
I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

author:Late life

The spring sun shines through the curtains and sprinkles into the cozy little room. Granny Li carried a heavy load of luggage and knocked on the door of her son's house with an expectant smile on her face. The door slowly opened, and Zhang Qiang's familiar figure appeared at the door, his face filled with unconcealable joy: "Mom, you're finally here!" ”

As soon as Granny Li stepped into the house, she was surrounded by the warmth of home. Fresh lilies were placed in the house, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance, and it was obvious that Zhang Qiang had made careful preparations for this reunion. The home of the young couple is simple and warm, and every detail reveals their taste of life.

"Mom, this is the slippers that Xiaomei prepared for you, try to see if they fit." Zhang Qiang squatted down and handed Granny Li a pair of soft cotton slippers.

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

Granny Li changed into slippers and felt the care and care of her daughter-in-law, and a warm current surged in her heart. She looked around and saw the family photo hanging on the wall, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised.

At the dinner table, Zhang Qiang and Xiaomei prepared a table of sumptuous dishes, including Granny Li's favorite braised pork, as well as a few light vegetables. The three of them sat around the dining table, talking and laughing. Granny Li told interesting stories about the countryside, and Zhang Qiang and Xiaomei listened to them with relish, laughing knowingly from time to time.

As night fell, Granny Li lay on the comfortable bed in the guest room, full of anticipation for this half month of life. She believes that it will be a time full of laughter and warmth.

As the days passed, Granny Li began to adapt to this new environment. Every morning, she wakes up early and gets up habitually busy, wiping down furniture and tidying up the room. However, these familiar household activities seem somewhat out of place in this modern home. Zhang Qiang and Xiaomei are accustomed to using various smart home devices, with the vacuum cleaner sweeping the floor automatically and the dishwasher quietly completing the cleaning work.

One day at breakfast, Granny Li served her own handmade soy milk and fried dough sticks, only to find that Zhang Qiang and Xiaomei had already set up coffee and toast in front of them. Xiaomei smiled and said, "Mom, you don't have to work so hard, we can do it ourselves." ”

Granny Li waved her hand a little uncomfortably: "I'm used to it, and being idle is also idle." ”

In the afternoon, Granny Li likes to sit on the balcony, needlework in hand, and her eyes follow the pedestrians on the street from time to time. She tries to share her sewing skills with Xiaomei, but finds that Xiaomei is not interested in these traditional crafts. Xiaomei always listens politely, but is soon pulled back to reality by the notification on her phone.

After dinner, Zhang Qiang and Xiaomei like to watch TV dramas or play mobile games together, while Granny Li watches TV alone in the living room, occasionally interjecting a few words, but often no one responds. She began to feel a subtle loneliness, as if she was separated by an invisible wall, despite being in her son's home.

At night, Granny Li lay on the bed, looking at the shadows of the trees reflected on the ceiling, and couldn't help but feel a ripple in her heart. She began to wonder if her arrival had disrupted the rhythm of her son and daughter-in-law's life. She sighed softly and closed her eyes, hoping to find some solace in her dream.

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

A week has passed, and Xiaomei has hardly eaten dinner at home because she needs to work overtime because of an important project for the company. Whenever night falls, there are only two people left in the house, Granny Li and Zhang Qiang. At the table, the lively atmosphere became silent, except for the sound of knives and forks touching plates. Zhang Qiang tried his best to keep the conversation going, but the exhaustion of his work made it difficult for him to be as active as usual.

Granny Li noticed this change, and she couldn't help but feel guilty in her heart. She began to wonder if her presence had put an extra burden on the small family. Whenever Zhang Qiang hurriedly finished dinner and returned to the study to continue working, Granny Li would always stay in the kitchen for a while, silently cleaning the dishes, trying not to let herself be a disturbance.

Late one night, Granny Li heard the sound of Zhang Qiang's conference call in the study, she walked to the door softly, and saw through the slightly open crack of the door that her son's brows were tightly locked, and the pen in his hand kept turning. Her heart tightened, and she retreated to her room, tossing and turning on the bed, unable to sleep.

The next morning, when the first rays of sunlight passed through the curtains, Granny Li had already gotten up, and she decided not to wait for Xiaomei to come back to cook today, but to cook herself and prepare a hearty breakfast for Zhang Qiang. Maybe this would take a little less pressure off her son, she thought.

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

However, when breakfast was placed on the table, Zhang Qiang only ate a few bites in a hurry and hurried out of the house. Granny Li stood at the door, watching her son's back disappear at the corner of the stairs, and the feelings in her heart became more and more complicated. She began to think that maybe she should really go back to her own home and restore the peace and harmony of the little family.

It was another quiet night, and Granny Li was sitting on the sofa in the living room, the needlework in her hands could no longer attract her attention. The TV was playing programs she didn't understand, and the sound was just background noise. Her eyes unconsciously turned to the direction of Zhang Qiang's study, where the dim light seemed to tell of her son's hard work.

Finally, Zhang Qiang finished his work and walked out of the study. When he saw his mother still sitting there, he asked softly, "Mom, why haven't you rested yet?" ”

Granny Li put down the work in her hand and said lightly: "I'm waiting for you and want to talk to you." ”

Zhang Qiang sat down next to his mother and leaned on the sofa a little tiredly: "Mom, is there something wrong?" ”

Granny Li took a deep breath and plucked up her courage to say, "Qiangzi, I'm wondering if I shouldn't have come to disturb your life. Xiaomei is busy, you are also busy, I feel like I'm a burden here. ”

Zhang Qiang was stunned for a moment, and then held his mother's hand: "Mom, how can you be a burden?" You are our family and we are happy to have you here. ”

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

Granny Li shook her head: "But I can see that you all have your own lives, and I make you uncomfortable here." ”

Zhang Qiang was silent for a while, and then said seriously: "Mom, it may be that we didn't do a good job and made you feel uncomfortable." We'll improve. ”

A hint of emotion flashed in Granny Li's eyes, but she still insisted: "I still want to go back to my own home, so that I will feel more comfortable." ”

Zhang Qiang looked at his mother's determined eyes, knowing that no amount of persuasion could change her decision. He gently hugged his mother: "Okay, Mom, if you insist, I will respect your decision." ”

That night, mother and son sat together, talking about the past and the future, until the moonlight shone through the window and poured on their warm faces.

The next morning, Xiaomei unexpectedly went home early. She pushed open the door and saw Granny Li helping to dry her clothes, and the sun was shining on her, casting a long shadow. Xiaomei walked over and said softly, "Mom, I'll help you." ”

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

Granny Li turned around and saw her daughter-in-law's face full of apologies: "Xiaomei, why did you come back so early today?" ”

Xiaomei smiled: "I think we can do something together to enhance our relationship." ”

The two get busy together, with Xiaomei teaching Granny Li how to use a smart washing machine, while Granny Li shares her cooking secrets when she was younger. In the common activities and exchanges, the estrangement between the two generations slowly dissolves.

In the afternoon, Zhang Qiang also went home from work early and found that the atmosphere at home was very different from before. He saw his mother and wife busy in the kitchen, and laughter kept coming. A warm current welled up in his heart and he joined them.

For dinner, the trio sat around the table and savored the delicacies prepared by each other. Granny Li's craftsmanship was appreciated by Xiaomei, and Xiaomei's innovative dishes also made Granny Li's eyes shine. Zhang Qiang looked at this scene and felt extremely happy.

After the meal, they sat together in the living room, sharing their daily routines and feelings. Granny Li told the story of her youth, and Xiaomei and Zhang Qiang also shared their work and life. On nights like these, there is no interference from TV and mobile phones, only sincere dialogue and heart-to-heart communication.

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

When night fell, Granny Li sat quietly in her room, the moonlight outside the window shining on her face. Her heart is filled with gratitude and satisfaction, and she knows that despite the differences in culture and habits, the love and understanding between family members builds a strong bridge.

As the days passed, every day of Granny Li's house became more fulfilling and happy. Xiaomei began to take the initiative to invite Granny Li to participate in her daily life, whether it was going to the market to buy groceries together or attending fitness classes together. Granny Li has also gradually adapted to the rhythm of life here, she has learned to use some simple smart home appliances, and even tried to watch dramas on her tablet.

Zhang Qiang also no longer works overtime so often, and he will go for a walk with Granny Li after dinner, or read a book together. Communication between family members becomes more natural and frequent, and everyone finds their own fun and sense of belonging in the process.

One night, Zhang Qiang proposed a small family gathering and invited some friends and relatives to his home. The living room was full of laughter and laughter, and Granny Li was busy preparing snacks and drinks for everyone. She had a happy smile on her face, because she knew that it was all better because of her presence.

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

At the end of the party, the guests thanked Granny Li and praised her craftsmanship and hospitality. Granny Lee's heart was filled with pride and satisfaction, and she felt that she had truly become a part of the family.

In the dead of night, Granny Li lay in bed, thinking about the day and every bit of the day. She realized that despite some discomfort and misunderstandings at first, the love and support from her family allowed her to regain her place. She closed her eyes, filled with anticipation and hope for the future.

Half a month passed in a flash, and Granny Li packed her luggage and prepared to return to her home. Zhang Qiang and Xiaomei stood at the door with reluctant expressions on their faces. Zhang Qiang held his mother's hand and whispered, "Mom, tell us when you want to come back, you will always be welcome at home." ”

Granny Li nodded, her eyes slightly red: "I know, Qiangzi and Xiaomei, I am really happy during this time." You made me feel at home. ”

I went to my son's house for half a month, and my daughter-in-law didn't come home for a week, my mother-in-law: I'd better go back to my own house

Xiaomei hugged Granny Li tightly: "Mom, we are also very happy that you can come." Next time we can go on a trip together or you can come back and stay longer. ”

Granny Li responded with a smile: "Good boy, I will." We still have a lot of time to make memories together. ”

The moment of farewell always feels a little sad, but Granny Li knows that this is not the end, but the beginning of another form. She returned to her home with the love of her son and daughter-in-law, and her heart was full of gratitude and happiness.

Back at her home, Granny Li put her luggage away and sat quietly by the window. She looked at the familiar street scene outside the window, but her heart was reminiscing about the bits and pieces of her son's house. Those warm dinners, pleasant conversations, and shared activities have become her precious memories.

As night fell, Granny Li gently opened the curtains and let the moonlight spill into the room. She smiles in the moonlight because she knows that no matter how far away she is, her family's hearts are always connected. She is looking forward to the next reunion and to spending quality time with her son and daughter-in-law again.