
Yang Yi broke the news! Choi Yong-hee was explicitly rejected before the draft, and his participation in the summer league was due to his deep connections

author:Brother Peng talks about sports

Hello everyone! I'm Brother Peng, all the officials and gentlemen should develop the habit of watching first and then liking!

Recently, Yang Yi, a well-known basketball commentator, broke the news when participating in a show that before Cui Yongxi participated in the NBA draft, many teams clearly informed Cui Yongxi and his agency that they would not sign Cui Yongxi, because these teams have already inspected these players, and if the team's favorite player is "cut off", the probability of considering Cui Yongxi is also very low, which has actually clearly informed Cui Yongxi and his team that they will not choose Cui Yongxi no matter what.

Yang Yi broke the news! Choi Yong-hee was explicitly rejected before the draft, and his participation in the summer league was due to his deep connections

After Cui Yongxi failed to participate in the NBA draft, he was given a ten-day short-term contract and will play summer league on behalf of the Trail Blazers, Yang Yi revealed in the program that the reason why Cui Yongxi was able to get a ten-day short-term contract is also due to his deep connections, former Shandong team foreign aid Jeter, currently serving as the assistant general manager and team trainer of the Trail Blazers, thanks to Jet's help, Cui Yongxi entered the NBA summer game.

Yang Yi broke the news! Choi Yong-hee was explicitly rejected before the draft, and his participation in the summer league was due to his deep connections

Through Yang Yi's revelations about this matter, the rumor that Cui Yongxi had multiple teams showing strong interest in it when he participated in the draft was completely broken, in fact, I think Cui Yongxi went to the NBA to participate in the draft, there is no problem, young players should have dreams and put them into practice, but there is no need to overdo and exaggerate the publicity of Li Qun's agency that signed with Cui Yongxi, although this publicity method can improve the popularity of players, but it may also bring unnecessary pressure to players, after Cui Yongxi was defeated, There are many media on the Internet who sneer at Cui Yongxi, and Cui Yongxi will face a huge psychological gap.

Yang Yi broke the news! Choi Yong-hee was explicitly rejected before the draft, and his participation in the summer league was due to his deep connections

In addition, Yang Yi also said that young players should correct their position and mentality, lower their posture, and face challenges with a more humble and hard-working attitude. In fact, I think Choi Yong-hee should be clear about his strength, play well in the CBA league, gain a firm foothold in the national team, and how capable he is to do great things, rather than being swayed by the expectations and pressures of the outside world, and continue to grow and improve, only in this way can he find his own place in the highest hall of basketball.

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