
After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

author:Late life

The afterglow of the setting sun casts over the old town, and the golden glow contrasts with the old stone pavement. A figure walked slowly, his face full of vicissitudes and stories. When night falls, the stars twinkle and the moonlight shines all over the land. A winding path lined with lush trees swaying their foliage. There was a determined glint in his eyes and a confident smile on his face. An inexplicable excitement welled up in my heart, as if something important was about to happen. He leaped and landed lightly on the roof opposite, as agile as an ape. There is an aura of mystery in the air that makes one feel awe-inspiring.

"Mom, we want to move out." Li Ming's voice was particularly clear in the quiet living room.

The teacup in Granny Wang's hand trembled slightly, and a trace of surprise and reluctance flashed in her eyes, "Move out?" Why move out? ”

"We've found a great place to stay, not too far from here, to come back and see you often." Li Ming tried to calm his mother's emotions.

Granny Wang's brows tightened, and the dissatisfaction in her heart was like a stirred lake, rippling layer by layer, "Did you listen to your daughter-in-law?" Does she dislike me as an old woman? ”

Zhang Wei walked out of the kitchen, holding a freshly cut fruit bowl in her hand, hearing this, her steps paused slightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little reluctant, "Mom, you misunderstood, we just want to have our own living space." ”

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

Granny Wang's gaze was as sharp as a knife, pointing directly at Zhang Wei's heart, "I understand, you just want to leave me and leave my old bones aside." ”

Li Ming hurriedly stood between the two, his tone was gentle but with a hint of helplessness, "Mom, don't think like that, we don't want to abandon you." ”

But Granny Wang's heart was filled with doubt and loneliness, and she turned and walked into her room, leaving behind a heavy sentence, "You guys go, I can live well alone." ”

The atmosphere in the living room suddenly became solemn, except for the sound of the wind outside the window and the barking of dogs in the distance, as if to tell of the coming changes.

The days passed quietly like flowing water, and since her son's family moved out, Granny Wang's life has become extremely quiet. She often sat alone in front of the window, looking out at the street in a daze, and those laughter and laughter seemed to be blown away by the wind. Her heart was full of opinions about her daughter-in-law Zhang Wei, thinking that it was because of her instigation that her son left her. In the dead of night, Granny Wang always thinks of her son's appearance when he was a child, when he always loved to follow closely behind her, but now it is difficult to even capture the human figure.

One afternoon, Granny Wang met her neighbor Aunt Liu at the vegetable market. Aunt Liu is a warm-hearted person, and when she saw Granny Wang's lonely expression, she asked with concern, "Sister Wang, why are you always alone lately?" What about Xiao Ming and Xiao Wei? ”

Granny Wang sighed, with a hint of resentment in her tone: "They moved out, saying that they wanted to have their own space, hmph, it was all that woman's idea." ”

Aunt Liu frowned and persuaded softly: "Sister Wang, young people have their own ideas, you have to understand them." Xiaowei, that kid I think is not bad, and he is very filial to you. ”

"Filial piety?" Granny Wang sneered, "If she is really filial, she shouldn't let my son move out." ”

Aunt Liu shook her head, knowing that it was useless to say anything at this time, so she could only say goodbye after a few words of comfort. Granny Wang was carrying the vegetable basket home alone, and the pedestrians on the road hurried by, she felt like an old man forgotten by the times, lonely and helpless. Back at home, the deserted room made her mood even heavier, she sat on the sofa, the remote control in her hand weakly changed the channel, and the laughter from the TV contrasted sharply with her state of mind.

That night, Granny Wang couldn't sleep over and over, and the dissatisfaction and loneliness in her heart were like an invisible wall, isolating her from the outside world. She began to wonder if her own worth had really become a burden in her son's life. Such nights became longer and more difficult for Granny Wang.

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

Despite the unspeakable loss and resentment in her heart, Granny Wang decided to visit her son's new home. She told herself that maybe seeing their lives with her own eyes would be a little more relieving. With mixed feelings, she set out on the road to her son's house.

When she arrived at her son's door, Granny Wang's hands trembled a little, she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The door slowly opened, and Zhang Wei's smile appeared at the door, "Mom, you're here, come in." ”

The house is cosy and bright, everything is well organized. Granny Wang's eyes involuntarily looked around the room, and she saw her grandson's toys scattered on the carpet, and saw family photos hanging on the wall, and the familiar sofa, which she had given to her son many years ago.

"Mom, what do you want to drink?" Zhang Wei's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Whatever." Granny Wang's tone was still cold.

At lunchtime, Zhang Wei prepared a table of sumptuous dishes, and Li Ming also specially asked for leave to go home to accompany her. At the dinner table, the three of them sat together, but the atmosphere was surprisingly silent. Granny Wang picked up a piece of fish meat, but did not put it in her mouth, her eyes fell on the son opposite.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Isn't it to taste? Li Ming asked with concern.

Granny Wang put down her chopsticks, her voice trembling a little: "Do you really need me?" ”

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

Li Ming and Zhang Wei glanced at each other, and Li Ming held his mother's hand: "Mom, of course we need you, but we also want to have our own space, this is not to abandon you." ”

Zhang Wei also added: "Yes Mom, we will often go back to see you, you will always be our home." ”

After the meal, Granny Wang saw the flowers and plants that Zhang Wei had carefully tended on the balcony, and those plants were vibrant, just like this new home. A little flutter began to ripple in her heart, perhaps, she really misunderstood them. The sun shines through the glass and sprinkles on her face, bringing a hint of warmth. Granny Wang closed her eyes and let the warmth penetrate into her heart, perhaps, she should give this new home and Zhang Wei a chance.

Although Granny Wang felt a little warmth at her son's house, the knots in her heart were not completely unraveled. She returned to her home, and the loneliness and loss were with her again. One afternoon a few days later, while basking in the sun on a bench in the neighborhood, she overheard the whispers of several neighbors.

"I heard that Sister Wang's son moved out, and now he is alone." A neighbor whispered.

"Yes, I see that her face has not been very good lately, she must have something on her mind." Another neighbor chimed in.

Granny Wang's heart jerked, and she stood up and walked home with heavy steps. The words pierced her heart like needles, and her self-esteem and strength became fragile in this moment. She began to wonder if her own worth had really become a burden in her son's life.

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

That night, Granny Wang sat alone in the dimly lit living room, playing on the TV with old movies she had watched countless times, but her mind was not on the screen. Her hand unconsciously touched the phone, and after a moment of hesitation, she dialed her son's number.

"Ming'er, do you think your mother is annoying?" Granny Wang's voice was choked with a hint of choking.

Li Ming on the other end of the phone heard that something was wrong with his mother, and hurriedly comforted: "Mom, why do you think so?" We are a family and you will always be the most important thing to me. ”

"Then why did you move out? Why don't you bring me? Granny Wang's emotions began to spiral out of control.

Li Ming was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Mom, we need our own space, but that doesn't mean we don't love you or don't need you. We will be back often. ”

After hanging up the phone, Granny Wang's mood did not improve, and she felt an unprecedented sense of isolation and helplessness. She began to avoid the eyes of her neighbors, stopped participating in the community, and even began to refuse to answer the phone. Her world seemed to be all that was left of herself and this empty house. In this space full of memories, Granny Wang's heart wall is building higher and higher, and she doesn't know what to do, so she can only grow old in loneliness.

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

As time passed, Granny Wang's loneliness became more and more severe, and she began to dream frequently about the days when the family was reunited, and she always woke up with tears on her pillow. Li Ming and Zhang Wei noticed the change in their mother, and they realized that action had to be taken to alleviate the situation.

One evening, Li Ming and Zhang Wei took their children to Granny Wang's house. They found her mother sitting quietly in a rocking chair, staring out the window with vacant eyes. There was a sense of silence in the house, and even the air seemed to freeze.

"Mom, we're going to have dinner with you." Zhang Wei said softly, breaking the silence.

At the dinner table, Li Ming plucked up the courage to speak: "Mom, I know that you have been sad and think that we moved out because we don't want you anymore." Actually, it's not like that, we moved out because of work and schooling. ”

Zhang Wei also took over the conversation: "Yes, Mom, I have always respected you and thank you for being kind to me." I never thought of separating you from Brother Ming. ”

Granny Wang raised her head, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes: "Really? Then why don't you bring me along? ”

Li Ming held his mother's hand: "Mom, the space in our new home is limited, and we also want you to enjoy a quiet life." We guarantee that we will come back to see you every weekend and you can come to our house at any time. ”

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

Granny Wang's heart began to shake, and her tears flowed involuntarily: "I thought you didn't want me anymore." ”

Zhang Wei walked up to her mother-in-law and hugged her gently: "Mom, you are our family, how can we not want you?" ”

At that moment, Granny Wang finally understood the hard work of her son and daughter-in-law, and she felt a long-lost warmth and peace of mind. It turned out that she was not the one who was abandoned, and the love of her family was always there, but she didn't find it herself. Dinner was held in a warm atmosphere, and Granny Wang's smile returned to her face again, knowing that no matter how life changes, the warmth of home will never change.

Since that late-night confession, Granny Wang's mentality has changed subtly. She began to try to understand her son's decision, and gradually accepted Zhang Wei's kindness. To make up for past misunderstandings, Zhang Wei proposed to hold a family reunion and invite friends and relatives to celebrate Granny Wang's birthday.

On the day of the party, Granny Wang's home was bustling. Illuminations mingle with warm light, and the table is filled with a variety of delicacies. Relatives brought gifts and blessings, and the laughter of children filled every corner. Granny Wang was wearing Zhang Wei's carefully selected clothes, and her face was full of happy smiles.

"Mom, happy birthday!" Li Ming and Zhang Wei said in unison, handing her a beautifully decorated gift box.

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

Granny Wang opened the gift box, and inside was a handmade photo album, recording the bits and pieces of her and her family. Her eyes moistened, and she said movingly, "Thank you, this is the best gift I have ever received." ”

As the party progressed, the relationship between Granny Wang and Zhang Wei gradually became harmonious. Zhang Wei is busy and makes sure that every guest feels comfortable and happy. Granny Wang looked at her busy daughter-in-law, and the ice in her heart completely melted.

At the end of the banquet, Granny Wang took Zhang Wei's hand and said sincerely: "Weiwei, it was my mother who was not good in the past and misunderstood you. You have done so much for this family, and I should be grateful to you. ”

Zhang Wei smiled and shook her head: "Mom, we are a family, no need to say thank you." ”

Since then, Granny Wang's attitude has changed 180 degrees. Not only did she often go to her son's house to help take care of her grandson, but she also took the initiative to teach Zhang Wei some family recipes. The house was once again filled with laughter, and the estrangement and misunderstanding that had existed had vanished. Granny Wang finally understands that no matter how life changes, the warmth and support of home will never disappear.

As the seasons change, Granny Wang's home once again becomes a harbor for relatives and friends. On a warm weekend afternoon, the sun shines through the curtains in the warm living room, and the family sits around and enjoys a rare leisure time.

After the son's family moved out, the mother-in-law had a lot of opinions about the daughter-in-law: You abducted my son

"Grandma, teach me origami airplanes!" The little grandson excitedly held Granny Wang's hand.

Granny Wang smiled and nodded, picked up a piece of paper and displayed it: "Look at it, it's folded like this." "Her technique is skillful and gentle, and every twist reveals endless patience and love.

Zhang Wei served the freshly baked biscuits, which were full of aroma: "Mom, you try these biscuits, they are made according to the recipe you gave." ”

Granny Wang picked up a biscuit and took a bite: "It tastes good, Weiwei learns so fast." ”

Li Ming looked at the harmony between his mother and wife, and his heart was full of gratitude: "Mom, Weiwei, it's good to have you." ”

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and the neighbor Aunt Liu walked in with a cake baked by herself: "Sister Wang, today I tried to make a new flavor of cake and bring it over for everyone to taste." ”

The atmosphere in the room became more lively, and everyone tasted the cake and was full of praise. Granny Wang's mood was as bright and cheerful as the atmosphere in the house. She knows that such moments are so precious that she never wants to miss a moment with her family again.