
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

author:Yu Ni Bo
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Recently, there has been a new trend in Taiwan, and many temples in Miaoli County, Taiwan, have received official documents from the Taiwan military on "cooperation," demanding that these public places sign an agreement on ammunition hoarding.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

After the news came out, not only did the residents in the vicinity panic and think that there was going to be a war, but everyone's first reaction was the same, otherwise why would the Taiwan military go out of their way to harass the religious beliefs of the gods and lands that they themselves may also believe.

According to Taiwan media reports, these official documents were issued by the reserve headquarters of Miaoli County in Taiwan, and they have absolute credibility and authority.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

The only use of these munitions is to replenish the arsenal at the front and save time, especially at the beginning of the war, when whoever has the most firepower can have a slight advantage.

So who is Taiwan targeting this time? The answer, of course, is the mainland; since Lai Ching-te came to power, the situation between the two sides of the strait has become more and more tense, and today, the Taiwan military has openly requisitioned civilian places to store ammunition, and this is already a tense situation.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

The people of Taiwan are incredulous that the situation has developed to the point where it is today, and they did not expect that Lai Ching-de, who they voted for with one vote, is the most likely culprit to ruin their peaceful life.

At present, the locals near the temples in Taiwan are protesting one after another, for two reasons: first, they are afraid of war, fearing that Taiwan will be used as a battlefield, and second, the Taiwanese army wants to use the temples to release ammunition, which is really stupid.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

Most of the people in Taiwan and Fujian worship Mazu, and worship ceremonies are held almost every day, and when worshipping, these temples never prohibit firecrackers and burning paper money.

The local people made a suggestion asking the Taiwan military to requisition public organs first, and because of the great reaction from the people, Taiwan media reporters also wanted to contact the relevant departments in Miaoli County to see if they had made a final decision, but no one from the reserve command came out to respond at this time.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

It wasn't until the anger of the people dissipated a little that the reserve command came forward and said that they just wanted to rehearse, and did not make a substantive move to place ammunition, and that they would try to communicate and coordinate with civil society groups in the future.

It seems that the Taiwan side really intends to use force to solve the problem, and the scene of the cross-strait disturbance to this day is really embarrassing; these two brothers can completely negotiate and solve the problem behind closed doors.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

Since Lai Ching-te came to power, Taiwan's air force has taken more and more frequent actions, even to the point where the whole island is on alert, and from time to time they have launched air defense combat drills, as if to tell the mainland that Taiwan is ready to fight at any time.

But when they saw the equipment that the Taiwan military took out, the ordinary people were silent, and with such backward fighters and transport planes, as well as the rest of the helicopter equipment, could Taiwan hold out for a day?

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

The Taiwan military's action to harass the people began at 5 o'clock in the morning and ended at 7 o'clock, and there was no deterrent effect at all, while the People's Liberation Army on the other side spent 24 hours cruising around the island and dispatching more and more liberation planes and military planes.

Lai Qingde has been in office for 40 days, what contribution has he made? First of all, in Taiwan Province, the antagonism of the struggle between the parties has become more and more obvious, and the peace of the lives of the people in Taiwan has been broken; second, the situation between the two sides of the strait has become more and more tense, and the frequency of PLA drills has skyrocketed.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

Now that the Taiwanese people have finally understood the election of Lai Qingde, the good days are over. Some people in Taiwan say that Lai Qingde is Taiwan independence, and he has shown this meaning from the inside out, but he does not dare to take action, and some people in Taiwan have said that Lai Qingde is more radical than Tsai Ing-wen and regrets electing him to power.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

At first, the Taiwanese people did not have this attitude, they thought that the new leader could lead Taiwan to a better life, but it turned out that prices were out of control and the cost of living skyrocketed.

Since the end of last year, when the Taiwan authorities were in the heat of the election, there was no leader who cared about the lives of the Taiwan people, and prices rose sharply, with pork reaching the point of 40 yuan and 1 catty.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

It was not until the beginning of May that Taiwan's officials came out to curb the rise in prices, but the people were not satisfied, because the results were not obvious at all, especially after the preferential tariff policies on the mainland side were abolished, Taiwan's materials became more and more scarce, which indirectly led to an economic recession, and this is the most direct manifestation of Taiwan's reluctance to return.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

The biggest reason why Taiwan is so radical comes from the instigation of the United States.

According to the "Washington Post" report, the commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command has made it clear that the only most mature weapon they can use to use to confront China by military means in the Asia-Pacific region is Taiwan, and the United States wants to turn Taiwan into a no-man's hell to prevent the PLA from recovering Taiwan and obstructing China's reunification.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

However, in front of the Taiwanese people, the United States has shown a posture of protecting the island, suggesting that the other side can make Taiwan an independent sovereign island country.

Thanks to the efforts of the United States, Taiwan has received so-called military assistance and purchased a series of backward military equipment, and the United States has even sent so-called professional military personnel to provide Taiwan with training and guidance. A series of military assistance has given Taiwan more and more confidence to confront the mainland.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

Doesn't Taiwan know that the United States wants to turn them into "hedgehogs"? Of course, the answer is clear, but they also want to take the opportunity to realize "Taiwan independence." Taiwan is hiding its own little ninety-nine.

It was not until the People's Liberation Army (PLA) showed its full strength again and again, and the mainland withdrew its preferential economic policies, that Taiwan understood that it was difficult to ride a tiger.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

On 20 May, Lai Qingde took the stage and made a speech, undoubtedly revealing his "Taiwan independence" heart; Lai Qingde tried to tamper with the theory of one country, two systems, and to confuse Taiwan's more than 23 million people.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

As the leader of the Taiwan authorities, Lai Ching-te has no outlook on the future, no view of the overall situation, and blindly leads the people to "worship foreign countries." It is difficult for Lai Ching-te to take on a big responsibility; according to the Taiwan media, on the surface, Lai Ching-te seems to have a chance to win, and the clouds are light and the wind is light, but in fact he has already prepared an escape route, and the Taiwan military has carried out the "Han Kuang" exercise this year, which is an ironclad proof of this.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

The fine tradition in this regard comes from the previous Tsai Ing-wen, and I have to say that what Lai Qingde has done is becoming more and more shocking, and I hope that the people of Taiwan will wake up as soon as possible and not follow Lai Qingde to mess around.

Reference source: Strait Net, July 1, 2024 - Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received an official document from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the people were panicked

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