
Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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In the hot summer, bitter melon has become the protagonist of many people's kitchens, because it not only has a unique taste, but is also widely believed to help lower blood sugar, especially for those with high blood sugar, as if it has found a natural "savior".

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

However, modern medical research provides a more nuanced and comprehensive view of this common belief, pointing out that bitter melon, while good, is not suitable for everyone, especially when it comes to how and in what quantities it consumes

In modern medical research, bitter melon has been claimed as a natural food that helps lower blood sugar, especially in Eastern traditional medicine, and it is almost regarded as a "savior" for diabetics.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

However, as more scientific research has been conducted, we have begun to find that bitter melon is not entirely beneficial for people with high blood sugar, and may even bring unexpected side effects in some cases.

Although bitter melon contains an insulin-like ingredient - bitter melon, which can help lower blood sugar to a certain extent, its mechanism of action and speed are limited.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

The effect of bitter melon is more achieved by increasing the absorption and utilization of blood sugar by surrounding tissues, rather than directly stimulating the cells β islets to produce more insulin. This means that if the patient's body does not respond well to bitter melon or consumes too much, the effect of lowering blood sugar will be greatly reduced.

Bitter melon has been shown in some studies to may affect the normal function of the liver. Because the liver is an important glucose-metabolizing organ in the human body, any factor that affects liver function may indirectly affect blood sugar stability.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

Long-term consumption of a large amount of bitter gourd may lead to an increase in the burden on the liver, thereby affecting the normal synthesis and decomposition of glycogen by the liver, which is undoubtedly worse for diabetic patients who need to strictly control their blood sugar.

It should be noted that although bitter gourd is good, some of the ingredients in it may not be in harmony with those hypoglycemic drugs commonly eaten by patients with high blood sugar.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

For example, some chemicals in bitter melon are mixed with sulfonylurea oral hypoglycemic drugs, which can sometimes be self-defeating and make blood sugar drop too low, which can easily cause hypoglycemia, which can be handled carefully. Therefore, while we are eating bitter melon, we also have to talk to the doctor to see how to match medicine and food to be safe.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

In addition, we have to mention that eating too much bitter gourd may really bring a lot of challenges to the stomach. Some people may experience diarrhoea or abdominal pain after eating bitter melon, which can be uncomfortable and seriously affect the comfort of daily life.

To make matters worse, if there are frequent intestinal problems, it can affect normal nutrient absorption, which can be even worse for people who need to stabilize their blood sugar. Therefore, although there are many benefits of bitter gourd, how to eat and how much to eat, these must be weighed, don't let good things become bad things.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

For friends who have difficulty controlling blood sugar, this plan is definitely not enough to rely on bitter melon to regulate blood sugar. Without the comprehensive guidance of a doctor, relying solely on bitter gourd may be a bit "crazy", and it is easy to ignore that diabetes management is actually a big project.

A multi-pronged approach is needed: eating right, maintaining regular exercise, and sometimes relying on medication to stabilize. Don't pin all your hopes on bitter gourd, integrated management is king.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

When discussing dietary regulation in patients with hyperglycemia, it is equally important to actively seek out vegetables that can help stabilize blood sugar, in addition to avoiding potentially harmful foods.

Although bitter melon may pose side effects in some cases, there are several other vegetables that can safely and effectively aid in blood sugar control through their unique nutrients and mechanism of action. Here are four vegetables that are especially beneficial for people with high blood sugar, and their benefits may not be well known, but they are certainly recommended.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

Onions are not only good at seasoning, but the flavonoids they contain have also been shown to help lower our blood sugar. In addition, onions also contain a certain amount of chromium, a trace element that has been shown to enhance glucose tolerance and have a positive effect on the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

What's even more appealing is that these nutrients of onions are relatively stable during cooking and are not easily destroyed, making them a simple and effective blood sugar regulator in the daily diet.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

Let's look at kale. Not only is this common leafy green vegetable rich in vitamins C and K, but its high-fiber properties make it an ideal food for blood sugar management. Dietary fiber has been widely shown to slow down digestion and absorption, reducing the rapid rise in blood sugar after a meal.

The antioxidants in kale, such as glucosinolates such as glucosinolates, are able to reduce inflammation, and a persistent inflammatory state is one of the common problems in people with diabetes. The synergy of these ingredients makes kale a great helper for blood sugar control.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

Sweet potato leaves are also an excellent choice. Although sweet potatoes are higher in sugar in their roots, their leaves are a treasure trove of blood sugar management. Sweet potato leaves are rich in polyphenols and fiber, which can effectively reduce blood sugar response.

Studies have shown that the natural compounds in sweet potato leaves are able to enhance insulin sensitivity and help lower blood sugar levels in the long term. In addition, sweet potato leaves are also rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which are important nutrients for optimizing the body's metabolism and boosting the immune system.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

We have to mention cucumbers, many people may think that cucumbers are just a vegetable with a high water content, but in fact, some phytochemicals contained in cucumbers, such as cucurbitacin B, have the potential ability to regulate blood sugar.

The low-calorie properties of cucumber make it an ideal weight loss food for diabetics, and weight loss has been shown to be an effective way to improve insulin sensitivity and control diabetes. At the same time, the bioactive components in cucumber can promote sugar metabolism and help maintain blood sugar stability.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

By incorporating these vegetables into their daily diet, hyperglycemic patients can not only get rich nutrients, but also effectively assist in blood sugar control. Of course, although the role of each vegetable is unique, it is best to make dietary adjustments under the guidance of a doctor or dietitian to ensure that the purpose of blood sugar control is achieved safely and effectively.

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

Such dietary modification strategies, combined with appropriate medical management, can help people with diabetes achieve more stable blood sugar levels and improve their quality of life.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

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Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables


[1] Cong Yuan. Using Food Glycemic Index to Provide Dietary Guidance for Diabetic Patients, Shanxi Medical Journal (Second Half Monthly), 2010-11-25

Is bitter melon a blood sugar "assassin"? Doctor's reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can try these vegetables

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