
Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!

author:Huainan Daily
Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!
Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!
Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!

Source: Tianjia'an District Education and Sports Bureau

Tianjia'an District Education and Sports Bureau

About doing a good job in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in 2024

Notification of enrollment and enrollment work

All primary and secondary schools and kindergartens:

In order to implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Education and Teaching and Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Compulsory Education" (Zhongfa [2019] No. 26), according to the "Notice of the Anhui Provincial Department of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Enrollment of Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools in 2024" (Anhui Jiao Ji [2024] No. 67) and the "Notice of the Huainan Municipal Education and Sports Bureau on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Enrollment of Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools in 2024 (Huai Jiao Ti [2024] No. 14), effectively standardize the enrollment and enrollment behavior, combined with the actual situation of our district, The following notice is hereby given on the enrollment and enrollment of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the district in 2024.


Fully implement compulsory education without examinations and enroll in nearby schools

1. Strictly implement test-free admission to the nearest school. All compulsory education schools (including private compulsory education schools, the same below) should strictly abide by the provisions on free entrance to compulsory education, and it is strictly forbidden to use all kinds of examinations, competitions, training results, or certificates as the basis for enrollment, and must not select students in the name of interviews, interviews, evaluations, and online related forms. Compulsory education schools must not enroll students with special talents. In principle, new students entering public schools should meet the "two consistencies" (i.e., the name of the property owner of the real estate certificate is the same as the name of the schooling child or legal guardian, the registered address of the real estate certificate is the same as the household registration address, and the legal guardian and the school child are both in the household registration). Each school can formulate a specific enrollment plan based on the actual situation. The enrollment of private compulsory education schools is to be included in the unified management of the place of approval, and the enrollment is synchronized with that of public compulsory education schools.

The registration period for 2024 primary school enrollment is from July 2 to 10.

2. Reasonably delineate the scope of enrollment. Based on factors such as the number of school-age children and teenagers in the region, the distribution of schools, the size of schools, class size regulations, traffic conditions, etc., and in accordance with the principle of ensuring fairness and free entrance to the nearest school, the district education and sports bureau has scientifically and reasonably formulated a plan for the division of local public compulsory education schools into school districts to ensure that the compulsory education free admission policy is fully covered. After the demarcation of the school district, it should remain relatively stable, and if it is really necessary to adjust, the district education and sports bureau will invite relevant units and parent representatives to demonstrate the plan, and report to the people's government at the same level for approval, and announce it to the public in advance, and actively do a good job of publicity to ensure social stability. Public compulsory education schools should strictly enforce the requirements of exemption from examinations, zoning, and enrollment in the nearest school, and enroll school-age children and teenagers in accordance with the school districts demarcated by the district education and sports bureau, and must not recruit school-age children and teenagers outside the school district in violation of regulations. The recommendation for graduation from each elementary school will be re-verified with the household registration and real estate certificate used at the time of enrollment in the first grade as the reference basis for the recommendation for the corresponding junior high school admission.

The district education and sports bureau shall consider and standardize the development of private compulsory education, and reasonably issue an enrollment plan, and the number of applicants is less than or equal to the enrollment plan, and direct admission. If the number of applicants exceeds the enrollment plan, it will be under the supervision of the Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports by the competent department of education at the place of approval to implement the computer lottery, and invite the discipline inspection and supervision organs to supervise on site or the notary department to notarize on the spot, and the school shall not selectively admit students. Those who are not admitted to private compulsory education schools shall be arranged by the District Education and Sports Bureau to study in the public compulsory education schools of the original school district. The enrollment of the seventh grade of private schools can be confirmed by direct promotion according to the wishes of parents, and if the number of direct students does not reach or exceed the enrollment plan, they shall be implemented in accordance with the enrollment requirements of the above-mentioned private compulsory education schools.

3. Standardize the collection of registration information. All primary and secondary schools should complete the compulsory education enrollment registration system, and in accordance with the principle of not providing materials unless necessary, and not collecting information unless necessary, clarify and widely publicize in advance the materials required for registration, registration time, and handling methods. Necessary information such as students' basic information, home addresses, and parents' names and contact information shall be collected, and it is strictly prohibited to collect information on students' parents' positions and incomes. Information collection efforts should be collected at one time at the time of enrollment, and all kinds of apps and mini programs must not be used to collect students' relevant information repeatedly at will. Comprehensively clean up and cancel unnecessary proof materials such as preschool education experience, family planning certificates, and certificates of exceeding the normal school age; The vaccination certificate is not a precondition for enrollment and can be queried through big data or required by students in time after the start of school. It is necessary to implement the work requirements of "doing one thing efficiently", accelerate the sharing of household registration, real estate, social security and other school-related information in the region, and gradually realize online registration, material review and admission, and effectively provide convenience for the masses. The enrollment and registration of primary and secondary schools must be carried out through the unified entrance of the "Anhui Provincial Primary and Secondary School Enrollment Registration Service" on the "Anhui Shitong".

4. Guarantee the right to enrollment in accordance with the law. All primary and secondary schools should strictly implement the "Compulsory Education Law", the "Law on the Protection of Minors" and other legal provisions, and truly protect the right of school-age children and adolescents to receive compulsory education. Where school-age children and adolescents truly need to postpone enrollment or suspend school due to their physical condition, their parents or other legal guardians shall submit an application, which shall be approved by the local township people's government or district education and sports bureau. The district education and sports bureau and the township people's government should earnestly perform the statutory duties of compulsory education dropout control and protection, give play to the role of the joint control and joint guarantee work mechanism, and earnestly do a good job in the work of dropout control and protection. In principle, the primary school entry age will be 6 years old by August 31, 2024, and it can be appropriately relaxed if there are vacant places in the school, but the age must be 6 years old by December 31, 2024. For the relaxation of age enrollment, the school must openly standardize the handling, announce the method, process and deadline for the admission age, and inform parents that students will be strictly restricted in terms of change of student status (suspension, resumption, transfer, etc.). Schools must not exceed class sizes and privately relax the age to recruit underage children. Each school summarizes the relevant information (including name, ID number, enrollment school, number of classes in the starting grade, total number of students in the starting grade, etc.) and reports to the District Education and Sports Bureau for approval, and then reports to the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau for the record.

School-age children who meet the following conditions shall be enrolled in the school belonging to the school district of their actual place of residence: school-age children who are born with their guardians in the household registration office of their grandparents or maternal grandparents (i.e., there is no record of relocation or change outside the jurisdiction of the scholar's household registration) shall provide the real estate certificate and household registration book of their grandparents or maternal grandparents, and at the same time provide a certificate issued by the municipal housing management department that their guardians have no real estate in the city, and can only register after verification and publicity by the school and no objection.

The District Bureau of Education and Sports earnestly investigates, and in accordance with laws and regulations, seriously investigates and punishes illegal acts by social training institutions and other forms that replace compulsory education in the form of "national learning classes", "Bible reading classes", and "private schools". Where parents or other legally-designated guardians fail to send school-age children and adolescents to school to receive compulsory education without a legitimate reason, or cause them to drop out of school, and the circumstances are serious or constitute a crime, legal responsibility is to be pursued in accordance with law.

5. Fully implement the requirements for balanced class assignment. The beginning grade fully implements the "sunshine class" policy, implements the requirements of balanced class classification in Anhui Province, and shall not pass the examination to divide classes, and shall not set up or disguised key classes and non-key classes; Non-starting grades are not allowed to re-establish reinforcement classes, top classes, and promotion classes for the purpose of advancing to higher education. Compulsory education schools, especially schools with a high degree of social recognition, shall, on the basis of actual conditions, carefully study and judge the structure of students, gender composition, teachers, class size regulations, curriculum resources, etc., formulate a balanced class assignment plan for the school in advance, and report it to the district education and sports bureau for approval and the municipal education and sports bureau for the record.

6. Enrollment requirements for the seventh grade of junior high school

In strict accordance with the spirit of the provincial and municipal documents and the primary school graduation recommendation plan in our district, the list of students recommended by the corresponding primary schools to enter junior high school shall be publicized, and the new junior high school students shall be naturalized with the public list. The 2024 junior high school freshmen who are not on the public list will not be eligible for the provincial model high school enrollment index allocation after three years. Primary school counterpart recommendation to be strictly controlled, do not participate in the counterpart recommendation to submit a written report to explain the reason, in principle, must be registered in the place of junior high school, to study in other places must provide foreign household registration book and real estate certificate, it is strictly forbidden to borrow in the same city, in line with the change of the recommended conditions for the process see the figure below:

Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!

(Click on the image to enlarge it)


Comprehensively standardize the order of kindergarten enrollment

Kindergarten enrollment should be based on the principle of relative proximity. Children should be at least 3 years old (born before August 31, 2021) and must provide corresponding documents when registering. The enrollment period is from July 2 to 8, 2024.


Comprehensively coordinate the enrollment of special types and groups

1. Regulate special types of enrollment. Compulsory education schools must not enroll students in the names of "International Division", "International Curriculum Classes", "Overseas Classes", "Bilingual Classes", and so forth. Support Longhu Middle School and other junior high schools as pilot schools for the training of students in the Anhui Provincial Navy Youth Aviation Experimental Class.

2. Ensure the education of special groups. Ensure that children and adolescents with disabilities receive compulsory education in accordance with law, truly implement "one person, one case", ensure that school-age children and adolescents with disabilities who are able to receive ordinary education can attend classes nearby, and that schools provide standardized and effective education services for students with severe disabilities. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Interim Regulations on Residence Permits" on living in the place of inflow for more than half a year and having legal and stable employment and residence, comprehensively establish a compulsory education enrollment policy for migrant children with residence permits as the main basis, clean up and cancel the non-compliant enrollment certification materials and time limit requirements for migrant children, and persist in arranging for migrant children to attend school mainly in public compulsory education schools. If the children who have moved with them return to the compulsory education school where their household registration is located, the district education and sports bureau will make overall arrangements in accordance with the law. The transfer school shall transfer the student's student status in the primary and secondary school student registration management information system, and the transfer and transfer out schools and the competent departments of the student status of both parties shall complete the student registration transfer procedures within 10 working days. For the children of martyrs, children of servicemen on active duty, and other types of preferential care, follow the relevant national, provincial, and municipal provisions to truly implement preferential treatment policies for education.


Comprehensively strengthen supervision and management

1. Compaction work responsibility. All schools should conscientiously implement the spirit of the national and provincial, municipal, and district ordinary primary and secondary school enrollment work, actively and steadily promote the enrollment work under the unified leadership of the district primary and secondary school enrollment committee, and study and formulate the implementation plan for enrollment and enrollment in 2024 in combination with the actual situation, and submit the implementation plan to the District Education and Sports Bureau at the same time. The establishment of Tianjia'an District Enrollment Leading Group, the office is located in the District Education and Sports Bureau of the Basic Education Section (Tel: 2698029), fully responsible for the supervision and management of enrollment in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. Each school has set up an admissions hotline and kept the phone open. The first grade mainly examines the "two certificates", and the seventh grade examines whether the new students are designated and recommended primary school graduates and whether the number of students exceeds the target. For eligible students, the district admissions office will issue a unified admission notice. Admission notices shall not be issued to students who do not meet the requirements and students whose junior high school enrollment exceeds the enrollment quota in the enrollment documents. In case of special circumstances, the school must report in writing to the District Admissions Office and attach the student's detailed materials. Earnestly implement the national, provincial, and municipal policies on enrollment and enrollment in ordinary primary and secondary schools, and take effective measures to ensure stability and order. The implementation measures and enrollment plans for the enrollment of ordinary primary and secondary schools formulated by each school in accordance with this plan must be reported to the District Education and Sports Bureau for the record and approval before they can be announced and implemented, and the latest time limit shall not exceed July 1.

2. Strengthen supervision and inspection. Strictly implement the Ministry of Education's "Ten Prohibitions" on enrollment in primary and secondary schools, unblock channels for reporting and accepting appeals, and take the initiative to accept social supervision. It is strictly forbidden to publish to the public enrollment brochures, enrollment advertisements and independent enrollment plans that have not been reviewed and filed by the District Education and Sports Bureau, and it is strictly forbidden to falsely publicize and deceive students and parents. Strengthen the supervision of private school enrollment brochures, enrollment advertisements, enrollment plans, etc.; Before the unified enrollment, the enrollment plan, enrollment brochure, enrollment time, enrollment method, fee standard and other information are uniformly released to the public through government information disclosure, media publicity, school website, etc., so as to facilitate the choice of students and parents. It is necessary to fully implement online registration and enrollment to ensure that the enrollment and enrollment work is standardized, orderly, and easy to supervise. It is necessary to pay close attention to illegal enrollment behaviors, discover them in a timely manner, and deal with them quickly. Continue to give full play to the role of the student registration system in assisting in standardizing enrollment, real-time monitoring, and regular online inspections. The Supervision Office of the District Education and Sports Bureau shall include the enrollment and enrollment of primary and secondary schools in the scope of daily supervision of the responsible inspectors, and supervise the implementation of the enrollment and enrollment policies in a timely manner.

3. Severe punishment for violations. Improve the mechanism for investigating and handling illegal enrollment and pursuing responsibility, stop and correct violations in a timely manner, and give corresponding punishments depending on the severity of the circumstances, and the main responsible person, person in charge and handling personnel of the school in violation of enrollment will be interviewed and criticized, and the school and individuals will be disqualified from the current year's evaluation. If it has a vile impact on illegal enrollment, the relevant responsible person shall be held responsible. Private schools must not refuse to admit students, and must not indirectly force students to give up enrollment or transfer; If the enrollment is notified by the competent department of education due to illegal enrollment, the annual inspection shall be treated as unqualified, rectified within a time limit, and the enrollment plan shall be reduced according to the proportion of not less than 10%, and the relevant local awards and subsidies shall be recovered; where corrections are refused, punishment is to be imposed in accordance with laws and regulations, up to the revocation of the school's permit; Those who have not obtained a permit to run a school (including the preparation period) shall not be enrolled. The publication of enrollment brochures, enrollment advertisements, enrollment plans, etc., which have not been reviewed and approved by the District Education and Sports Bureau, shall be regarded as invalid enrollment and shall be dealt with as illegal school-running behavior. The District Education and Sports Bureau has set up a reporting hotline: 2697280 (Supervision Office of the District Education and Sports Bureau).

4. Widely publicize and guide. The District Education and Sports Bureau will work together with relevant departments (units) such as news and publicity to fully and in-depth and meticulously interpret the enrollment and enrollment policies of primary and secondary schools to ensure that students understand the policy content that they should know and need to know in a timely manner. Through a letter to parents, parents' meetings, etc., all schools should inform students and parents about the policy of examination and enrollment, and should go deep into rural and poor areas to actively publicize the policy of free admission for students from economically disadvantaged families and the policy of financial assistance for students from economically disadvantaged families. In particular, students and parents are reminded not to listen to the false propaganda of individual schools, so as to avoid irreversible adverse consequences. In particular, we should know the relevant requirements for the management of primary and secondary school students' student status and the comprehensive quality evaluation of students, and require that at the end of each semester, the results of students' academic performance and comprehensive quality evaluation and relevant empirical materials must be uploaded through the student registration system and management platform.

June 28, 2024

Tianjia'an District will be in the compulsory education stage in the fall of 2024

School enrollment service area division plan

Date: June 28, 2024

Counterparts are promoted to junior high schools Elementary school Service area
Huainan No. 26 Middle School Huainan City 26th Junior High School Elementary School

Area 1: east to Liuying Road, south to Jinjialing Road, west to Quanshan Road, north to Dongshan Middle Road;

Area 2: East to Quanshan Road, south to Shungeng Mountain, west to Wangfenggang junction, north to Dongshan West Road - Hehuaifu Railway Line.

Chaoyang Middle School Asao Junior High School It is bounded by Tianda Road in the east, Dongshan East Road in the south, Chaoyang East Road in the north, and Huaishun South Road in the west.
Tian Thirteen Small It is bounded by Zhouying Village Four Group Road in the east, Chaoyang East Road in the south, Wangying Lane in the west, and Guoqing East Road in the north.
Huainan No. 22 Middle School Anseong Town School Ancheng Town area
Longquan Middle School Tian 19 Primary School (Tian 18 Primary North Campus) It is bounded by Square Road in the east, Dongshan Middle Road in the south, Quanshan Road in the west, and Hehuaifu Railway Line in the north.
Tian 18 Elementary School Shun Geng Campus East to Laolongan Road, south to Jinjialing Road, west to Liuying Road, north to Dongshan Middle Road.
Jinling Middle School Kim Yue Junior High School It is bounded by the General Hospital of Dongfang Group Hospital in the east, Shungeng Mountain in the south, Quanshan Road in the west, and Jinjialing Road in the north.
Huainan No. 7 Middle School Tani Xiao East to Huaishun North Road, south to Qingnian Road, west to Renmin North Road, north to Yanhuai Road.
Tian Wu Primary School (Tian 16 Primary School East Campus)

Area 1: East to Tianda Road, south to Guoqing East Road, west to Huaishun Middle Road, north to the east section of Hong Kong Street;

Area 2: East to Huaishun Middle Road, south to Guoqing East Road, west to Renmin North Road, north to Qingnian Road.

Tian fifteen small It is bounded by Tian Tai Road in the east, Hong Kong Street East in the south, Huai Shun Road in the west, and Yanhuai Road in the north.
Huainan No. 19 Middle School Tian 17 Primary School (Tian 16 Primary West Campus) It is bounded by Square Road in the east, Hehuaifu Railway Line in the south, School Road (19 Middle East) in the west, and Guoqing West Road in the north.
Tian twenty-one small East to School Road, south to Hehuaifu Railway Line, west to Wangfeng Gang, north to Guoqing West Road.
Huainan No.23 Middle School (Huainan Experimental Middle School East Campus) Tian Sixiao It is bounded by Shuichang Road in the east, Guoqing East Road in the south, Tianda Road in the west, and Yanhuai Road in the north.
Tian Qi Primary School (Affiliated Primary School of Dongshan Middle School) It is bounded by Tianda Road in the east, Chaoyang East Road in the south, Zhouying Village Sigu Road in the west, and Guoqing East Road in the north.
Huainan No. 24 Middle School Tansan Xiao

Area 1: East to Huaishun South Road, south to Stadium South Road, west to Renmin South Road, north to Chaoyang Middle Road;

Area 2: East to Wangying Lane, south to Chaoyang Middle Road, west to Longhu Middle Road, north to Guoqing Middle Road.

Tian Wu Primary School (Tian 16 Primary School East Campus)

Area 1: East to Tianda Road, south to Guoqing East Road, west to Huaishun Middle Road, north to the east section of Hong Kong Street;

Area 2: East to Huaishun Middle Road, south to Guoqing East Road, west to Renmin North Road, north to Qingnian Road.

Tian Shixiao It is bounded by Huaishun South Road in the east, Hehuaifu Railway Line in the south, Renmin South Road in the west, and Stadium South Road in the north.
Huainan Experimental Middle School Tian 17 Primary School (Tian 16 Primary West Campus) It is bounded by Square Road in the east, Hehuaifu Railway Line in the south, School Road (19 Middle East) in the west, and Guoqing West Road in the north.
Tian 18 small East to Square South Road, south to Shungeng Mountain, west to Longyan Road, north to Dongshan Middle Road.
Huaishi Affiliated Xiaodongshan Campus It is east to Huaihe Avenue, south to Shungeng Mountain, west to Square South Road, and north to Hehuaifu Railway Line.
Longhu Middle School Tansan Xiao

Area 1: East to Huaishun South Road, south to Stadium South Road, west to Renmin South Road, north to Chaoyang Middle Road;

Area 2: East to Wangying Lane, south to Chaoyang Middle Road, west to Longhu Middle Road, north to Guoqing Middle Road.

Tian 11 small It is bounded by Renmin South Road in the east, Hehuaifu Railway Line in the south, Longhu South Road in the west, and Chaoyang Middle Road in the north. The happiness code community in the east of Renmin South Road and the youth apartment community in the south of Shungeng Middle Road.
Tian 14 small It is bounded by Longhu South Road in the east, Hehuaifu Railway Line in the south, Xueyuan South Road in the west, and Guoqing Middle Road in the north.
Tian Sixteen Small

Area 1: East to Xueyuan Road, south to Huayuan Street, west to Huaihe Avenue, north to Guoqing Middle Road; Evergrande Imperial Mansion;

Area 2: east to Huaihe Avenue, south to Hehuaifu railway line, west to North Square Road, north to Chaoyang West Road.

Huaishi Affiliated Primary School (Headquarters) It is bounded by Renmin North Road in the east, Guoqing Middle Road in the south, Xueyuan North Road in the west, and Longhu Park in the north.
Minsheng Middle School Minsheng Middle School Primary School ("Double School District" for the first grade) It is bounded by Huaihe Farmers' Market and Huaixin North Road in the east, Guoqing Middle Road in the south, Square North Road in the west, and Yanhuai Road in the north. (Owners can choose to enroll in Longhu Middle School Park Campus or Minsheng Middle School)
Longhu Middle School Park Campus Longhu Middle School Park Campus Primary School It is bounded by Longhu Park in the east, Hubin West Road in the south, Huaixin North Road in the west, and Yanhuai Road in the north.
Tian Sixteen Small

Area 1: East to Xueyuan Road, south to Huayuan Street, west to Huaihe Avenue, north to Guoqing Middle Road; Evergrande Imperial Mansion;

Area 2: east to Huaihe Avenue, south to Hehuaifu railway line, west to North Square Road, north to Chaoyang West Road.

Tian Twenty Small

Area 1: East to Huaihe Avenue, south to Chaoyang West Road, west to Square North Road, north to Guoqing West Road.

Area 2: East to Xueyuan North Road, south to Guoqing West Road, west to Huaihe Farmers' Market, north to Hubin West Road.

Dongshan Middle School Toyama Junior High School It is bounded by Sunshine International City, Yosemite, Xinhua Zhongshuyuan (inclusive) in the east, Shungeng Mountain in the south, Huaihe Avenue in the west, and Hehuaifu Railway Line in the north.
Tian Sixteen Small

Area 1: East to Xueyuan Road, south to Huayuan Street, west to Huaihe Avenue, north to Guoqing Middle Road; Evergrande Imperial Mansion;

Area 2: east to Huaihe Avenue, south to Hehuaifu railway line, west to North Square Road, north to Chaoyang West Road.

Huaihe Middle School (Dongshan Middle School East Campus) Huaihe Middle School (Dongshan Middle School East Campus) Primary School It is bounded by the junction with Datong District in the east, Shungeng Mountain in the south, Sunshine International City in the west, the east wall of Hanlin Jincheng (not included), and Dongshan East Road in the north.
Dongshan Middle School North Campus Toyama Junior High School North School District Elementary School Sunac Yulan Mansion, Dacheng 1001, Zhongdan Academy, Xincheng Yue Mansion.
Note: If the development enterprise has signed an agreement with the education department for the enrollment of the children of the residents, the contract shall still be implemented during the contract period.
Supervision telephone: 2697280 Consultation telephone: 2698029
Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!

(Click on the image to enlarge it)

Editor-in-charge: Tang Ning

Preliminary trial Sun Jikui

Final Judgment Shen Guobing

Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!
Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!

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Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!
Tianjia'an District's latest compulsory education school district division plan is here!

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