
Yang Ying and Simba's live broadcast room brings goods, why does it seem very low?

author:Peach Entertainment Notes


Recently, Yang Ying and Simba have caused some controversy in the live broadcast room. As well-known artists, they seem a little unprofessional in the live broadcast, which makes people feel a little "low". Today, we're going to talk about the reasons for this and what you think about it.

Yang Ying and Simba's live broadcast room brings goods, why does it seem very low?

In the entertainment industry, Yang Ying (Angelababy) and Simba are both high-profile stars, whether it is movies, variety shows or fashion, they have a wide range of influence. However, recently, their performance in bringing goods in the live broadcast room has caused some controversy, and some viewers think that it seems a little "low". So, why is that?

Yang Ying: Pursuing fashion but lacking professionalism

Yang Ying and Simba's live broadcast room brings goods, why does it seem very low?

Yang Ying has always been loved by the audience for her unique fashion taste and cute image. However, in the live streaming, her performance made people feel a little lacking in professionalism. She often jokes and chats in live broadcasts, and does not show the features and benefits of the product well. This makes the audience feel that she is just joking around and is not really involved in the process of bringing the goods. This performance not only affected her image, but also made the audience doubt the product.

Simba: Too casual and lacking in seriousness

Yang Ying and Simba's live broadcast room brings goods, why does it seem very low?

Simba, as a powerful actor, also has his own fan base in the entertainment industry. However, his performance in live streaming makes people feel too casual and lacks a serious attitude. He often leaves halfway through, his speech is slurred, and he feels irresponsible. The audience wants to see a Simba who is energetic, professional and sincerely recommends products, not a Simba who is casually funny and not serious enough.

Audience Response: Professional attitude is key

Yang Ying and Simba's live broadcast room brings goods, why does it seem very low?

For celebrities, live streaming is not only a commercial behavior, but also an opportunity to establish an image and win the trust of the audience. The audience's requirements for celebrities are not only to see them appear, but also to see them show a real professional attitude in the process of bringing goods. They want celebrities to have a full understanding of the product, clearly convey the product's message, and give real purchase suggestions.

At the same time, the audience also believes that celebrities should pay attention to their own image and maintain good manners, words and deeds. Although live streaming is a form of entertainment, artists still need to treat it with a professional attitude and respect the audience's consumption choices, rather than treating it in a casual or playful form.

Yang Ying and Simba's live broadcast room brings goods, why does it seem very low?

To sum up, Yang Ying and Simba's performance in bringing goods in the live broadcast room was considered a little "low" by the audience, mainly because they lacked professionalism and seriousness. The audience expects celebrities to be not only image spokespersons, but also hopes that they can win the trust of consumers with a professional attitude and sincere recommendations.

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