
Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

author:Möngke talks about health

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Speaking of onions, you probably think of the tearing spicy and tear-spilling experience of chopping vegetables. However, onions are not only a flavor enhancer in the kitchen, they are also considered a healthy food that is beneficial to most people.

In particular, the ingredients in onions that make you cry are actually good things to help protect your heart. However, nothing is absolute, especially for those elderly friends whose body functions are starting to decline, certain foods, including onions, need to be more careful.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

Some of the chemicals in onions, such as sulfide, are good for the heart. Sulfide can help lower blood pressure, prevent platelet aggregation, and indirectly protect the heart from problems caused by clogged blood vessels. In addition, onions are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and fiber, which are all essential nutrients for maintaining good health.

However, some of the properties of onions may not be so friendly for the elderly. Although the sulfide in onions is good for the heart, if your stomach is not very strong, or if you have stomach ulcers, excessive stomach acid, etc., then the sulfide can become a very irritating substance and make your stomach feel uncomfortable.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

And, I have to mention, onion is also a pretty fiber-rich guy. Normally, fiber is good for our gut, helping us keep our gut healthy and prevent constipation. However, if you're older and your digestive system isn't as efficient as it used to be, too much fibre can stress your stomach and cause bloating or indigestion.

Although onions are a good thing and contain many ingredients that are beneficial to the body, for the elderly, especially those with special health conditions, it is important to be careful when eating onions. So, the next time you handle onions in the kitchen, think more about these properties and see what kind of consumption is best for you or the elderly in your family, and make sure it's delicious and healthy!

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

Onions are widely known for their health benefits, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and helping to control blood sugar. However, for older people, excessive consumption of onions may cause some health problems that go unnoticed, especially in certain health conditions.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

Let's start with the anticoagulant effect of onions. A natural chemical in onions called thioether has the effect of preventing platelet aggregation, which can help reduce the risk of blood clots to some extent.

However, for older patients who are taking anticoagulant drugs such as warfarin, this property of onions may interact with medications, causing blood to be too thinned and increasing the likelihood of bleeding, such as nosebleeds or digestive bleeding, which can pose a serious health threat if not controlled.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

In addition, although the fiber rich in onions is good for promoting intestinal health, for those who have begun to decline their digestive function, excessive fiber intake may cause gastrointestinal upset. Excessive fiber intake can also affect the body's absorption of other important nutrients, such as certain minerals and vitamins.

Another issue that is often overlooked is the allergic reactions that onions can cause. While onion-induced allergies are generally uncommon, in some older adults with sensitive constitutions, some specific compounds in onions can trigger an allergic reaction that manifests as itchy skin, eye irritation, and even difficulty breathing.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

It is important to note that some of the natural chemicals present in onions may also interact with specific medications. For example, certain ingredients in onions may affect the effectiveness of blood sugar control medications, complicating blood sugar control in older people with diabetes. For older people with diabetes who have unstable blood sugar control, indiscriminately consuming large amounts of onions may need to be adjusted under the guidance of a doctor.

In the daily diet, the elderly should consider their own health status, consume onions selectively, and if necessary, consult a doctor or dietitian to develop a diet plan suitable for their own conditions to ensure health and improve quality of life. In this regard, the importance of disseminating correct dietary information and raising awareness of food interactions is self-evident.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

For the elderly, choosing the right vegetables and fruits is crucial, as the body functions at this age are already different from when they were younger. In addition to onions, there are other fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to most people's health but can have side effects for some older people.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

Let's start with citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons. For older friends, especially those with gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) problems, eating these fruits may make the symptoms worse.

Citric acid stimulates the secretion of stomach acid, which may exacerbate stomach discomfort and burning sensation behind the breastbone. Also, high fructose levels may cause indigestion and bloating, which is more common in older people who have reduced secretion of digestive enzymes.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

Next, let's talk about cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. These vegetables do help fight cancer, but they contain more sulfides.

For older people, if they suffer from hypothyroidism, excessive intake of certain vegetables may hinder the normal absorption of iodine, which may affect thyroid hormone synthesis. In addition, these vegetables may also cause bloating and gas build-up, which may be uncomfortable for older people with sensitive digestive systems.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

The lycopene, vitamin C, and fiber in tomatoes are all wholesome elements, but they also contain naturally occurring oxalic acid, which can be a risk for older adults with kidney stone problems.

Oxalic acid reacts with calcium in the body to produce calcium oxalate, which is one of the common causes of kidney stones. Therefore, for older people with a history of kidney stones, eating more tomatoes may make the condition worse or contribute to the formation of new stones.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

In addition, although grapes are a nutritious fruit and rich in antioxidants, their high sugar content is not suitable for excessive consumption by diabetics. Glycemic control is often difficult in older patients with diabetes, and high fructose in grapes can rapidly raise blood glucose levels, creating additional challenges in blood glucose management.

Let's talk about spinach. Spinach is a good source of iron and vitamin K, making it a healthy choice for most people. However, for older adults who take anticoagulant medications such as warfarin, too much vitamin K may interfere with the drug's effects because vitamin K has the function of promoting blood clotting, which may cause the drug dose to need to be adjusted.

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

As can be seen from the above examples, even foods that are widely considered to be good for health should be consumed selectively for the elderly. Older adults should work closely with their doctor or dietitian to determine which foods are appropriate and which may need to be avoided based on their health status to ensure that the diet is both nutritious and safe.

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about onions? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day


[1] Huang Haiqun, Research status of diet-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Modern Medicine and Health, 2024-06-15

Should the elderly stay away from onions? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't eat these foods every day

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