
Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

author:Wu Jianping

Recently, because of the rain, the weather is hot, sometimes it rains, sometimes the sun comes out.

Under the fir forest in our Xinhua countryside in Hunan Province, a wild pine milk fungus has grown again, and many nearby villagers have gone to the mountains to pick it.

When this wild pine fungus just grows, the small kind and good quality can be sold for 100 yuan a pound in the market, and it is in short supply, and the price will drop if the quantity is large.

Why is the price of this pine fungus so expensive? What is its value and function? How can I pick up this pine fungus in the mountains, and how can I eat it? Today, I will share them with you one by one, and pay attention to your favorite friends.

What does Lactorosis pine look like?

Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

Pine milk mushroom is also called pine mushroom, thunder mushroom, fir tree fungus, in Xiao Wu's hometown of Hunan Xinhua countryside called fir tree fungus, its shape is like an umbrella, the top is a round umbrella cover, below is its long legs, this pine milk fungus has two colors, a gray, a yellow. Most of the mushrooms that grow in this season are yellow fir fungus.

The growth of this fir fungus is particularly demanding on the environment, and it cannot grow anywhere. It must meet three basic conditions, the first is that there must be a fir tree or a pine tree, the second is the right temperature, and the third is the right temperature.

Therefore, at the turn of spring and summer or autumn, when the rain is abundant and the climate is humid, pine lactobacillus will grow under the fir forest.

How can I pick up Lactobacillus?

Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

Milk pine fungus grows under the fir forest in the countryside, and now the fir tree in the countryside is full of a lot of shrubs, weeds, and thorns, and people can't even walk into it, so it's not easy to pick up this pine milk fungus.

Therefore, we need to make all preparations before we set out to pick up the pine milk fungus.

First, wear water shoes, never slippers, wear long-sleeved clothes, gloves, and a helmet to prevent snake bites in the mountains or scratches by tree branches in advance.

Second, take a knife that can chop wood and a basket. The knife is used to cut branches, shrubs, weeds, etc. while walking, and if you can't get there, you need to use a knife to cut it. There is also a knife to pull out the grass, and the pine lactus fungus grows under the weeds and rotting leaves. The basket is used to hold the pine lactobacillus.

Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

Third, it is best not to go alone, unless it is a mountain forest that you are very familiar with. So as not to know the road, do not go to a mountain that is too steep, it is easy to find and pick.

Fourth, you should carefully distinguish when picking, if you don't know yourself, you must have an experienced person to help identify it, in case you accidentally pick poisonous mushrooms.

Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

Fifth, when you find the pine fungus, carefully pull out the weeds near it, put your hand on the ground, pull the pine milk fungus, remove the leaves on it, and carefully put it in the basket. Do not shake the basket at will, so as not to shake the pine milk fungus.

What is the value and function of Lactobacillus pine

Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

Milk fungus is not only a delicious ingredient, but also rich in nutritional value. It is rich in protein, vitamins and a variety of minerals, which has the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body, strengthening the spleen and appetizing. Regular consumption of Lactobacillus pine can not only enhance the body's immunity, but also promote metabolism and contribute to good health.

Pine milk fungus 怎么吃?

Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

There are many ways to eat pine mushrooms, and the way to eat them varies from place to place.

In Xiao Wu's hometown, the easiest way to eat it is to stir-fry.

The method is to clean the pine milk fungus, prepare a few garlic cloves, peel off the skin, crush it, and cut a few peppers.

Put oil in the pot, fry the garlic cloves in the pot after the oil is hot, then put the chili peppers in the pot, and then pour the pine milk mushrooms into it and stir-fry together, fry until it is broken, and then add some water, so that there is a little soup, and then boil it. Be sure to cook thoroughly, and you don't need a lid when cooking. It is beneficial for the poisonous gas of the mushroom to run out.

After cooking, you can eat it, and eat pine milk mushrooms and drink soup, which is very delicious. It is very tasty without any seasonings other than chili, garlic, oil, and salt.

Wild pine milk mushrooms have grown again, and they are sold for 100 yuan a catty, what is the value, and what are the ways to eat

Of course, there are many ways to eat pine lactobacillus, which can be used to make soup, noodles, and fried with meat, and use your imagination to eat with other vegetables, but there is one to remember, add some garlic to it, and remember to cook it thoroughly.

Friends, do you have this pine fungus in your hometown? You are also welcome to share what you have to eat there. #头条创作挑战赛#