
The initiators will also die at their own hands, don't believe in these examples


On the third day of the first month of the first month of 960 AD, Zhao Kuangyin, an important member of the Later Zhou court, an envoy to the German army, and a lieutenant of the inspection school, was "forced" to wear a yellow robe under the "strong request" of the soldiers and was embraced as the emperor. At this time, the little emperor of the Zhou Dynasty was only 7 years old, and the queen mother was only 20 years old, and the orphans and widows were powerless to resist, so they had to Zen in Zhao Kuangyin, which was known as the "Chenqiao Mutiny" in history. Since then, the Song Dynasty has stepped onto the stage of history. More than 300 years later (1276), when the Yuan Dynasty invaded Lin'an (Hangzhou), the 66-year-old Empress Dowager Xie Daoqing of the Southern Song Dynasty led the 5-year-old Emperor Zhao Xian of the Song Dynasty out of the city and surrendered, and the orphans and widows were then escorted to the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. Three years later, the Song dynasty fell.

After the death of the Song Dynasty, someone once wrote a poem describing the process of the Song Dynasty from the beginning to the end: "Recalling the past, when Chen Qiao mutinied, he bullied his widows and orphans; Who knew that more than 300 years later, widows and orphans were bullied again." Liu Yin, a poet of the Yuan Dynasty, also wrote in the poem "Shushi": "Who does it belong to now? Jiangnan looks back and sees the flag; Passers-by pointed to the royal road, like a seven-year-old child of the Zhou family." The seven-year-old son of the Zhou family refers to Chai Zongxun, the little emperor of the Zhou Dynasty five generations later. Therefore, as early as the Yuan Dynasty, some people pointed out that the Song Dynasty gained the world from orphans and widows, and lost the world with orphans and widows.

It can be seen from this that the evolution of history is actually karma (effect) retribution (response), and how the country came to be lost will also be lost. In the 300 years of the Great Song Empire, it also failed to get out of the word (cause) and effect.

During the Five Dynasties, Xue Wenjie, a traitor of the Fujian State, flattered the monarch, ran amok with lawlessness, and designed to unjustly kill Wu Ying, the privy envoy who had commanded the army, which caused the soldiers to be angry. Soon, the Southern Wu Kingdom invaded the Fujian State, but the soldiers demanded that Xue Wenjie be handed over before they were willing to march. The monarch Wang Ling was reluctant, and the prince Wang Jipeng, in order to solve the urgent need, suggested that Xue Wenjie be escorted to the army first. And Xue Wenjie is also proficient in (magic) counting, and said disapprerovingly after divination for himself: "You don't have to worry about it in three days." ”

Sure enough, on the third day, the imperial court sent an envoy to pardon Xue Wenjie. Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, and the people who escorted Xue Wenjie traveled day and night, and it only took two days to send Xue Wenjie to the army. The soldiers were furious and immediately broke Xue Wenjie's body. On the third day, when the imperial envoy came, Xue Wenjie had no bones. Coincidentally, Xue Wenjie thought that the escorted sill car was too wide, so he designed a new sill car, which ran up and down, and placed sharp iron mangs inside, so that the prisoners would accidentally touch the iron mangs. But after the completion of the new car, the first person to taste it was Xue Wenjie himself.

Let's take a look back, Xue Wenjie (divination) said that he would be fine after three days, and the pardon decree really came on the third day, which shows that Xue Wenjie's "human calculation" is still relatively accurate. But what he never expected was that the escort officer traveled day and night, and sent him to the army in two days, a full day ahead of schedule. Therefore, "human calculation" may not be 100% accurate, even if "human calculation" is accurate, but there are always accidents, how can it be compared to "heavenly calculation"? After all, people have a thousand calculations, and the sky is only one.

The initiators will also die at their own hands, don't believe in these examples

Ancient officials

When Wang Shao, a famous general of the Northern Song Dynasty, was 39 years old, he put forward the military strategy of "recovering Hehuang, isolating the Western Xia, and dividing the Qiang people", and successively led the army to defeat the Qiang people and the Western Xia, and opened up a large area of land. Wang Shao has thus become a generation of famous generals and has left a name in history. However, twelve years after the "opening of the Xihe River" (1080), Wang Shao actually got a strange disease, his speech was abnormal, and he often went crazy, and finally suffered from poisonous sores, and his internal organs festered and died, which was unbearable. Even the "History of the Song Dynasty" called it: "Gai also kills more Zhengyun", that is, it is probably the reason for the indiscriminate killing!

Wang Shao's son Wang Yu suddenly seemed to see something strange one day, and since then he has a heart disease, and he began to be infatuated with the side door and left the way, claiming that he can invite the heavens (gods) to descend to earth, and was later executed by Song Shenzong. So what did Wang Shao do? It turned out that when Wang Shao commanded the army, many relatives and friends came to seek (official) positions. Wang Shao distributed them to his generals, and some of these people deliberately killed the old and weak Qiang soldiers who had surrendered, and used their heads to risk the army's merits.

A detail was added to the Qing Dynasty book "Moral Education Gujian", Wang Shao regretted it in his later years because he had killed too much, so he asked the monks of Jinshan Temple about the cause (effect). The monk said, "If you kill someone according to the king's law, it is naturally unintentional." ”

But Wang Shao couldn't believe it, and went to consult a senior named Diao Jingchun. Diao Jingchun also said: "As long as you can get by in your heart, it doesn't matter." ”

Wang Shao asked again: "Then can I live with it in my heart now?" ”

Diao Jingchun said: "If you can get by, you won't come to ask me." ”

Wang Shao became even more uneasy from then on, and died of ulcers all over his body more than a year later.

According to historical records, Liu Xuanzuo, a general in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, was bold and extravagant by nature and rewarded the soldiers richly, but also exploited the people because of this, making them live in hardship. When Liu Xuanzuo was in Bianzhou, some people said that the statue (Buddha) in Xiangguo Temple in Bianzhou was sweating, so Liu Xuanzuo took the lead in giving a large amount of money, so the merchants and generals also hurried to give a lot of money, lest they fall behind. However, after the almsgiving, Liu Xuanzuo used this huge income as military expenses. His so-called leading charity is only to induce more people to give money and then take it for himself.

In 792 AD, Liu Xuanzuo's adopted son Le Shichao had an affair with Liu Xuanzuo's concubine. Le Shichao was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he poisoned Liu Xuanzuo. Subsequently, Liu Xuanzuo's other adopted son, Liu Shigan, booby-trapped Le Shichao, and the imperial court then gave Liu Shigan to death. Liu Xuanzuo's son, Liu Shining, was expelled and exiled by his subordinates for debauchery and cruelty, and his whereabouts were unknown. In just a few years, Liu Xuanzuo almost disappeared.

This story deserves everyone's vigilance, so that he will not be careless in his thoughts and create boundless karma. There is a well-known saying: "If any sentient beings steal their permanent property, grain, food, clothing, or even anything that they do not take, they will fall into the Infernal Hell, and they will be eons of eternity, and they will seek an indefinite period of time." So, be cautious.

The initiators will also die at their own hands, don't believe in these examples


During the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, Xiong Zuo, an official in Dingzhou, had mediocre official performance, but after his death, his son Xiong Xun became a secretary. At that time, there was a Dingzhou man Qiu who wanted to befriend Xiong Zuo, so he erected a people's monument for Xiong Zuo in Dingzhou, falsely claiming that it was erected by the local people to remember Xiong Zuo's political achievements and kindness. You want to erect a monument to the dead father of the Ministry of Shangshu to sing the praises of virtue, how clever this sycophant is beaten.

After Qiu made proper arrangements, he happily went to the capital to invite merit, but who knew that he suddenly fell ill and died soon. His fellow villager Shi felt that it was an opportunity, and immediately bought the inscription from Qiu's subordinates at a low price, wanting to continue to dedicate it to Xiong Xun and take advantage of it. Xiong Xun was very happy after receiving the inscription, and sure enough, he promised to be a high (official). Unexpectedly, Xiong Hu was soon dismissed from his post due to an incident. After Xin Shangshu arrived, he only made up a Yunnan official for Shi, not to mention the long distance, and he was not able to return to his hometown until he left his job, as if he had been exiled. Therefore, the ancients said: "Those who enter against the contradiction of goods will also come out contrary to the contradictions." Gain in an improper way, and lose in an improper way. Things that don't belong to you are opportunistic and don't necessarily end up well.

During the Cao Wei period, there was a widely circulated book called "Xuanshi Tu", which had the prophecy of "the ox follows the horse". Sima Yi, who was in charge at that time, asked the famous (star) elephant master to take charge of the divination (divination), and the result was the same as the "Xuanshi Tu". Sima Yi began to wonder what he meant, and later saw that there was a general named Niu Jin who was born and died, and he remembered that "Niu Jima is the queen", and he was very taboo in his heart, so he directly poisoned Niu Jin.

From then on, Sima Yi thought that his descendants could sit back and relax. Who knows that the world is unpredictable, after Sima Yi's grandson Sima Jin was crowned King Langya, Sima Yi's wife Xiahou hooked up with a small official in the palace who was also named Niu Jin, and gave birth to a son, named Sima Rui.

In 317 AD, Sima Rui succeeded to the throne after the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings" in the Western Jin Dynasty, known as the Eastern Jin Dynasty in history. And Sima Rui claims to be Sima Yi's great-grandson, but he is actually the son of Niu Jin. In addition to the official history of the "Book of Jin" and the "Book of Wei", the story of "Ox Following the Horse" is also recorded in books such as "Helin Yulu", "Rong Zhai Essays", and "Bin Retirement Record". Sima Yi is known as an old scheming and calculating, and he did not hesitate to poison the general Niu Jin back then, but in the end he could not count the way of heaven, which is called "people have a thousand calculations, it is better to count only one in the sky".

The initiators will also die at their own hands, don't believe in these examples

Ancient officials

When Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou, he wrote a letter to his friend Zhu Shouchang, the Taishou of Ezhou, "Book with Zhu Ezhou", specifically mentioning a shocking thing. It turns out that in the area of Yuezhou (Yueyang) and Ezhou, the rural people only give birth to two boys and one girl according to the custom, and if they exceed this number, they will be (killed), and it is particularly taboo to give birth to girls, so there are few folk women and many singles. After the baby is born, it is often soaked in cold water, and the parents of the child cannot bear it, often close their eyes, turn their backs, press their hands in the basin of water, babble and cry for a long time before dying.

And there was a man named Shi Kuo in the mountain township, who killed two sons in a row. As a result, in the summer, his wife gave birth to four sons, because of the unbearable pain of dystocia, and in the end, the adults and children were not saved. Su Shi said in the letter: "Heaven repays (responds) like this, but ignorant people still don't know the precepts. ”

Su Shi also specially said to his friend: "If you can make the baby get life from ten thousand deaths, this kind of merit will be ten times as good as clearing the grievances of adults." From now on, there will be countless people who will survive because of you. ”

Of course, this happened in the Song Dynasty, and modern civilized society does not have it? Are there still fewer abortions in today's society?

There are twins named Gao Xiaobiao and Gao Xiaoji in Nanchang, Jiangxi in the Northern Song Dynasty, whose appearance and demeanor are almost identical, and sometimes their mothers can't recognize them. And they enrolled in school at the same time, showed talent at the same time, got married at the same time, and gave birth to children in the same year and month. One year, they took the provincial test at the same time and stayed in the same hotel. A widow in the store teased her brother Gao Xiaobiao, but Gao Xiaobiao sternly refused, and at the same time warned his brother not to do anything that harmed his morality. But the younger brother agreed on the surface, but in private, he pretended to be the elder brother and the widow, and the widow was not distinguished. From this moment on, the fate of the two brothers began to differ.

In this examination, the elder brother passed the exam, and the younger brother failed, but the younger brother lied to the widow and said, "I am in high school, and I will marry you after I am admitted." ”

Therefore, he asked the widow to borrow money, and the widow helped her.

In the spring of the following year, my brother was a high school scholar, and the widow hoped that her brother would marry her, but unfortunately there was no news, and finally she became depressed and became ill, and she died after quietly writing a letter. After the elder brother received the letter, he immediately questioned the younger brother, and the younger brother bowed his head and confessed. However, the wood has been completed, and it is too late to regret it!

The following year, his brother's child died suddenly, and the younger brother wept so much that he lost his sight and died soon after. The elder brother has many sons and grandchildren, and enjoys longevity. You see, both brothers were originally blessed people, but once they did that thing, their fate was immediately different, and the heavenly calamity (adultery) was so fast! This is what the saying goes, "(Phase) is born from the heart, (Life) is made from the heart".

The initiators will also die at their own hands, don't believe in these examples

Ancient readers

According to historical records, after Tang Gaozong Li Zhi ascended the throne, Queen Wang fell out of favor because she had no children, and Concubine Xiao Shu favored the harem. In order to fight Concubine Xiao Shu, Queen Wang asked Li Zhi to include Wu Zetian in the harem. Who knew that after Wu Zetian entered the palace, he quickly defeated Concubine Xiao Shufei and Queen Wang, and became the queen himself, and Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shufei were both deposed as concubines. After Empress Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu were imprisoned, Tang Gaozong Li Zhi visited them privately. Their house was completely enclosed, with only a small hole open to hand out food. They cried and said to Tang Gaozong: "I hope the emperor can remember the old love and let us see the light of day again." ”

Tang Gaozong immediately agreed. But Wu Zetian immediately sent someone to beat Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu with a hundred rods each, then cut off their hands and feet, and then threw them into the wine urn, and said: "Soak the bones of these two old women in drunk." ”

Immortal, two people miserable.

Concubine Xiao Shu made a poisonous oath before she died: "May Ah Wu be a rat, and I will be a cat, and I will take revenge by choking her throat for the rest of my life." ”

Since then, Wu Zetian has suffered from mental illness, because he is afraid of the reincarnation of Concubine Xiao Shu and Queen Wang, and prohibits raising cats in the palace. And Wu Zetian often has nightmares, and when he has nightmares, he dreams of Concubine Xiao Shufei and Queen Wang, who are covered in hair and blood. So I didn't dare to live in Taiji Palace, so I moved to Daming Palace, and later I didn't even dare to live in Chang'an, and moved to Luoyang, the eastern capital.