
Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

author:Eagles who love camouflage

Recently, as the two sides of the strait have played their cards to play games and confront each other, public opinion on the island has actually become a mess. The mainland recently issued the "22 Opinions on Punishing Taiwan Independence," which stipulates that "separatism" can be punished with the death penalty at most. In this regard, Guo Zhengliang, a scholar on the island, said, "If the mainland does not really send people to the trial table one year after the announcement, these 22 articles will become a joke." ”

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

As a matter of fact, most of the DPP authorities and tourism wingers on the island do not take these 22 articles seriously. These people all think that the mainland will not really enforce it strictly, but more just deterrence and warning, so many people are ridiculing Article 22 and waiting to see the jokes of the mainland. Just like the PLA's military exercises against Taiwan, the people on the island have become numb. As long as the PLA conducts a military exercise, the people in the green camp on the island will make a joke and "come to blow up fish again."

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

On the evening of 1 July, Lai Qingde shouted at a banquet for the "academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" that he had three major missions during his term of office: First, to safeguard the survival and development of the "country", to have "sovereignty" to have the country, and to have Taiwan Island to have the "Republic of China." The "Republic of China" has taken root on the island. Lai Qingde stressed: We will definitely insist that the "Republic of China" and the People's Republic of China are "not subordinate to each other."

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

At a time when Lai Ching-te was once again clamoring for "two countries," Liang Wenjie, vice chairman and spokesman of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, openly clamored that from the perspective of the other side, the "Republic of China" does not exist, and that "China independence" and "Taiwan independence" are the same, and that "apart from the Constitution, we should regard them as countries, that is, the two sides of the Constitution, and in fact they are two countries." This is the first time that Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council has openly clamored that "the two sides of the strait are two countries" and openly stood on the platform for Lai Ching-te's endorsement of the "two-state theory."

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

In this regard, Xiao Xucen, executive director of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, directly stood up on behalf of Ma Ying-jeou to refute the bitter criticism, "Liang Wenjie is the vice chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, and he actually openly treats Chinese mainland as another country, then the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council will lose the reason for its existence and suggest that Liang Wenjie take the initiative to resign; It is suggested that Lai Ching-te abolish the Mainland Affairs Council and stop wasting taxpayers' money by having a vegetarian meal. ”

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

As a matter of fact, the current Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council has long gone against the original intention of establishing this department, and has become a tool of the DPP authorities and an "independence committee" that the people on both sides of the strait hate extremely much. Every time the DPP wants to undermine cross-strait relations, the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council will certainly be in the vanguard. However, Lai Qingde is already hopeless, and he is ready to go all the way to the dark, and he is an out-and-out "Taiwan independence element."

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

On the island, within a month of taking office, Lai Qingde has already done many major "Taiwan independence" events that Tsai Ing-wen has not been able to accomplish in eight years. In order to tightly hug the US "thighs," Lai Qingde not only urgently received two batches of US arms in one month. At the same time, several new arms sales contracts have been added, and the United States has also desperately urged the US side to give priority to the delivery of goods, and it looks extremely afraid of death.

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

Recently, under Lai Ching-de's arrangement, the Taiwan military has carried out a series of armament rearmaments and has taken the initiative to prepare for war. For example, a large-scale anti-landing, anti-airborne, anti-aircraft landing and anti-decapitation exercise was conducted all over the island. The Taiwan military also issued a public document demanding that ammunition be released into the open space inside the temple on the island, which caused an uproar and caused panic among the people

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced
Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

In the past two days, the major US military bases in Europe have all raised their defense levels on a large scale, and it is said that the Russian military may want to take action against the US military bases in Europe. In the Middle East, the United States has actually entered the war on a small scale with Israeli troops. Whether it's in Iraq, or in the Syrian Golan Heights, or in southern Lebanon, it's all been a pot of porridge.

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced

Two amphibious strike groups of the U.S. military have been urgently deployed to the eastern Mediterranean. According to the current trend, the large-scale entry of the US military into the war in the Middle East should be very soon. At that time, we will certainly take action to contain the US military in the Asia-Pacific region, and we can do so in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the Korean Peninsula. In this way, the problems of the Philippines' shipwreck at Ren'ai Jiao and the encroachment and occupation of Thitu Island on the mainland will be solved, and Lai Qingde and the DPP will not be able to jump for long.

Mainland into a joke? Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council provoked to the limit again, Ma Ying-jeou responded strongly, and Lai Qingde was not convinced