
Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

author:Manyu Geiba

On April 24, 1990, Carina Lau received a call from Zeng Zhiwei and told her to go to KTV to sing.

never thought that this phone call would become the biggest catastrophe in Carina Lau's life, that is, the "3-hour kidnapping case" that later caused a lot of uproar.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

has a strong heart like Carina Lau, even if she encountered such a thrilling kidnapping incident, she came out quickly, in comparison, Lan Jieying, who had a similar experience to her, was not so lucky......

The source in this article comes from official media, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Miserable detention

Some time ago, there was a particularly popular saying on the Internet: a good lover can alleviate half of life's suffering.

Perhaps, Tony Leung is a stark example, after learning that his girlfriend Carina Lau was kidnapped, he drove around the car, looking for it like crazy, and said afterwards: This circle is so complicated, why don't we leave.

This sentence is like a shot in the arm, giving Carina Lau more courage to face public opinion.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

Some people may say that who can't say beautiful things, but later, when the magazine exposed the photos taken by the kidnappers to Carina Lau, Tony Leung still didn't dislike it, and supported his lover as usual.

Even though one of them is afraid of socializing and runs to London to feed the pigeons if they don't agree with each other, the other is a social cow who is keen on socializing and domineering, with very different personalities and experiences, but in the face of love, all obstacles are nothing.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

As Carina Lau said during the recording of "Venus Show", Tony Leung gave her the strength of a mountain at that time to support her out of the haze.

If Lan Jieying had her lover by her side to comfort and encourage her at that time, maybe the ending would have been very different.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

Someone once commented on Lan Jieying, saying that she was already peerless when she was 20 years old, and at the age of 30, she reached the pinnacle of her career that all artists dream of.

However, just when everyone thought that Lan Jieying had taken the script of the heroine of Shuangwen, bad luck also crept in.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

On May 29, 2000, the Southern Metropolis Report published an entertainment headline titled "Lan Jieying was detained at the airport", and the airport mentioned in the article was not domestic, but Vancouver Airport in Canada.

According to the Vancouver police who handled the case, Lan Jieying behaved strangely at the airport at that time, looking no different from a mentally ill person, and when they stepped forward to ask, the other party's sentence "If you die here, will you burn me?" made the airport staff feel like a big enemy.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair
Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

Soon, the Vancouver side detained Lan Jieying in a psychiatric hospital because of her abnormal mental health, and after the news spread to China, friends and relatives in the circle were like ants on a hot pot, anxious and unable to do it.

But because this matter is very wide-ranging, and Vancouver's attitude is very tough, everyone was helpless for a while, and at this time, Jiang David's wife Li Linlin stood up decisively.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

Who is Li Linlin? Can she bring Lan Jieying back to China smoothly? One question after another lingered in the hearts of netizens who cared about this matter, and they were not answered for a long time.

Rescue with all your might

From "beautiful Wutai Mountain" to being identified as mentally abnormal, no one knows what happened to Lan Jieying, just as Li Linlin used all her connections to rescue her from the Vancouver Mental Hospital, and the outside world knows nothing.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

The name of the famous Hong Kong star Jiang David, everyone must have heard of it, he and Qin Pei are brothers of the same father and mother, and later his mother remarried his stepfather Er Guang and gave birth to his half-brother Er Dongsheng.

Because of the complicated family relationship, the three brothers have three surnames, but these three people are also well-known figures in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

But if you want to talk about what people envy the most, it is still the happy marriage of Jiang David and his wife Li Linlin, one married his first girlfriend during the rise of his career, and the other was willing to live behind the scenes in order to take care of the family after marriage.

May 20 this year is the 50th wedding anniversary of Jiang David Li Linlin, and it is hard to imagine that in the entertainment industry full of temptations, a couple can walk hand in hand for 50 years.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

It wasn't until Li Linlin made a comeback after more than 30 years, filmed the movie "From Now On" and revealed the truth about how she did her best to rescue Lan Jieying in Vancouver in an interview with various media reporters, that people suddenly realized.

When Lan Jieying was imprisoned in the Vancouver Mental Hospital, Li Linlin happened to have a job in the local area, and because she was the president of the Vancouver Film and Television Association, after hearing about it, she used her connections to start rescuing the poor woman without saying a word.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

In order to obtain visitation rights, Li Linlin took Lan Jieying's sister from Hong Kong, China, to Canada, and a group of people arrived at the psychiatric hospital to find that Lan Jieying was not as mentally confused as the Canadian police said, and behaved strangely.

On the contrary, during the chat, Lan Jieying was clear in her thinking, gentle and polite, and this scene also made Li Linlin deeply aware that she had to rescue her as soon as possible, which clearly showed that someone deliberately framed Lan Jieying, otherwise if she stayed in a foreign mental hospital for a long time, even if she was not a madman, she would be forced to become a madman.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

Considering that Lan Jieying is a popular artist after all, and her every move will be exposed to the spotlight, Li Linlin poured out all her connections in Vancouver and used all the connections she could think of, which minimized the impact of the matter and successfully rescued her from the mental hospital.

The kind and righteous president of the Vancouver Film and Television Association didn't think about what negative impact this incident would have on him at the time, but he just felt that Lan Jieying was facing a predicament and wanted to do his best to get the other party out of the quagmire.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

It's a pity that from the proud girl in the entertainment industry to the crazy woman in the mouth of the Hong Kong media, such a different treatment still broke Lan Jieying's already fragile heart, and also laid the groundwork for her depression......

Some people say that Lan Jieying's personality is like this, and it is fate, even if others save her thousands of times, it is useless to start again.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

However, after learning about Lan Jieying's childhood experience, I found out that she really started with a hell mode!

Unfortunate Childhood

When Lan Jieying was very young, she was abandoned by her biological father, for no other reason, the feudal and pedantic middle-aged man was bent on wanting his wife to have a son and continue the incense for the family, and he simply became a "deserter" after many unsuccessful attempts.

In Hong Kong, a place where every inch of land is precious and competition is fierce, it is difficult for a weak woman to raise her children and survive, and under the pressure of reality, Lan Jieying's mother has to remarry someone else.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

didn't expect Lan Jieying's stepfather to be a complete scumbag, even if he was a perennial alcoholic, he would beat and scold Lan Jieying every time he got drunk, and his mother would be beaten and bruised and swollen when he stepped forward to stop him.

Growing up in such a depressed and humiliating family for a long time, Lan Jieying became more and more inferior, stubborn as her, and wanted to escape from this home, which was not warm, and finally waited for the opportunity in 1982 to be admitted to the Hong Kong wireless artist training class, thus starting a new chapter in her life.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

Coincidentally, among the artists who are at the same time as Lan Jieying, there is Carina Lau with a strong heart mentioned at the beginning of this article, the same suffering, but going to a different fate, perhaps, this is due to character.

Maybe it was because she became famous too early, or maybe it was because the influence of her original family was too deep, so Lan Jieying gradually became arrogant and willful, and was therefore hidden by the brokerage company during the rising period of her career.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

In addition to the twists and turns in her career, Lan Jieying's love life was even more controversial, and her first love boyfriend, who had a solid family, was depressed after experiencing great changes in the family, and finally committed suicide by taking gas.

The second boyfriend, Paul Zhong, is handsome and handsome, and he is also a famous host in Hong Kong, but he didn't expect that he later committed suicide by jumping off a building because of huge gambling debts, and he was just thirty years old when he died.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

What makes Lan Jieying even more unacceptable is that when her relationship and career were frequently hit, her parents passed away one after another, which was a devastating blow to her who was already at a low point in her life.

In 1998, Lan Jieying was in a car accident, and the doctor found that her brain nerves were seriously damaged.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

In the many years that she has faded out of the audience's sight, friends in the circle have taken more care of Lan Jieying, but the temporary care cannot make up for the trauma she has suffered in her heart, especially after Lan Jieying openly declared that she had been violated by two bigwigs in the Hong Kong entertainment industry in 2013, people sympathized with her to the extreme.

The death of both parents, the suicide of two boyfriends, and the company's hiding, every blow is enough to make people lose confidence in life, not to mention Lan Jieying, who has serious brain nerve damage.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

If it weren't for Li Linlin, who announced the truth about her rescue of Lan Jieying from the Vancouver Mental Hospital after so many years, maybe people would still think that she was just a mentally abnormal star.


became popular overnight at the age of 20, was exposed to mental disorder after the age of 30, and died young at the age of 55.

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

I can't help but want to sigh: time, luck, and fate.

I just don't know, if I do it all over again, will Lan Jieying dare to face the ups and downs and tribulations in life like Carina Lau, so as to rewrite her own ending?

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair


Hong Kong actress Lan Jieying's painful confession: she was raped by two big brothers in the film industry December 19, 2013 15:10 Source: Yantai Evening News

Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair
Six years after Lan Jieying's death, someone finally stood up and said something fair

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