
The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

author:Lao Zhang's health theory

Mr. Zhang Jingjiang's family was the top family in Nanxun Town, Huzhou back then, with family history and power status.

However, the old gentleman himself is more like a talented man, and he married everyone's beautiful Yao Hui as his wife at a young age.

This Miss Yao family is not only beautiful, but also kind and virtuous.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

The married life of the two is also happy, and the old gentleman has five lovely daughters with this lady, which is really icing on the cake.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and Mrs. Yao died unexpectedly during a trip abroad and passed away.

Mr. Zhang was heartbroken, and even specially made a glass coffin inlaid with crystals for his beloved wife to show his eternal thoughts and nostalgia for her.

The couple's love story is a local legend and is regarded as a poignant love legend. However, fate was still very cruel, and Mr. Zhang soon experienced another turning point in his life.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

One year, at a dinner, he met a little girl named Zhu Yimin.

At that time, Zhu Yimin didn't even have Mr. Zhang's palm, but a pair of bright eyes and bright teeth seemed to hook Mr. Zhang's soul.

Out of kindness, Mr. Zhang simply adopted Zhu Yimin and gave her the best life education. I think people fell in love at first sight, and secretly fell in love, right?

Sure enough, Zhu Yimin grew up in Zhang's family like this, and he became more and more beautiful day by day.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

When she got older, Mr. Zhang actually got married to this little girl he had watched grow up since he was a child! Do you mean some uncle's love?

But how can the world see through Mr. Zhang's thoughts? Maybe for him, Zhu Yimin is just an opportunity to regain happiness.

After the two got married, Zhu Yimin gave birth to two sons and five daughters for Mr. Zhang, and the family was happy.

Seeing this, are you a little confused? Mr. Zhang Jingjiang's concept of love and marriage is really unexpected!

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

To be honest, the outrageous age difference between him and Zhu Yimin alone is enough to make people look sideways. What's more, Zhu Yimin was adopted and raised in the Zhang family, and the relationship between the two is as close as father and daughter.

But as Zhu Yimin grew up, Mr. Zhang's mood seemed to be undergoing subtle changes.

In the end, the relationship between the uncle and the niece gradually sublimated into an unruly love.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

Of course, we have no right or way to judge whether their relationship is justified or not. But obviously, Mr. Zhang's concept of relationship and marriage is very different from what ordinary people understand.

This may be due to the fact that his family background is too prominent, which makes him a little alienated from the rules of the world.

Or perhaps, he experienced the sudden death of Mrs. Yao, so he became more persistent in his desire for life and grasping time.

However, what is even more surprising is that the Zhang family's concept of marriage has reversed in the children's generation.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

Especially the fourth daughter Zhang Liying, she insisted on marrying Chen Youren, who was 30 years older than her, as her husband, which caused an uproar in the society at that time.

Mr. Zhang strongly opposes his daughter's marriage, which shows that his concept of marriage for his children has returned to the traditional moral bottom line. This contrast in concept cannot but be said to be quite interesting.

From the Zhang family's series of marriage stories, it is not difficult for us to see how tortuous and changeable the concept of love and marriage is in different times and family environments.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

Sometimes they stand up out of a desire for life, and sometimes they retreat in response to the perception of the public. The power of love is often so wonderful that it can turn a fortune around and change a life.

Even the sons and daughters of the Zhang family, in the face of feelings, seem to be tantamount to the struggles and contradictions of the world.

Their story confirms an eternal truth: there is no absolute right or wrong in love, and everyone is looking for the right answer for themselves.

In the final analysis, love and marriage are major events in life. The complicated marriage stories of the Zhang family also give us many interesting perspectives to think about.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

For example, the marriage between Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Yimin, which is very different in age, will undoubtedly be considered unethical in modern society.

But if we think about it from another angle, the two have been in love with each other for decades and love each other, isn't it also a commendable marriage?

Moreover, Zhang Liying's practice of ignoring her family's opposition in order to marry her sweetheart seems to be contrary to tradition on the surface, but in fact it also reflects her persistent pursuit of love. This kind of courage and persistence is also awe-inspiring.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

It can be said that there is no one-size-fits-all conclusion for love marriage, and everyone's choice has their own reasons. The important thing is whether the parties really love each other and whether they can support each other and fulfill each other in the long river of life.

These stories of the Zhang family also reflect from the side that the concept of door valves and hierarchical consciousness in the old era often expose all kinds of irrationality and rigidity in the face of love. In the final analysis, love is free and difficult to constrain with established frameworks.

Perhaps at present, we should use empathy and open-mindedness to examine and understand different lifestyles and value pursuits. Every love has its own unique story, and we should embrace differences with humility rather than arbitrarily judging right and wrong.

The love of the legendary Zhang Jingjiang of the Republic of China, the two ladies gave birth to 10 beautiful daughters for him!

At the end of the day, loving and being loved is the ultimate dream that everyone yearns for. And when the lives of two people are closely linked, they are destined to write a legendary chapter of sadness or joy.

Just like these stories of the Zhang family, despite the ups and downs, they are all filled with yearning and expectation for a better life in the end.

It is precisely because of this that they deserve to be remembered and savored. After all, behind every love story, there is too much wisdom of life and the tension of human nature.

We are fortunate to be able to hear it, and naturally we should be more humble to learn and appreciate the essence of it.

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