
Ten jokes: Once I was shopping with my girlfriend and passed by a dung pit

author:Today's laugh

When I was a child, a little people came crazy, the guests at home were all kinds of trouble, all kinds of crazy, every time I waited for the guests to leave and closed the door my parents beat me up, and then there was a guest at home, I was very well-behaved, and the guests were going to leave and suddenly hugged people's thighs and didn't let them go, crying and saying that I had to be beaten as soon as you left, and finally my parents promised not to beat me, I let go, and when the guests left, it was a beating.

A woman quarrels with her husband, who is very angry, so he cuts her hair messily while she is asleep. The next day, when the woman came to the barber shop she frequented, the hairstylist was shocked and said, "Oh my God, how did you cut your hair like this?" The woman said, "It's not me, it's my husband who cut it." The hairstylist trembled and said, "Then is your husband okay now?" The woman smiled mysteriously: "Okay, very, lifelike!" ”

Ten jokes: Once I was shopping with my girlfriend and passed by a dung pit

Once I was shopping with my girlfriend and passed by a dung pit. My girlfriend suddenly asked: If I jump down with your mother at the same time, who will you save first? I didn't think about it and said, "Of course it's you." The girlfriend was very happy and said, "You are so good, what about your mother?" I laughed and said, "With my understanding of my mother, she can't jump!" ”

When I was in high school, a classmate was addicted to the Internet and often went out of school in the middle of the night to surf the Internet. One day, he climbed over the wall as usual, and when he was halfway over, he ran back with a strange face and asked nothing. Since then, he has studied seriously and no longer surfed the Internet, and the school is full of rumors that he has seen hell. Later, he was admitted to a prestigious school, and later we asked about it at the party, he smoked and was silent for a long time, his eyes were red and he said slowly, that day his father came to send living expenses, and he was reluctant to live in a hotel, so he sat under the wall all night.

There was a relative in the house, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, who sat there quietly, and heard that he was already in high school. I stepped forward and asked, "How high?" He blushed and said, "No, no, no, no." ”

Ten jokes: Once I was shopping with my girlfriend and passed by a dung pit

Soaking in the hot spring, I found that the people around me were spraying water behind them, and the water flow was very fast and had a massage effect, and it was very quiet behind me. I wondered if there was a switch, so I touched it. Then I found a rope and pulled it hard. I untied my bikini strap in public...

My girlfriend when I was in high school was very domineering, and she was usually not allowed to call her wife, walk hand in hand, tell her classmates about my relationship with her, and go back to her house to sleep at night and walk separately. At that time, I was very unhappy, but after so many years, I gradually relieved that she was my homeroom teacher.

A friend of mine built seven dormitories at her university. I don't know which school leader came up with the bad idea to name it after the seven colors of the rainbow, so in the days to come, I would often hear such a voice on the campus radio: Ah! The girls in the Qinglou pay attention.。。。

Ten jokes: Once I was shopping with my girlfriend and passed by a dung pit

When I was in my hometown in the countryside, I went to learn to drive for the first time, and the instructor took a few people to practice driving. When it was my turn, I was nervous and my palms were sweating! The ignition started and turned on, and suddenly a group of ducks sprang out of the rice field at the edge of the field, panicked, and his mind went blank. Subconsciously put his head out of the window, waved his arms and shouted: "Oh ruler! Oh feet! The other students were stunned...... The coach yelled, "Are you pulling a scooter?" Honk your horn!! ”

One day I went shopping with my girlfriend, my girlfriend wanted to eat barbecued sausages, and at first she had no money in her hand, and I suddenly remembered that I still had a few dollars in change in my trouser belt, and I had things in my hand, so I said, "I still have change in my trouser pocket, you can take it yourself." Then my girlfriend put her hand into my torn pants,,, "I will never forget that look in my girlfriend's eyes at that time."