
Big Bad! The invading Japanese army is a group of unforgivable wicked people, and this devil is so bad that he is home

author:Literature speaks of history

Big Bad! The Japanese army invading China is a group of unforgivable wicked people, this devil is so bad that he is home!

In the dark corners of history, there are always some names, which are forever engraved in the memory of mankind like imprints. Shiro Ishii, the bacteriological warfare criminal who committed heinous crimes during the Japanese militarist period, is one of the most notorious of them. His existence is not only the best footnote to the crimes of Japanese militarism, but also a ruthless trampling on the bottom line of human morality.

Big Bad! The invading Japanese army is a group of unforgivable wicked people, and this devil is so bad that he is home

Shiro Ishii was born in 1892 in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, into a military family. Influenced by militaristic ideology since childhood, his father and brother were both officers in the Japanese Army, and this family background made him have an unusual love and yearning for military affairs and war. While still in school, he showed a keen interest in medicine and was eventually admitted to the Faculty of Medicine at Kyoto Imperial University.

During his studies at Kyoto Imperial University, Shiro Ishii not only systematically studied medicine, but was also deeply influenced by militaristic ideas. He firmly believed that medicine should serve the war effort and provide strong support for the expansion and conquest of the Japanese Empire. This kind of thinking laid the groundwork for him to become a bacteriological warfare criminal in the future.

Big Bad! The invading Japanese army is a group of unforgivable wicked people, and this devil is so bad that he is home

After graduating, Shiro Ishii joined the Japanese Army and began his military career. In Unit 731 of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, he assumed the post of unit commander and began to work on the research and development of bacteriological weapons. He used living people to conduct bacterial experiments and brutally killed countless innocent lives. Some of these subjects were Chinese anti-Japanese fighters, some innocent civilians, and even some prisoners of war and children. Their lives, in Shiro Ishii's eyes, were just tools for him to research bacteriological weapons.

During the research of bacteriological weapons, Shiro Ishii showed astonishing cruelty and ruthlessness. He personally participated in the experiments, formulating strict experimental procedures and confidentiality measures. He demanded that the experimenter must obey orders absolutely, and ignored the subject's life or death. At the same time, he also used intimidation and inducement to force some local residents to participate in the experiment. The cruelty and inhumanity of these experiments are simply outrageous.

Big Bad! The invading Japanese army is a group of unforgivable wicked people, and this devil is so bad that he is home

In addition to conducting bacteriological experiments, Shiro Ishii was also responsible for organizing and directing germ warfare. He used aircraft, artillery and other weapons to drop bacteria and viruses into China's cities and villages, causing a large number of casualties and property damage. These bacteria and viruses have not only brought great disasters to the Chinese people, but also seriously damaged China's ecological environment and public health system.

With Japan's defeat in World War II, Shiro Ishii's career as a germ war criminal was also declared bankrupt. However, he did not repent of it. After the war, he tried to escape trial by committing suicide. However, his plot did not succeed. Eventually, he was sentenced by the International Military Tribunal to be hanged.

During the trial, Shiro Ishii pleaded guilty and denied his crimes. He claimed that he was only conducting medical experiments and did not intentionally kill innocent people. However, these justifications and denials pale in the face of overwhelming evidence. The International Military Tribunal eventually found him guilty of crimes against humanity and war crimes and sentenced him to death by hanging.

Although Shiro Ishii's crimes have been duly punished, his impact is far from being eliminated. His existence is not only the best footnote to the crimes of Japanese militarism, but also a ruthless trampling on the bottom line of human morality. His crimes not only brought great disasters to the Chinese people, but also seriously undermined world peace and stability.

Big Bad! The invading Japanese army is a group of unforgivable wicked people, and this devil is so bad that he is home

Looking back on this history, we can't help but ponder: what makes a person so cruel and so ruthless? Is it the poison of militaristic ideology? Or is it driven by personal ambition? Perhaps, both. But in any case, we should remember this history and be wary of those who seek to pursue their own interests through war and violence. Because peace and development are the main themes and hopes of mankind.

At the same time, we should also reflect: in today's highly developed science and technology, how can we avoid similar historical tragedies from happening again? How should we approach the development of medicine and science? How should we uphold the moral bottom line and conscience of human beings? These problems are not only a test for us personally, but also a challenge to human civilization.

In this era of peace and development, let us work together and work together to create a better future and make unremitting efforts! Let us remember history, cherish peace, and pursue justice and truth!