
Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

author:2 minutes of yoga

Seeing the two people in the picture, those who don't know and think that the two are girlfriends, in fact, the difference between the two is 19 years old, the two are participating in the recent popular Korean drama "Castle in the Sky", but when they see this still, they did not expect that there is such a big age difference between the two. On the left is 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, a famous frozen-age girl in South Korea.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen
Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

As an old drama bone that has debuted in the Korean showbiz circle for many years, we can see Yin Shiya's figure in many works, because it has always been particularly well maintained, so many of Yin Shiya's roles are full of styles of royal sisters, such a figure and such a look, indeed can control such a role. Even if she is 43 years old, it does not make people feel how young she is with the younger ones.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

Not only is the state of the face full of luster, Yin Shiya's figure is also very good, and the temperament is even more unique, otherwise she cannot play the role of "noble lady" in the play. Who wouldn't want to be in their forties and still be in this state? I really want to know how she takes care of it.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

In fact, her biggest secret has long been made public, that is, to do yoga. People familiar with Yin Shiya know that she loves yoga very much, so her temperament and figure can not be dropped. Yoga can be said to be the most powerful way to deal with aging, many people who practice yoga can have the "super power" to fight against time, in fact, it is to allow us to delay aging, yoga can massage our female organs very well, so that our body is not too tired.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

Today, I will teach you very good stretching and yoga movements to help shape, so that our temperament is getting better and better, more and more beautiful.

1, cat type horizontal knee tactile elbow

Mainly focuses on the activation of our lateral waists. First of all, four points of support, the body should not be too forward, to ensure that our arms are vertical. Keep the extension of our spine, stretch as far up as possible, and do the cat style. Then lift our knees on inhale, let our abdomen adduct on exhalation, and let our knees move forward to find our elbows. Repeat the action 5 times.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

Second, half-boat twisting

First we let our hips sit on the cushion, bend our knees to lift our legs up to our calves parallel to the ground, and then put our hands straight in front of us, at this time our hands are parallel to our legs, into the half-boat style. We need to keep the spine extended upwards, not let our upper body have a chest arch, and then remain in this state to hold 3 breaths statically.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

Next let our body turn to our right, move our arms straight to the outside of the right leg, and then let the right arm open and close for dynamic exercises. This helps us more effectively train our abdominal and external oblique muscles, while also helping us reduce our waist circumference. This action is practiced alternately on both sides.

Third, lie on your back and look in the mirror

We need to lie down on our backs first and bend our feet on our knees. As we inhale, let our little arms come directly above our faces, then let us lift our upper body as we exhale, and adduct our abdomen, where we can better activate our epigastric area. When we lift up, our elbows don't move, we displace the entire upper body, and the upper body gets up and returns to the position, and we practice dynamically five times.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

There are many small partners who say that it is not easy to find the feeling when practicing the abdomen, so here is to share with you the small skills when practicing the abdomen. We can cough gently a few times before practicing, and when we cough, we can feel our abdomen, whether it is contracting inward at the same time. We can take the strength of the abdominal contraction, and after tasting it, we can bring this feeling to our training.

Korean goddess of frozen age: 43-year-old Yoon Se-ya, and the 19-year-old actress took a photo, and the age difference could not be seen

In addition, the neck pain problem that occurs when practicing the abdomen is because of the lack of strength in our abdomen, and we use our neck to borrow strength when moving. Therefore, when we are training, we must pursue the quality of each action, rather than amplifying the amplitude of the movement in order to complete the quantity.

The above is a detailed explanation of our movements through yoga movements, and some of the problems we may encounter during the movements. Our yoga can still have a very obvious effect on the shaping and stretching of our body, not only allowing us to improve our posture, but also allowing us to shape the details of the body and make our body better and better.

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