
Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

author:Nanjo Komaruko

At the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships, in a match between China and Japan, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old men's singles genius who was only 17 years old, suddenly fainted and convulsed, and unfortunately passed away after being sent to the hospital, which caused heated discussions in the world!

Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

Let's not talk about how broad the development future of Zhang Zhijie is, even if he is an ordinary player, he should enjoy the right to life and health protection when he faints. However, after on-site video and media reports, the referee on duty stubbornly implemented the rigid rules of the BWF, did not let the medical team enter the stadium as soon as possible, and sat still and refused the indifference of the Chinese coach trying to enter the stadium, which made people very angry!

Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

And our Chinese coach is also weak and incompetent, netizens concluded: "He saw the players suddenly fall to the ground and was still in a daze, looking left and right, watching from a distance and then withdrawing, none of the players entered the field, at this time, unity, life is above all else, watching his children and teammates lying on the ground and not rescue, even if he feels his pulse, does chest compressions, and then points to the sky, silently mourns before the game, and even transfers to the hospital for rescue, it makes no sense at all"!

Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

Moreover, the on-site medical team is also a bunch of waste, and it is completely too late to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot, but they only turned over Zhang Zhijie and carried the person away and sent him to the ambulance, which delayed the golden first aid time, not to mention any AED (automatic external defibrillator), this poor place has no qualified medical conditions at all, and it is impossible to replicate the standard emergency rescue after Erickson fell to the ground in the last European Cup!

Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

According to the Indonesian Badminton Association, in the hospital, Zhang Zhijie has lost the characteristics of his life, but the Chinese team has to be transferred to the hospital, hearing such words is simply a great irony, when Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, this group of ignorant and stupid people who are afraid of responsibility have become executioners, seeing Zhang Zhijie lose his life every minute and second, they panicked!

Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

It can also be seen from this incident that why the Chinese badminton team is not very popular in recent years, and why it is difficult to have the level of winning championships in five events, is because of the unprofessional attitude and lack of responsibility. Zhang Jun is not as far as Li Yongbo, one general is incompetent and tired to death of the three armies, and the current Chinese badminton is the leader who lacks wolf spirit!

Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

Moreover, after Zhang Zhijie's death, the Chinese Badminton Association did not dare to let go of the fart, nor did it dare to call on the International Badminton Federation to revise the unreasonable rules like the Indonesian Badminton Association, nor did it dare to condemn these quacks and indifferent referees, and even dared not self-examine, which is really chilling!

Zhang Zhijie passed away! The referee refused to enter the field, the coach watched from the sidelines, and the quack doctor carried him away without first aid

Zhang Zhijie lost his father when he was a child, and he and his sister were raised by his mother alone, Xiao Zhang hoped to be able to support his mother independently since he was a child, but he didn't expect that he was on the rise but suffered such a major accident, his mother had fallen ill, and his sister was going to Indonesia to deal with the aftermath.

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