
With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

author:Dreamers of the sea

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With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?


The Dongfeng missile, known as the artifact of protecting the country, has always played a vital role in the mainland's military defense.

As an important part of the Dongfeng series of weapons, the Dongfeng-41 missile, which can reach 25 times the speed of sound, is regarded as the finale strategic weapon for guarding national security.

How powerful is this missile? Why is it so precious that Continental Army fans call it a priceless treasure that will not sell for $10 billion?

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

Protecting the country and deterring the world

In today's world, the development of missile technology has become an important criterion for measuring a country's military strength, and among the many advanced missiles, China's Dongfeng-41 intercontinental missile can be described as unique.

What is the superiority of this missile, which is known as the "artifact of protecting the country"?

The power of the DF-41 missile is not an exaggeration to describe it as "amazing", and its striking power is equivalent to the simultaneous explosion of 130 atomic bombs, which can cause damage similar to the magnitude of a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

Just imagine, the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Japan has already caused unimaginable casualties and damage, and the maximum warhead of the Dongfeng-41 is 130 times more powerful than that explosion, which is enough to make any country frightened.

But the terrifying thing about the DF-41 is not only its yield, this missile has a range of up to 14,000 kilometers, which means that it can hit any target on the planet in 1 hour.

Whether it is New York in the United States, or Paris in Europe, it is within its range, and what is even more terrifying is that the speed of the DF-41 is up to Mach 25, which is almost impossible for any existing interception system to cope with.

Information sources:

People's Information "Official Secret: Dongfeng-41 has a maximum range of about 14,000 kilometers and a strike accuracy of 100 meters"2021-07-04

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

In addition to its wide strike range and high speed, the DF-41 also has a terrifying feature, that is, it can carry multiple warheads.

The DF-41 can not only be equipped with 10 sub-warheads to attack multiple targets at the same time, but also can carry a nuclear warhead with a yield of 3 million tons to cause a devastating blow to the target area.

So, with such a powerful Dongfeng 41, what kind of impact does it have on China and even the world pattern?

Dongfeng 41 is a trump card for China's peaceful rise, the United States and Western countries, the performance of the Dongfeng 41 expressed great concern and vigilance, the existence of the Dongfeng 41 has greatly enhanced China's international strategic position and military deterrence

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

Moreover, the DF-41 is a powerful weapon for China to break through the encirclement of the United States, and as we all know, the United States has long tried to lay a wide net around China to contain China's development.

However, the emergence of the Dongfeng-41 has completely bankrupted these attempts of the United States, and no matter how many military forces the United States deploys around China, it will not be able to withstand the blows of the Dongfeng-41, which is the strategic deterrent of the Dongfeng-41.

As an important weapon of the country, the existence of Dongfeng-41 has greatly enhanced China's strategic position and military deterrence in the world, and its successful development marks that China has reached the world's advanced level in the field of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

Advanced technology, flexible and mobile

The power and strategic significance of the Dongfeng-41 missile are so great, and the reason why it can play such a huge role is inevitably inseparable from advanced technical support and scientific deployment methods.

The DF-41 missile uses a three-stage solid-fuel rocket engine, which means that it has strong propulsion and extremely fast flight speed, and with this engine, the DF-41 can fly at an astonishing Mach 25.

However, speed is not the whole of missile technology, an excellent missile, but also need to have accurate guidance capabilities, Dongfeng 41 with its excellent guidance system, can achieve multiple warheads in the middle of the guide, effectively break through the enemy's anti-missile system.

Information sources:

Huaxia Jingwei "The 75th Anniversary of New China's National Defense: Heavy Weapons of a Great Power - Dongfeng-17, Dongfeng-41 Missiles" 2024-06-17

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

In addition to a powerful rocket engine and a precise guidance system, the DF-41 missile also uses advanced stealth technology, and its radar reflection cross section is positively small, which means that it is difficult to be detected and locked by enemy radar during flight.

At the same time, the anti-heat shielding on the surface of the missile can effectively resist the damage of the missile by high temperatures and ensure that the missile can still fly normally in extreme environments.

Many fixed-launch ICBMs are different, or self-propelled artillery, and the DF-41 adopts a combination of railway mobile deployment and road mobile deployment. What are the advantages of this approach? The biggest advantage is that it is highly maneuverable.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

One might ask, is it really necessary to have a hyper-high-speed missile like the Dongfeng-41? You know, even missiles with a speed of more than Mach 20 are enough to make existing anti-missile systems helpless.

However, the development of military technology has never ended, and today's advanced may already lag behind tomorrow, and only by constantly pursuing higher speed and stronger performance can we be invincible on the battlefield in the future.

It can be said that Dongfeng 41 is not only a weapon, but also a crystallization of technology and a symbol of the times, which shows the progress of China's science and technology and highlights the strength of China's military.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

In this era of great power games, having such a "sharp weapon" undoubtedly gives us more confidence at the negotiating table.

Of course, the purpose of our development of military technology has never been for the sake of war, but for the sake of peace. Only by having a strong national defense and mastering advanced weapons can we safeguard the country's sovereignty and dignity at a critical moment.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

High-speed competition, diverse classification

The DF-41 is just one of the many advanced missiles in the world today, and in this era of rapid changes in missile technology, countries are competing to develop faster, stronger, and smarter missiles.

First of all, let's turn our attention to China and Russia, two countries that dominate the field of high-speed missiles.

China's missile technology can be said to have made great progress all the way, from the initial Dongfeng series to the current Julang and Changjian series, China's missile weapons are constantly being updated and their speed is also constantly improving.

The Dongfeng 21D missile, known as the "aircraft carrier killer," has a maximum range covering most of the western Pacific Ocean, so that the US aircraft carrier battle group has to be more vigilant.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

As early as the 70s of the last century, the Soviet Union began to develop hypersonic missiles, and now Russia has a large number of advanced high-speed missiles.

As can be seen from the examples of China and Russia, high-speed missile technology has become the focus of military competition among major powers, and whoever can be one step ahead in speed will be able to gain an advantage on the battlefield in the future.

The competition in missile technology is not only reflected in the speed, with the progress of science and technology, the missile has also shown a diversified development trend, as a typical strategic missile, the existence of such missiles as the Dongfeng 41, is an important guarantee for maintaining national security.

Information sources:

Global Network "China's Dongfeng 21D Missile Five Advantages Can Destroy the US Aircraft Carrier in One Time" 2014-01-16

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

Of course, the development of missile technology will never stop at the present, and with the application of new materials, new processes, artificial intelligence, and other new technologies, missiles are bound to develop in a faster, farther, and more intelligent direction

In this arms race, in which the smoke of gunpowder is invisible, whoever can seize the opportunity will be able to seize the initiative in the future geopolitical game, and this is where the strategic significance of the missile technology competition lies.

As a responsible major country, China is actively promoting the process of international arms control and disarmament while developing advanced missile technology.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

Science and technology for good, peaceful development

When we are amazed by the power of the Dongfeng 41 and the progress of science and technology, we must not forget that weapons are always a double-edged sword, and how to make this sword point to peace, not war, is a question that our generation must think about.

The development of science and technology has always been a complex process, which can bring benefits to mankind or disasters, and the key lies in how we use this technology.

The development of missile technology is not only a military demand, but also an intrinsic motive force for scientific and technological progress, and the development of missile technology, from a single weapon of destruction to a multi-purpose space carrier, is also a microcosm of the continuous progress of human science and technology.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

Today, missile technology has become an important indicator of a country's scientific and technological strength and military strength, and countries with advanced missiles will undoubtedly have a greater say in the international arena.

As the creator of the DF-41, China is well aware of the value of peace, and our development of advanced weapons has never been aimed at dominating the world, but for safeguarding national security and providing a guarantee for peaceful development.

Information sources:

Xinhua News Agency, "The 70th Anniversary of the Publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Conference Held in Beijing, Xi Jinping Attended the Conference and Delivered an Important Speech"2024-06-28

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?

In this process, China has always adhered to a defensive national defense policy, adhered to the principle of no first use of nuclear weapons, and adhered to the principle of self-defense and counterattack, reflecting China's responsibility as a responsible major country.

At China's initiative, the "new security concept" of resolving differences through dialogue and consultation, replacing zero-sum games with win-win cooperation, and jointly safeguarding global strategic stability is gaining more and more recognition in the international community.

In the future, with the continuous enhancement of China's scientific and technological strength, we have reason to believe that China will play a greater role in safeguarding world peace and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

With a speed of 25 times and a power comparable to 130 atomic bombs, how good is it that you don't sell missiles for $10 billion?


Dongfeng 41 is not only the crystallization of cutting-edge technology, but also the embodiment of the concept of peaceful development.

Under the protection of Dongfeng 41, we have reason to believe that China will make great strides forward on the road to national rejuvenation and usher in a better tomorrow.
