
The rain is similar every year

author:Honest Love Ambassador
The rain is similar every year

Characteristics of summer: one is hot, and the other is rainy

Summer is characterized by hot weather and rainy rain. I have the impression that the early summers were not so hot. Although there is also a big sun, as long as there is shade, it will feel refreshing. It's different now, even if you sit motionless in the shade, you will be so hot that you will sweat. Fortunately, now that technology is developed, there is no shortage of electricity, and there are air conditioners everywhere. Whether it's in the subway, on the bus, in the shopping mall, or in the restaurant, it's all cool, and I don't feel how hot. However, if there is a special circumstance, a large-scale water and electricity outage, it will be the most terrifying thing!

Summer rain is often accompanied by lightning and thunder, and if it doesn't rain, it will be earth-shattering and terrifying. In recent years, it seems that the summer rain is not unaffected. In the summer of 2021, Zhengzhou's torrential rainstorm poured the equivalent of hundreds of West Lakes into a water town within 24 hours, turning the Central Plains metropolis into a water town and taking hundreds of lives with it. Now, when it comes to the "7.20" of that year, it makes people feel creepy and shudder. Especially when there is lightning and thunder, people immediately raise their hearts to their throats.

The rain is similar every year

The heavy rain in Zhengzhou in 2021 is still fresh in my memory

This summer, heavy rain accompanied by deafening thunder followed. In addition to the thunder shaking the eardrums, raindrops like beads of broken threads also smashed wildly against the window lattice. Leaning against the window and listening to the rain, I can't help but tremble. I don't know when this rain will fall, or what the consequences of this rain will be. The "7.20" of that year is still fresh in my memory. I hope that this year's rain will be more gentle and less violent, and give the people a safe summer.

In fact, if you listen carefully, although the wind and rain make people feel frightened, they always feel that this rain is still similar every year. It's all pouring down, it's all so unobstructed, it's all so thundering, it's all so devastating.

The rain stopped, and the ground was full of dead branches and leaves, except for the rain that was still flowing in the air. These dead branches and leaves, on weekdays, are also on the branches, showing off their might, but at this moment, they are tossed by the ruthless wind and rain, and there is no longer the kind of spirit in the past, only the consequences of being cleaned up as garbage by people.

However, the summer rain can also bring beauty. When the sky clears after the rain, a rainbow will hang on the horizon. The colorful colors of the rainbow and the high-spirited rainbow form will also make people involuntarily like this summer. Because the rainbow will rekindle people's passion for life.

The rain is similar every year

After the rain, the rainbow will rekindle people's passion for life

The rain is similar every year. The lingering spring rain will make people become gentle and dedicate their love; The fierceness of the summer rain will make people strong and brave to accept all kinds of tests in life; The restraint of the autumn rain will make people know how to cherish it, because there will be a harvest if you pay; The coldness of the winter rain will make people understand the truth, everything will pass, and hope is ahead.

Leaning on the window and listening to the rain is not only a kind of enjoyment, but also a baptism of the soul. The breeze and drizzle, people get is comfortable, poetic and picturesque, "four hundred and eighty temples in the Southern Dynasties, how many buildings are in the smoke and rain". The storm is raging, and what people get is passion, which is also real and illusory, "very turbulent gold bottles, and a thousand canes beating sonorous drums." Evoke the fairy spring to sprinkle the noodles, pour the shark room and pour out the Qiong Rose".

It is said that "the flowers are similar every year, but the people are different every year", that is because the flowers are all purple and red, and the characteristics are the same. The difference is that the number of people who enjoy the flowers varies from year to year, and even the same person ages with the passage of time.

So, today, I want to say that the rain is similar every year, and the people are different every year. This is because the rain that falls from the sky every year, accompanied by lightning and thunder, will destroy the withering and decaying. But the person who listens to the rain may not be the teenager he was back then.

The rain is similar every year

The person who listens to the rain may not be the teenager he was back then