
Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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In the hot summer, some people choose to drink a lot of tea to quench their thirst, believing it to be a good way to quench their thirst and enjoy it. However, this habit may not be as healthy as it seems. In fact, excessive tea consumption can cause a range of health problems, especially on the stomach.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

Drinking tea, this is our Chinese's old habit, everyone thinks that this is not only to quench thirst, but also a health knowledge. However, incorrect tea drinking and excessive tea consumption can actually be potentially harmful to health, especially to the stomach.

This section will delve into the negative effects of tea drinking on the stomach, and provide some professional knowledge and examples to let readers understand how to scientifically prepare tea to protect stomach health while enjoying it.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

We need to know that tea contains more caffeine, caffeine is a stimulant that stimulates gastric acid secretion. Normally, stomach acid is necessary to help digest food, but excess stomach acid can erode the stomach lining, which can lead to gastritis or stomach ulcers over time. In particular, drinking tea on an empty stomach directly stimulates the stomach lining and increases the risk of stomach problems.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

The tannin content in tea is high, and tannic acid can combine with the iron in the food we use to form a complex that is not easily absorbed by the body, thereby reducing the bioavailability of iron, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia in the long term.

Especially for people who need more iron, such as children and pregnant women, the amount of tea they drink needs to be controlled. It is recommended to drink tea during non-meal times and try to choose teas with lower iron content, such as white tea or herbal tea.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

The tea polyphenols and theophylline in tea are indeed very beneficial to the body, they can help antioxidants, and can also reduce blood lipids, which sounds pretty good, right? However, just like eating, eating too much will make you last, and drinking too much tea is the same thing.

If these ingredients are consumed in excess, they can disrupt our digestive system, interfere with the normal work of digestive enzymes, and make food digest and absorption less smooth.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

There are also some studies that suggest that drinking a lot of tea may also disrupt the good flora in our gut. These intestinal friends are especially important to our health, they help us digest food, protect gut health, and support the normal functioning of the immune system.

If the balance of intestinal flora is disturbed, it may not only lead to indigestion, but also affect immune function over time.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

When discussing the health effects of tea drinking habits, we usually focus on the type, time, and amount of tea. However, the specific way of drinking tea is just as important and often overlooked. This section will analyze in detail these ways of drinking tea that may not be healthy or even harmful to the body, and provide unique perspectives and professional suggestions to help readers enjoy the fun of drinking tea more scientifically.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

First, let's talk about hot beverages. Many tea lovers like to make a cup of hot tea, believing that this can better release the aroma and active ingredients in the tea. However, long-term consumption of excessively hot beverages, especially hot tea at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius, can cause damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and even the esophagus, increasing the risk of esophageal cancer.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

A study showed that the incidence of esophageal cancer was significantly higher in people who regularly drank high-temperature tea than those who drank tea at room temperature. Therefore, it is recommended that tea lovers wait for the tea to cool slightly to warm before drinking, which can not only protect the digestive tract, but also better feel the layers and delicacy of the tea.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

In order to save or pursue the ultimate economic benefits, some tea lovers will brew the same batch of tea many times in a row. Although it is true that good tea can be brewed more, excessive brewing will gradually release harmful substances such as heavy metals and pesticide residues in the tea, which can be potentially harmful to the body.

In addition, over-brewing tea will also lead to a significant reduction in the beneficial components in the tea, which in turn increases the risk of consuming a large number of ineffective ingredients. It is recommended that tea lovers, according to the specific type and quality of tea, reasonably control the number of brewing times to ensure the safety and health of drinking.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

Let's talk about the problem of adding sugar to tea. In order to improve the taste of tea, some people prefer to add sugar or honey to tea, but although this practice can increase the sweetness of tea, long-term high sugar addition can not only cause weight gain, but also may increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

Excessive sugar intake may also affect the effect of the natural antioxidants in tea, reducing the health value of tea. It is recommended that tea lovers try to adapt to the natural taste of tea, or use some low-calorie natural sweeteners, such as chrysanthemum or licorice, to add flavor that is both healthy and healthy.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

Many people think that drinking strong tea can really taste the charm of tea, but did you know? The caffeine and tannin content in strong tea is actually quite high, which is a strong irritation to our stomach. If the tea is brewed too strongly, it may cause stomach pain, and sometimes it may cause you to feel flustered and unable to sleep.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

There are many people who believe that only tea that is brewed strong enough can taste that true taste, but have you ever heard of it? Light tea is not only friendly to the stomach, but also helps you avoid those unnecessary side effects and maintain good health. After all, tea is drunk for enjoyment and relaxation, not to add a burden to the body, right? Drinking tea easily is the real enjoyment!

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

Many people have a habit of drinking tea after a meal, believing that it will help digestion, however, the tannic acid in tea can bind to the iron in food, hindering iron absorption, especially for people with iron deficiency anemia, this habit may worsen anemia symptoms.

In addition, if we drink tea immediately after eating, it may cause irritation to the stomach that has just eaten, so it is recommended to wait at least half an hour after a meal before drinking tea to reduce the adverse effects on the body.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

Through the detailed discussion of the above aspects, we can see that even seemingly harmless tea drinking habits can cause adverse health effects if not done properly.

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

In order to truly reap the health benefits of drinking tea, tea lovers should learn and practice scientific tea drinking methods to optimize their living habits and improve their quality of life. In this way, we can not only enjoy the beauty of tea, but also ensure that this habit becomes a true way to maintain health.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about drinking tea like this again, your stomach will be wasted? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body


[1] Wang Xiaohua, The Effect of Smoking, Drinking, and Drinking Green Tea on Osteoporosis in the Elderly, Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis, 2015-10-20

Drink tea like this again, and your stomach will be wasted! The doctor reminded: These drinking methods are not healthy and hurt the body

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