
At the foot of the Great Wall, "green" turns into gold

author:Audio-visual Shanxi
At the foot of the Great Wall, "green" turns into gold

In midsummer, the drizzle is like a wisp, gently sprinkled on the Motianling Scenic Area in Zuoyun County. Here, the endless sea of idyllic flowers and the majestic ancient Great Wall that has gone through vicissitudes reflect each other, forming a moving picture. Tourists stroll through the tranquility and beauty of the ecological village, and feel the gifts and charm of nature.

In recent years, Zuoyun County has focused on the development of the "ecology + tourism" industry, organically combining the natural landscape, historical relics and cultural tourism industry, highlighting the three key points of natural ecological construction, cultural development and strengthening of the ecological industry.

Defend the ecological bottom line and activate green kinetic energy

"Large corps" operations on barren mountains and slopes, "concentrated" battles on tourist routes, and "individual soldiers" operations in towns and villages...... In the spring and autumn of each year, the cadres and masses of Zuoyun County regard afforestation and greening as a historical responsibility, and continue to fight on the vast land of Zuoyun, and build a multi-functional forest ecosystem through precise and fine layout.

According to the data, up to now, the county has a forest area of 954,000 mu, a grassland area of 252,000 mu, a forest coverage rate of 27.95%, and a forest and grass coverage rate of 49.27%, ranking first in Datong City. There are 30,000 acres of natural wetlands and more than 500 kilometers of ecological corridors, and the air quality has long been in the forefront of the province, with an average annual air quality of 315 days above grade II.

On this basis, the county has comprehensively strengthened the construction of forest protection and fire prevention teams, with more than 50 professional teams at the county level, and material reserves have reached the requirements of national and provincial standards; Fully implement the responsibility system for forest protection and fire prevention at the county, township and village levels, strengthen remote monitoring and daily inspections, and intensify the crackdown on grazing and illegal destruction of vegetation in young forest lands to ensure the safety of forest resources; Delineate the red line of ecological protection, strictly implement the system of "the same responsibility of the party and the government" and "one post with two responsibilities" for ecological and environmental protection, and increase the intensity of environmental supervision and law enforcement; Focusing on the three key areas of air, water and soil pollution, we will coordinate the promotion of ecological restoration, environmental protection and pollution control, so as to achieve a win-win situation for the economy and ecology.

The county has continuously practiced and explored in the management and protection of ecological resources, the beautification of the ecological environment, the simultaneous development of ecological and economic quantity and quality, and the in-depth excavation of ecological culture, forming a virtuous circle of "expanding green, transforming green, and sharing green", so that the people of the county can share the ecological "dividend" and green "welfare".

Do excellent ecological articles to help the development of cultural tourism

"The ecological environment is getting better and better, and the blue sky and white clouds are beautiful, which is undoubtedly a blessing for people living in Zuoyun." Ms. Wang, a tourist from Tianjin, sighed.

Every holiday, there is an endless stream of tourists who come to Zuoyun County to watch the Great Wall, climb the ancient castle, walk the ancient road, and see the ancient village...... In the county's Motianling, Yuehuachi, Shilihe Wetland and other scenic spots, you can see "long guns and short cannons" and urbanites with sketchpads on their backs.

Based on green ecology, Zuoyun County has formed a new format of integrated development of "ecology + tourism + sports + culture + industry". Relying on the National Great Wall Cultural Park and the Great Wall No. 1 Tourist Highway, the county has made every effort to promote the Motianling Scenic Area to a national AAA-level scenic spot, and has successively built three large-scale oil painting and photography art sketching bases in the summer capital, Yuehuachi and Xiaohekou, attracting many art lovers.

"Every year, teachers and students from major colleges and universities across the country come to summer to sketch, and I have opened a homestay in the village, which can increase my income a lot." Wei Wen, head of the Xia Du Visitor Center, said.

Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. The continuous improvement of the natural environment provides "beautiful" capital for the development of the eco-cultural tourism industry, like a "green bank", empowering the local people to "make money by taking advantage of the scenery".

It is understood that Zuoyun County has successfully hosted various international and domestic cycling events for 6 consecutive years, and has been listed as the national road cycling sports training base and the best place to host events; Along the ancient Great Wall, the construction of a tourist belt integrating sightseeing, riding and camping has been started, and 20 Great Wall homes, ancient castle houses, border fortress families, and cultural customs demonstration villages have been laid out along the Great Wall.

Shilihe Leisure and Health Ecological Park, Guanjiabao Desert Geopark, Primary and Secondary School Summer Camp Nature Exploration Camp, Great Wall Camping Town...... A number of tourism projects have written a new chapter in the development of Zuoyun's ecological and cultural tourism.

Strengthen the ecological industry and promote transformation and development

Industry is the core of rural revitalization. How to transform the beautiful rural "appearance" into the "output value" of a strong county and rich people?

Zuoyun's "green gas" provides sufficient "confidence" for the county's rural revitalization!

Zuoyun green, Zuoyun blue, Zuoyunqing, good ecological environment, so that Zuoyun's air, soil, groundwater to maintain the original ecological state, rural industry is also because of "green" and vigorous vitality.

"This year, we must continue to play the 'high-quality cereals' card, focusing on stabilizing the area, yielding per unit of delivery, deep processing, extending the chain, building bases, breeding varieties, and comprehensively promoting the development of the whole industrial chain of cereals, so that the background of the gold-lettered signboard of 'security yellow cake' is brighter and more colorful, so that the cereals industry can truly become a pillar industry for strengthening the village and enriching the people." Liu Chengyuan, deputy secretary of the party branch of Baoan Village, Guanjiabao Township, said.

In recent years, Zuoyun County has deeply cultivated the agricultural track, vigorously developed modern ecological agriculture, based on the advantages of agricultural and sideline products such as meat sheep, miscellaneous grains, sea buckthorn, Chinese medicinal materials, etc., extended the industrial chain, promoted the cluster development of characteristic industries, and formed a number of green, organic and pollution-free green standardized planting and breeding bases and demonstration sites.

Up to now, the county has built a pollution-free green agricultural product base of 320,000 acres, with 9 pollution-free agricultural products, 7 green food brands, the emergence of the root animal husbandry, white sheep pastoral, Yunzhong Zisai, Yanmen Qinggao, Yanmen ancient road and other more than 30 large-scale planting and processing enterprises, the county's beef cattle, sheep breeding reached 60,000 heads, 100,000 respectively, becoming the province's key breeding county. A large number of "Zuoyun good grains" with good quality and many varieties, such as sesame oil, sea buckthorn drinks, high-quality potatoes, oats and all kinds of small grains, are all over the farmers' markets, large and small supermarkets inside and outside the province.

"When you come to Heitukou Village, you can appreciate the magnificent vicissitudes of the ancient Great Wall, feel the farming civilization of multiple cultures, and eat authentic farmhouse delicacies." In Heitukou Village, Guanjiabao Township, the newly opened farmhouse catering garden attracts many tourists, and the person in charge of the catering park entertains guests while introducing the local beautiful food.

This is the best portrayal of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and it has also become a sustainable development path for Zuoyun to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connect with rural revitalization.

Today's Zuoyun, as far as the eye can see, the fields are full of green, like green waves rolling; The hundred miles of mountains and rivers are magnificent like a picture, the colorful ecological landscape is full of beauty, and the unique scenery of Saibei is even more intoxicating. This increasingly rich greenery symbolizes vitality and vitality, and indicates endless hope and possibility......

Shanxi Economic Daily all-media reporter Weng Jian intern reporter Tong Xiongcheng