
What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

DrKing Scientific Family Parenting

2024-07-01 17:33Creator in the field of parenting

When it comes to the complementary food that is most popular among parents, "fish" must be on the list.

Fish fat is rich in DHA, which can promote the development of baby's brain and vision.

Because of the folk saying that "eating fish will make the baby smarter", fish is also in the C position of the table all year round!

A study published by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States also confirms this statement:

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

But not all folk sayings are correct, in case you eat the wrong one, not only is it not nutritious, but you may also eat the baby into the ICU!

Which folk sayings are false? What kind of fish is suitable for babies? How to eat healthier?


Debunk the rumors! 4 big rumors about eating fish, don't believe it!

Regarding eating fish, there are 4 rumors among the people:

Myth 1: Eat fish eyes to brighten your eyes, eat fish brains to replenish your brain

Is this really the case?

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

Fish eyes do contain N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to retinal health, but the content is low, it does not play a role in eyesight, and the taste is so poor, don't embarrass the baby.

In addition, the main components of fish brain are phospholipids and proteins, and even DHA is very small. Therefore, if you want to nourish your brain, it is better to eat fish rich in DHA.

Myth 2: Eating fish skin can cause heavy metal poisoning

The skin of the fish is smooth and greasy, and some babies like to eat it.

But it is rumored that the skin of the fish is easily contaminated with heavy metals, and it should be removed when making fish for the baby.

In fact, there is no data to show that all fish skin has heavy metal pollution, and parents can rest assured that they can give their babies fish skin.

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

Myth 3: Eating fish gallbladder clears the fire and brightens the eyes

Wrong! Most fish gall bladders are poisonous!

Parents should also pay attention when handling fish, and be sure to remove the fish gallbladder; If you accidentally break the fish gall bladder, be sure to wash it thoroughly, especially careful not to get the juice in your eyes.

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

HKUST had seen such a news before: a woman was admitted to the ICU after eating fish gallbladder!

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Source: Nanchang Evening News

Myth 4: Farmed fish contain hormones and antibiotics and should not be eaten

Fish farming is a forbidden hormone, and even if it is used, the fish will not grow bigger and fatter, who would be so boring?

In addition, the rational use of antibiotics in the farm has very little residue, and the impact on health is basically negligible.

After reading the rumors refuted by the University of Science and Technology, parents can rest assured!

What kind of fish can the baby eat?

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original


Exposure! These 3 kinds of fish must not be eaten by the baby!

For foodies, there are only two kinds of fish in the world: one that can be eaten, and the other that can be eaten by all means.

But the next 3 kinds of fish that the University of Science and Technology talked about must not be eaten by the baby! Big pit baby!

1. High mercury fish - the FDA has blacked out

Studies have shown that mercury has a significant impact on the development of the nervous system in young children, and high-mercury fish are the main source of mercury exposure.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have issued a "blacklist" of fish consumption.

These include: marlin, mackerel, swordfish, swordfish, longevity fish, sharks, tilefish, bigeye tuna.

Therefore, these "poisonous fish" cannot be eaten by the baby once:

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

But don't worry too much, these fish are not something you can buy if you want to.

2. Wild fish

Wild fish are far less secure than farmed fish!

If the living environment is not up to standard, the fish will be enriched with toxic and harmful substances, and the baby is easy to be poisoned or life-threatening!

PS: The wild fish we mean by this is the fish in the waters that are completely in the natural environment.

Especially for parents who like wild fishing, the fish caught in their own small rivers and other places have no safety guarantee, so it is not recommended to give them to the baby!

3. Salted fish

Pickled salted fish is high in sodium and easy to produce carcinogens, so it is not suitable for babies.

Adults can eat occasionally, but don't be greedy every time and eat less.

After talking about the fish that can't be eaten, what kind of fish can be eaten with confidence?

The University recommends the following 2 kinds of fish for the baby:

✔ Fish with low mercury content

"Good fish" with low mercury content are suitable for babies to eat, remember their names with the University of Science and Technology, and never choose the wrong one again:

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

✔ Fish with fewer spines

There is another hidden danger for babies to eat fish - fish bones stuck in the throat!

Once the parents are picking thorns, there is a "thorn that slips through the net", and the pit is the baby!

So, try to choose fish with fewer spines and give it to the baby!

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

Here, we would like to focus on two species of fish with fewer spines: dragon fish and pangasius.

In recent years, they have not only become the first choice of baby food by virtue of their thornless and tender meat, but also become the protagonist of sauerkraut fish and boiled fish.

To sum up: dragon fish is suitable for adults and babies to eat, it is difficult to buy, pay attention to careful identification when buying; Pangasius can be eaten by adults, and it is recommended that babies eat less.

Pick the right fish, and then it's time to talk about how to eat it is more beneficial to the baby!


Give the baby fish to eat, remember to eat 2 and 4 don't eat!

There are many ways to eat fish, but not all of them are suitable for babies, and then the University of Science and Technology will talk to you about it: how to eat fish for babies correctly?

✘ 4 ways not to give the baby to eat: fried, baked, pickled, raw

➱ Frying:

Studies have long found that many nutrients (such as vitamin D and DHA) in fish are only about half of them after frying.

The high temperature of the oil also leads to an increase in the fat content of the fish, which makes the baby eat a lot of saturated fat.

B vitamins (B2, B6, etc.) are also lost to varying degrees, and the nutrients will be reduced, so you can only waste such a good ingredient.

➱ Roast:

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon carcinogens such as benzopyrene are easily produced in the process of grilling, especially heterocyclic amine carcinogens in the charred parts.

➱ 腌:

Cured fish is high in sodium and is also prone to carcinogens.

➱ Raw:

Freshwater fish often have parasites, and it is possible to suffer from parasitic diseases by eating undercooked fish or raw fish.

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

✔ The most suitable way to eat: steamed, boiled

For babies, steaming and boiling are the most suitable ways to eat.

Not only does it preserve DHA, but it also retains most of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

➱ Steaming:

To boil the water, keep the fish as small and thin as possible to shorten the time it takes to steam the fish.

➱ Boiled:

The seasoning should be light, and a lot of nutrients are dissolved in the soup when boiling, and the soup can be drunk in moderation on the basis of eating meat.

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

In addition, some parents asked: What should I do if the baby is stuck by a fish bone?

Generally speaking, after eating fish, the baby is stuck by the fish bones, and the big baby and the little baby behave differently:

➱ The baby cries when he eats and refuses to eat again.

➱ Older children say that their throat is sore and uncomfortable, and it is important to consider whether the child is stuck.

The intimate department has greatly sorted out the emergency measures of "being stuck by fish bones", so parents should save the collection!

What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

Image source: Science Family Parenting Original

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  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?
  • What kind of fish can be safely given to children?

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