foreign trade port, has absolute advantages in finance, science and technology, trade and other fields, and its economic strength is beyond doubt.

In 2023, Shanghai's GDP will reach 4.7 trillion yuan, ranking first in the country, and its average household assets are close to 700,000 yuan.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Chongqing, relying on the golden waterway of the Yangtze River, has become an important strategic fulcrum in the "Belt and Road" initiative.

In recent years, Chongqing has developed rapidly, and its GDP has advanced to the top 10 in the country, and its unique geographical advantages and vigorous development momentum have made it the most dazzling star in the western region.

In addition to the economy, culture is also the indispensable soul of a city.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Chongqing's culture, like its hot pot, is enthusiastic and unrestrained, spicy and fragrant. The unique mountain city culture attracts countless tourists to check in and experience the charm of the 8D magic city.

Shanghai, on the other hand, is like a cup of fragrant coffee, delicate and elegant, with an endless aftertaste. Shanghai-style culture, inclusive, attracts talents and tourists from all over the world.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Two different cultures, both exuding charming charm, together constitute a colorful picture of China's urban culture.

When it comes to geography, Shanghai and Chongqing, one in the plains and the other in the mountains, show very different urban styles.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Shanghai, located in the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta, is strategically located, which provides unique conditions for its economic development and urban expansion.

Chongqing, on the other hand, is built on the mountain, and its unique mountainous terrain has created its title of "8D Magic City", but it has also brought challenges to urban development.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Different geographical environments have shaped their different urban forms, transportation networks and industrial layouts, and also created their own unique urban charm.

——【Xi'an·】 ——»

The next city is Xi'an.

Xi'an, an ancient and vibrant city, will have a GDP of 1,148.651 billion yuan in 2022 for the first time.

What is supporting Xi'an's economic take-off? The answer lies in the city's rich history.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Xi'an, known as Chang'an and Hojing in ancient times, has a history of more than 3,100 years. From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, 13 dynasties have built their capitals here, which is a veritable ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties.

The long history has endowed Xi'an with a rich cultural heritage and profound cultural heritage. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Wen of Zhou made the capital of Haojing, opening the glorious history of Xi'an as the capital.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

After unifying the six kingdoms, Qin Shi Huang established the first feudal dynasty in Chinese history, and built the magnificent Afang Palace and Lishan Mausoleum in Xi'an, which are still treasures of the World Cultural Heritage Site.

During the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty strategized in Weiyang Palace and created the "Prosperous Era of Han Wu", and Xi'an became one of the most prosperous cities in the world at that time.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

The Tang Dynasty was the most glorious period in the history of Xi'an, Tang Taizong Li Shimin made great efforts to create the "rule of Zhenguan", and during the reign of Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, Xi'an reached unprecedented prosperity.

The ancient buildings of the Tang Dynasty, such as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the Little Wild Goose Pagoda, and the Xingjiao Temple Tower, have witnessed that glorious history. Xi'an is not only an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, but also the starting point of the ancient Silk Road.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

As an important hub for cultural exchanges between the East and the West, Xi'an has integrated a variety of cultural elements to form a unique cultural charm.

Compared with the other three ancient capitals of the world, Xi'an has a longer history and a more diverse culture, and is a representative of Chinese civilization.

The name "Chang'an" carries the cultural memory of the Chinese nation, and also carries the inheritance and development of traditional culture by Xi'an people.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Nowadays, Xi'an uses modern scientific and technological means to transform historical and cultural resources into tourism advantages, creating a series of cultural tourism brands such as "Datang Never Sleeps City", attracting tourists from all over the world.

The Tang Dynasty never sleeps at night, full of light, and visitors are weaving, as if traveling back to the prosperous Chang'an. Xi'an's cuisine is just as mouth-watering.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Special snacks such as oily noodles, cold skin, beef and mutton steamed buns are not only delicious, but also contain the unique food culture and lifestyle of Xi'an.

Xi'an not only has a rich historical and cultural heritage, but also an important scientific research, education and industrial base in China.

Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xidian University and many other universities have provided Xi'an with strong scientific research strength and talent advantages.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big

Xi'an's aerospace industry is well-known throughout the country, from the H-6, Y-8, to the new boat series aircraft, Xi'an's aerospace people continue to refresh the new height of China's aerospace industry.

As a national central city, Xi'an occupies an important position in the national development strategy.

There are only these five real international metropolises in China, and other cities should not fight anymore, the gap is too big


The charm of a city lies in its unique rhythm, in its beating pulse, and in the seal it has left in the long history.

We are pursuing the footsteps of modernization, and we are also eager to find a touch of cultural temperature in the reinforced concrete forest.

Perhaps, true internationalization lies not only in high-rise buildings and bustling streetscapes, but also in an inclusive, open and pluralistic attitude, and in its voice of dialogue with the world.


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