
【Blockbuster Release】2024 Mid-Year Investment Institution Series List

author:Wind Wind

In 2024, China's private equity market will continue to be under pressure in 2023 and has entered a period of gear shift and adjustment. In the first half of 2024, the difficulty of IPO exit has increased, and the market at both ends of the fundraising and investment has also performed mediocre, according to data from the AMAC, in the first five months of 2024, 1,786 private equity and venture capital funds were recorded, a year-on-year decrease of 44.2%, and the scale of the registered fund was 113.37 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 30.6%.

According to the data, in the first half of 2024, there were 2,224 domestic financing cases (excluding undisclosed events), a year-on-year decrease of 5.3%, and the total financing amount was 307.26 billion yuan, an increase of 3.2% year-on-year.

In the first half of 2024, more than 2,600 investment institutions will participate in the investment, which is basically the same as the same period last year. Among these institutions, according to the activity of each "fundraising, investment and withdrawal", four lists were selected: "Top 30 Most Recognized GPs by Investors in 2024", "Top 50 Best Venture Capital Institutions in 2024", "Top 50 Best Private Equity Investment Institutions in 2024", and "Top 20 IPOs of Investment Institutions in 2024".

Based on the data, the most active and popular institutions in the market in terms of fundraising, investment, and IPO are comprehensively selected with reference to the annual number of new funds established by PEVC institutions, the scale of new funds, the number of cooperative LPs, the reinvestment rate of LPs, the number of investment projects, the total number of investments, the amount of investment, the number of IPOs, and the book return.

【Blockbuster Release】2024 Mid-Year Investment Institution Series List
【Blockbuster Release】2024 Mid-Year Investment Institution Series List
【Blockbuster Release】2024 Mid-Year Investment Institution Series List

Note: Due to the delay in the disclosure of financing events, the number and amount of financing events disclosed in this article may have slight deviations in the final data for the first half of 2024, and the final data will be disclosed in detail in the "PEVC Investment and Financing Market Report for the First Half of 2024", so stay tuned.

Explore the endless possibilities of private equity and venture capital! By simply scanning the QR code below, you can easily apply to try out RimeData PEVC platform, a professional platform that provides in-depth and comprehensive data for venture capital participants. Here, you can gain an in-depth understanding of how investment institutions operate, including key information such as their investment landscape, industry preferences, and geographical selection, explore the details of institutional investment projects, and understand the exit strategies and journeys of each project. Dive into the world of RimeData's PEVC platform to broaden your investment horizons and deepen your understanding of the private equity and venture capital landscape. Start your in-depth investment journey today!

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【Blockbuster Release】2024 Mid-Year Investment Institution Series List

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