
Jishan: Cui Bin gave a special discipline party class to the whole police

author:Menghao Media

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the great spirit of party building, and encourage party members and auxiliary police to keep in mind the original mission and gather the strength to forge ahead, on July 1, Cui Bin, deputy county magistrate of Jishan County People's Government, secretary of the Party committee and director of the County Public Security Bureau, gave a special disciplinary party class to the overall people's auxiliary police with the title of "Firm Belief and Abide by Party Discipline", combined with the spirit of learning the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China". Members of the bureau's party committee, heads of various departments and all the people's auxiliary police of the bureau attended the meeting at the main venue. All police stations, traffic police brigades, and people's auxiliary police of detention centers attended the meeting at each branch venue.

Jishan: Cui Bin gave a special discipline party class to the whole police

Cui Bin gave lectures from the four aspects of "learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline". He pointed out that it is necessary to profoundly understand the spiritual connotation of strict discipline from the course of public security development, further strengthen the sense of discipline, persist in grasping party discipline and police regulations at the same time, grasp the "key minority", firmly control the "vast majority," and always maintain the political nature of Communist Party members.

Jishan: Cui Bin gave a special discipline party class to the whole police

Cui Bin requires:

· Learn party discipline to strengthen the foundation and stick to the "lifeline".

It is necessary to grasp the characteristics of the direction, profoundly study and understand the "Regulations," strengthen political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and determination to resist corruption, and build a strong ideological and moral defense line against corruption and degeneration.

· Know the party discipline and consolidate the foundation and firmly establish the "fence wall".

It is necessary to strictly abide by the party's political, organizational, honest, mass, work, and life disciplines. To understand what behaviors are allowed, it is even more necessary to know which behaviors are prohibited, and earnestly internalize the party's discipline and rules in our hearts and externalize them in our actions.

· Ming party discipline guards the core and targets the "weather vane".

Always take party discipline and party rules as the yardstick for daily words and deeds, start from the details, and do it with discipline in your eyes, law in your heart, and a line under your feet.

· Abide by party discipline and forge the foundation, and recite the "mantra of tightening".

Adhere to the problem-oriented, strictly abide by discipline and rules, resolutely adhere to the red line of discipline, earnestly use party rules and party discipline to restrain one's words and deeds, and strive to be a "person who understands" discipline.

Jishan: Cui Bin gave a special discipline party class to the whole police

Through this special discipline party class, party members and auxiliary police have said that in the future work, they will give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, always maintain the sobriety and firmness of "always on the road", be more thorough in learning discipline, more conscious in knowing discipline, more profound in discipline, and stricter in discipline, and earnestly achieve "loyalty to the party, service to the people, justice in law enforcement, and strict discipline".

Editor in charge: Yan Wenbin