
Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

author:Economic Development Zone Head District Financial Media Center

On July 1st, we ushered in the birthday of the party. Review the oath of joining the party, visit the revolutionary memorial hall, and express condolences to old party members...... In the past few days, various communities in the Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District) have carried out themed activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China.

Flag-raising ceremony Review the oath of joining the party

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

The Jiuhuashan Street community held the "July 1st" national flag raising and reviewing the oath of joining the party. Under the national flag of "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program ......", all party members and cadres in the community and resident party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in the face of the party flag, and the sonorous and powerful oath reverberated loudly, and each party member received a profound ideological education, which further strengthened their mission of loyalty to the party and serving the people wholeheartedly.

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

Review the oath of joining the party and the statement of new party members...... The West Railway Station Street and the Party members, cadres and residents of the Xiyuan Street Community Organization District carried out the "Glory in the Party 50th Anniversary Medal Awarding Ceremony" activity, so that each party member could receive a profound ideological education, and further strengthened the mission of loyalty to the party and serving the people wholeheartedly.

Theme activities remember the original intention

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

The Huonan Community Working Group organized resident party members and community party members and cadres to go to the Urumqi Museum to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "reviewing the history of the nation and drawing on the strength of endeavor", to get a close understanding of the development process and vicissitudes of the Chinese nation in the past 5,000 years, to feel the hardships paid by the ancestors for the development of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation, to understand the glorious course of the heroic struggle of the revolutionary martyrs, and to enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the party members.

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

The Party Committee of the Dongganqu Community organized the resident party members of the district to visit the memorial hall of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang. Through real and vivid historical pictures, precious documents and revolutionary stories, we deeply cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs and inherit the revolutionary spirit.

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

All the party members of the Party branch of Ziyang Lake Community and the party members of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Dongbao Industrial Group went to the patriotic education base - Mao Zemin's former residence to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "Continuing the Revolutionary Spirit", and remembered the ancestors by watching photos, videos, manuscripts, relics, sculptures, etc. After the visit, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party facing the party flag, realized the original intention of joining the party, and strengthened their ideals and beliefs.

Holiday condolences warm people's hearts

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

In order to celebrate the party's birthday and carry forward the party's fine traditions, the Xinyuan community held the "July 1st" condolences to the old party members, wearing party member badges for each old party member, and sending them carefully prepared greeting cards and potted plants, so that the old party members felt the care and warmth of the party organization.

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

Rongbei Community, Songshan Street Street, carried out the "50 years of glory in the party" old party member visit and condolence activities in the Rongjing Garden Community under its jurisdiction, sent holiday blessings to the old party members, and recalled the past, talked about the history of the party, learned party discipline, and celebrated the party's birthday together, and sent the care and warmth of the party organization to the hearts of the old party members for the first time.

Celebrate the "July 1st" series of activities丨Reminisce about the past and look at the glory of the present

The Party Committee of Rongnan Community visited 15 retired and elderly, sick and veteran party members who have been in the party for 50 years, sent them seasonal melons and fruits, and inquired in detail about their physical condition and living conditions, encouraging them to strengthen their health, give full play to their residual heat, and give more valuable suggestions for community construction.

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