
The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"According to your doctor's advice, your condition requires special attention to your daily routine."
The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

After Chen Liguo took the physical examination report in the hospital, the doctor's words kept echoing in his ears. Today, he went to the business hall to pay the electricity bill, and happened to meet Li Jianguo, an old classmate who had just been discharged from the hospital. The two talked about health issues from the window where they paid their electricity bills.

"Lao Li, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?" Chen Liguo asked.

"It's okay, it's okay, there are more old problems, but the doctor said that if you maintain good living habits, you can live longer." Li Jianguo said with a smile.

Chen Liguo nodded, but he was faintly worried in his heart, his health has not been very good in the past few years, especially recently, he has always felt tired and his sleep quality is not high. Li Jianguo saw what was on his mind and patted him on the shoulder to show understanding.

The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

The two chatted about their physical conditions, Li Jianguo shared some of the doctor's advice he heard in the hospital, and Chen Liguo also took the opportunity to talk about the results of his recent physical examination. The doctor highlighted some good habits that are essential for health, and Li Jianguo found these habits very useful and couldn't help but share them with his old classmates.

First habit: Stick to a moderate amount of exercise

Li Jianguo recalled the doctor's advice: "The doctor said that insisting on 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day can significantly improve physical health. Li Jianguo mentioned that he would take a walk every night after dinner, and at first he didn't think it was anything special, but after persevering for a while, he found that his energy had improved significantly.

The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

In fact, numerous studies have shown that moderate exercise can slow down the aging process. Chen Liguo has also heard similar claims that exercise can boost heart and lung function, improve immunity, and even help maintain mental health. For seniors between the ages of 70 and 80, exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also strengthen bones and muscles, and prevent accidents such as falls.

Second habit: Eat a balanced diet

"It is very important to have a balanced diet," Li continued, "and doctors suggest that we elderly people should eat more vegetables and fruits and less greasy and high-sugar foods. ”

Eating habits have a direct impact on people's health, especially the elderly. Studies have shown that a reasonable diet can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are very important for the elderly to stay healthy.

The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

Li Jianguo mentioned that he began to control his diet, try to avoid high-calorie foods, and increase the intake of fish and nuts, which are rich in healthy fatty acids and good for the heart.

Habit 3: Get a good night's sleep

One of the problems that Chen Liguo has been bothered by for many years is poor sleep quality, Li Jianguo said with a smile: "The doctor also emphasized the importance of sleep, and the elderly should ensure 7-8 hours of quality sleep every day. ”

Sleep is essential for the physical and mental health of older adults. Poor sleep habits not only contribute to daytime fatigue but also increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and depression. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can also affect memory and cognitive function in older adults, increasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

Li Jianguo shared his experience that he insisted on a fixed time to go to bed and wake up every day, avoided drinking coffee and tea at night, and created a comfortable sleeping environment, and these small changes have significantly improved his sleep quality.

Fourth habit: Stay social

"Don't always be bored at home, go out and talk to friends, it's good for your health." Li Jianguo said.

Older people tend to feel lonely, and loneliness is one of the important factors that lead to mental illness in the elderly. Studies have shown that active social activities can slow down the deterioration of cognitive function and enhance mental health. Chen Liguo decided to participate in more community activities and keep in touch with his friends, which will not only make him feel happy, but also enrich his later life.

The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

Fifth habit: regular physical examination

The last habit is regular physical examination, Li Jianguo said: "I go for a comprehensive physical examination every year to find out potential problems in time and prevent and treat them early." ”

Regular physical examination is an important means to maintain health, especially for the elderly, physical examination can detect some hidden health problems in time, and carry out targeted treatment and adjustment. Chen Liguo also realized this, and he decided to go to the hospital every year for a comprehensive check-up in the future, and no longer ignore the signals sent by the body.

Talking about this, Chen Liguo suddenly remembered a question: "Lao Li, you said that these good habits are quite reasonable, so is there any special food that is particularly good for us elderly?" ”

The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

Li Jianguo said with a smile: "This is really true, the doctor specially recommended a food - soybeans." ”

Soybeans are a plant-rich protein food that is especially beneficial for the elderly. Studies have shown that the isoflavones in soy have estrogen-like effects that can help prevent osteoporosis. As older people age, bone density gradually declines, which can lead to fractures and other bone problems. The calcium and vitamin D in soybeans are also important components for maintaining bone health.

In addition, soy also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Soy protein can lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. For older adults with high blood pressure, the potassium in soybeans can help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

Not only that, soybeans are also rich in dietary fiber, which can promote digestion and prevent constipation, which is a common problem in the elderly. Dietary fiber can also regulate blood sugar levels, which is also very helpful for diabetics.

Under the advice of his doctor, Li Jianguo consumes moderate amounts of soy products every day, such as soy milk, tofu and dried tofu. He noticed that his digestive system had improved and his overall physical condition had improved significantly.

The doctor also shared a case of a 76-year-old Aunt Zhang who suffered from osteoporosis due to a long-term irregular diet and lack of exercise. On the advice of her doctor, she started to consume soy products every day with moderate exercise. Half a year later, her bone density has improved significantly, and her physical condition has also improved greatly.

The elderly know that in the 10 years of 70~80 years old, they can live a long life by developing these 5 "good habits"!

By exercising moderately, eating a balanced diet, getting a good night's sleep, socializing actively, and having regular check-ups, both Chen and Li are aware of the importance of these habits to the health of the elderly.

In particular, increasing the intake of soybeans, these small changes in life, allow them to enjoy their later life while also laying a solid foundation for their health.

Every older person wants to live a long and healthy life, and these simple lifestyle habits are the key to achieving this.

It is hoped that more elderly people can benefit from this and have a happy and healthy old age.

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