
Emergency warning

author:Horqin Fusion Media
Emergency warning
Emergency warning

Emergency warning

Friends of the general public: Recently, during the European Cup football match, the "illegal guessing" fraud methods have been updated and iterated, and the Anti-Fraud Center of the Tongliao Municipal Public Security Bureau has summarized the following four types of fraud methods, please pay attention to screening and beware of being deceived. Scam 1: "Official Website, Reliable Betting" Some illegal betting sites with the gimmick of the European Cup have emerged on the market, and these website pages are highly similar to the official website, claiming to be a designated betting site to dispel bettors' concerns. At the same time, use high odds to attract fans, win a few small first, and when the victim invests a lot of money, it disappears. During the European Cup, Mr. Liu, a citizen, saw in the circle of friends that someone claimed to help bet on the European Cup on the official foreign betting website. At that time, Mr. Liu and his friends were discussing the European Championship every day, and they thought that the team they fancified could win. As a result, Mr. Liu immediately contacted the other party to inquire about the bet. The other party said that he could start betting by direct WeChat transfer, and Mr. Liu, with his confidence in his "vision" of watching the game, immediately transferred 5,000 yuan to the other party and reported the team he bet on. As a result, when he asked the other party again the next day, he found that the other party did not bet according to his requirements, and Mr. Liu immediately asked for a refund, but the other party said that he would pay a 10% handling fee, and if he didn't want to lose, he could bet again. Mr. Liu chose to call the police after realizing that he had been deceived. Scam 2: Congratulations on winning the lottery! Fraudsters send fake winning messages related to the European Cup in the form of text messages, redirects, etc., which are carefully designed to look quite "official and credible", but the links they provide may hide malware or viruses, or require the victim to fill in detailed personal information, including sensitive operations such as sending verification codes, and sometimes even directly ask for a certain fee to be paid to commit fraud. Case Wen watched Douyin in the dormitory and swiped a person who did "overseas purchasing of genuine European Cup jerseys". After clicking on the other party's homepage, you will find that there is a WeChat account of the other party, so you can directly search for the other party's WeChat account to add friends. The other party's circle of friends shows that the purchase of designated national team jerseys supports the promotion of the corresponding team to help the lottery, and at the same time, it comes with the information that many people have won the lottery. After inquiry, the other party identified Wen as long as he bought more than 2 jerseys to participate in the lottery and won 100% of the lottery. After Wen bought the jersey through the collection code, the other party sent him a QR code and a verification code, Wen used WeChat to scan the QR code and enter the verification code to participate in the lottery, showing an iPhone15, which wanted to be discounted, and the other party asked to buy another product to be discounted together, so Wen scanned the code again and transferred it to the other party. Later, the other party claimed that his WeChat account was risky and asked him to transfer the bank card number provided by the other party to transfer money, and Wen realized that he had been deceived after transferring money to the account provided by the other party, so he called the police and was defrauded of thousands of yuan in total. Scam 3: During the match result "God Prediction" game, the criminals claim that they know the "inside information" of the European Cup, can provide 100% accurate game result prediction services, and only charge a small prediction fee or place bets on behalf of customers. Initially, the victim may not be interested in this information, but when the victim discovers that the outcome of the match matches exactly what they predicted, these bad actors will gradually gain your trust. In fact, scammers send a large number of SMS messages with different predictions, and after each game, they filter out the people with the correct predictions and continue to send SMS messages with different predictions. And so on, there will always be people who think that the prediction is 100% correct and fall into the preset scam trap! Case StudyIn September 2023, Mr. Wu was pulled into a WeChat betting group by a friend, saying that he could make money by betting on football matches. So, Mr. Wu downloaded an App called "Taobo Football" according to the "customer service" prompts in the group. According to the "platform customer service", after the start of each period, Mr. Wu can place a bet in the App, and Mr. Wu tried to place a bet, successfully made a profit and withdrawd. At this time, the "customer service" let Mr. Wu make a few more bets with a higher income, and after the successful withdrawal experience, Mr. Wu immediately believed the words of the "customer service" and bet a total of more than 20,000 yuan through mobile banking transfers. When the results came out, he couldn't withdraw it. But the "customer service" asked him to bet more, and then withdraw it after the game started. Only then did Mr. Wu realize that he had been deceived and immediately called the police. Scam 4: During the European Cup, there are only a few fans who can go to watch the game live, and most of the viewers watch the game through live broadcast software or websites. It is necessary to be vigilant that some criminals will take the opportunity to develop some fake live streaming software or viewing websites with inducement plug-ins and advertisements to deceive the victims into participating in investing money, or stealing user information through Trojan viruses to commit crimes. This kind of fraud may occur in all banner counties (cities and districts) of our city, so residents of our city are requested to be vigilant and hereby warned.

The Police would like to remind the general public that:

1. Be wary of lottery information and phone calls from unknown sources, and never disclose personal information and payment passwords at will. Offline private lottery or through the network platform, APP sales are illegal, to participate in the European Cup, please go to the China Sports Lottery offline physical store to buy the national public welfare lottery, to avoid the risk of telecommunications fraud.

2. Keep in mind the principle of "three nos and one more": do not click on unknown links, do not trust strange calls, do not disclose personal information, verify transfers and remittances, and beware of being deceived.

3. Overseas calls with "00" or "+" are calls made by scammers using overseas number change platforms to forge numbers to call domestic users. When you receive a call from such a number, it is recommended that you hang up directly, or you can intercept it through the settings.

4. "96110" is a national anti-fraud hotline, if you encounter a call from "96110", it means that you may be suffering from telecom fraud, and you must answer it immediately to prevent being deceived. If you find that you have been defrauded by telecommunications, you should call the police on 110 as soon as possible. Raise awareness and beware of being scammed!

Tongliao Municipal Public Security Bureau Anti-Crime Detachment (Anti-Fraud Center) July 1, 2024 Source: Tongliao Anti-Fraud Center

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Emergency warning