
Trusteeship tutorial classes, research experience classes, hobby classes...... Summer vacation has not yet started The vacation class has become "hot".

author:Guanlan News
Trusteeship tutorial classes, research experience classes, hobby classes...... Summer vacation has not yet started The vacation class has become "hot".
Trusteeship tutorial classes, research experience classes, hobby classes...... Summer vacation has not yet started The vacation class has become "hot".
Trusteeship tutorial classes, research experience classes, hobby classes...... Summer vacation has not yet started The vacation class has become "hot".

The summer vacation is approaching, and the "mythical beasts" are about to be "out of the cage". Is it to use the holidays to choose a training class for your child to fill in the gaps? Or do you have to plan your holiday on your own? All kinds of holiday classes have become the first choice for many parents to their children, and training institutions have also launched holiday plans early, in addition to custodial tutorial classes, there are also research experience classes, sports, art hobby classes, etc., parents choose to enroll in classes according to their children's needs and hobbies. There are also parents who believe that their children's opinions should be respected and let them have a relaxing and happy holiday.


Broaden your horizons by playing and learning

"Follow the books to travel" has become one of the indispensable items of every holiday, and many research institutions have launched research routes for students of different ages and research characteristics in Beijing, Xi'an, Dunhuang and other popular cities inside and outside the province.

"This year, we are mainly promoting research activities in Beijing and Xi'an. Among them, Beijing is a five-day and four-night science and technology research and training course, and Xi'an is a four-day ancient culture research course. According to Mr. Yuan, a research institution, the Beijing research team will go to the National Museum of China, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Tsinghua University, the Forbidden City and other scenic spots and scientific research institutes, through visiting the institutes, listening to lectures, doing experiments, etc., so that children can experience the collision of culture and technology at close range, 4,600 yuan per person; Xi'an research route to the Terracotta Warriors, Banpo Museum, Xidian University, Aerospace Deep Space Science and Technology Museum and other places, take children into the historical and cultural city, feel the charm of learning sea books and science and technology, the price is 2750 yuan/person for parents, 2520 yuan/person for children.

There are also some institutions that focus on training children's self-care, writing, financial management, etc., and have launched career experience research activities. "We take the challenge of survival as the main line, take children to experience different fields and positions, so that children can learn to make money on their own, understand society, taste hard work, and cultivate the spirit of cooperation and problem-solving skills." According to Mr. Ji, the agency, this research experience is discounted from the original price of 898 yuan to 698 yuan, because the experience activities in Lanzhou City reduce parents' concerns about the safety of their children, so it is very popular.

Physical fitness classes

Fitness is a long-term plan

This holiday, many parents have tilted their children's planning towards sports interest classes. The reporter visited a number of indoor sports venues in Lanzhou and saw that all major venues have opened children's summer badminton, basketball, table tennis and other interest training courses for the holidays.

"In recent years, as sports scores have been included in the total score of the high school entrance examination, parents are also willing to spend money on cultivating their children's physical exercise." Lanzhou Qianbadminton Hall Coach Zhang introduced, the hall for different needs of children, open group classes, small classes and one-to-one teaching courses, 1 day 5 shifts, students can choose according to their own time, a class of two hours 100 yuan, according to the coach of the different classes, each class 200-300 yuan; At the same time, the museum has also launched preferential activities such as group purchase classes and experience classes on the platform to attract more people to experience.

Swimming is one of the popular sports in summer training, and early in the morning, children practice playing legs and paddling under the guidance of coaches. "I enrolled my children in summer school, and the coach took them to the Olympic Sports Center to compete a while ago!" Ms. Wang pointed to her daughter who was training in the pool, and said with pride in her eyes that the child likes to swim and is willing to train hard.

The reporter learned that the swimming pool of Lanzhou National Fitness Center launched a children's summer vacation swimming class, the original price is 1280 yuan for 12 classes, the first 200 registrations are reduced by 100 yuan, and two classes are given, and the actual only 1180 yuan can be used for 14 classes.

Interest classes

Versatile to enrich your holiday life

"I've been working in a children's art training institution before, and now I'm going to open my own children's art training class." Teacher Ma, who has been engaged in children's art training for six years, told reporters that parents now pay more and more attention to the cultivation of children's interests, especially in aesthetic education. "I think the industry still has a good future, and my art training classes are mainly aimed at young children to help them discover and express the beauty in life." Mr. Ma was full of confidence when he talked about his business plan.

"Is the poster for children's vocal training on vacation ready? Is Meituan's offer on the hook? Ms. Chen, the owner of Lanzhou Blue House Music Studio, and her team are busy preparing for the start of the summer music training class. Ms. Chen introduced that the music studio has specially opened short-term classes such as guitar, vocal music, and drums for the holidays, and has also prepared class discounts for children who have taken the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination.

"When I was younger, I thought I was handsome to play the guitar! It's a pity that there will be no conditions to learn, and now my son likes it, I absolutely support it! Mr. Zhang, who came to consult the class, said. The reporter learned that the Blue House Music Studio has adjusted the price of the summer school, and the original price of 2000 yuan for 12 class hours of folk guitar courses, 2400 yuan for 12 class hours of classical guitar and other different types of courses have been adjusted at a discount.

The student said

Learning and entertainment should be combined

"If I do well in the final exam, my parents will not only promise me to buy Transformers Lego, but also take me on a trip to learn while playing." Ren, a third-grade student, said that he was looking forward to his summer vacation life, and had asked his parents to sign up for swimming classes according to his hobbies, and in addition to writing homework, he would also read more extracurricular books. Du, who has just finished the high school entrance examination, has already signed up for the research experience course. He said: "My parents would take me out on a trip every holiday, but this time I chose to go out on my own to see the sea, which was a successful end to my junior high school and also prepared for my high school life." ”

In the reporter's interview, most of the students said that they would focus on their studies and learn more extracurricular content and broaden their knowledge while completing their summer homework. There are also some students who feel that the holidays are rare, and they should focus on leisure and combine learning and entertainment to enrich their summer vacation life.

Parents said

Shift from specialization to diversification

Recently, the topic of "what type of summer vacation class will you apply for your child" was voted on the Internet, of which sports interest classes accounted for 28.95% of the total votes, subject tutoring classes accounted for 21.33% of the total votes, art interest classes accounted for 19.17% of the total votes, no interest classes accounted for 13.93% of the total votes, examination or competition training accounted for 10.30% of the total votes, and full-day care classes accounted for 5.5% of the total votes. It is not difficult to see that with the change of parents' educational concepts, the summer vacation arrangement has developed from a specialized academic program in the past to a diversified one.

"My son is more naughty, and he plans to sign up for a summer badminton training class, and he doesn't need to practice well, just to have a good body." Mr. Wang told reporters. Another Mr. Xue said that children are usually busy with school and study pressure, and how to arrange the holiday will respect the children's choice. Some parents also believe that they should make full use of the summer vacation and let their children make a summer vacation plan in advance in order to better prepare for the new semester.

The hot opening of the summer training has added a touch of color to the holiday economy. Industry insiders said that the education industry should keep up with consumer demand and continuously improve service content under the original intention of education-oriented, so as to form a two-way win-win situation. When parents choose to enroll their children in classes, they should consider comprehensively, take their children's interests and their own conditions as the starting point, and choose the corresponding training institutions to avoid unnecessary burdens caused by blind following trends and excessive consumption.

Lanzhou Daily all-media reporter Li Li trainee reporter Yang Xiao text/photo