
Lao Li's photography dream - a little story around him

author:The moon is free and the moon is in the mountains

In a corner of the town, there lives an old man named Lao Li, who has carved traces on his face over the years, but has not erased his love for life and his pursuit of beauty. Lao Li has a simple dream - to have a camera of his own to record the bits and pieces of life, especially those fleeting beautiful moments. However, his son Xiao Li, a thrifty young man, was always worried that his father's pension would not be enough, and Xiao Li was always a little hesitant to buy a camera.

Lao Li's photography dream - a little story around him

"Dad, our family's expenses are not small now, and the camera is quite expensive." Xiao Li tried to persuade Lao Li.

Lao Li understands his son's concerns, but the photographic fire in his heart has never been extinguished. One day, he had a whim: "What if I make this wish happen in my own way?" ”

So, Lao Li began his "dream journey". Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine on the town, Lao Li takes a woven bag and shuttles through the streets and alleys to collect the recyclables that people discard. Old newspapers, empty bottles, waste cartons...... These things that are inconspicuous in the eyes of others are valuable resources for realizing dreams in the eyes of Lao Li.

Time passed day by day, Lao Li's persistence touched the surrounding neighbors, and everyone began to intentionally or unintentionally leave some small objects that could still be used, waiting for Lao Li to collect them. Lao Li's woven bag gradually bulged, and in his heart, the dream of the camera became clearer and clearer.

Lao Li's photography dream - a little story around him

Finally, after several months of hard work, Lao Li saved enough money. On a sunny afternoon, he walked into a second-hand camera store, and the owner, Lao Liu, saw the old man with white hair but firm eyes, and his heart was full of respect. Lao Liu carefully selected a well-maintained second-hand camera and handed it to Lao Li, saying: "Brother, this camera is the same as you, although it is a little old, but the quality is good." ”

Lao Li took the camera with trembling hands, as carefully as holding a newborn baby. At that moment, his eyes flashed with an unprecedented light. Since then, Lao Li has been left in every corner of the town, and he uses his lens to capture the warmth of daily life, the magnificence of nature, and the stories that have been forgotten by time.

Lao Li's photography dream - a little story around him

Xiao Li looked at the smile on his father's face, and his heart was full of emotion. He finally understood that sometimes, happiness does not lie in the amount of material things, but in the spirit of unremitting efforts for dreams. Lao Li proved with his own actions that no matter how old you are, as long as you have a dream, it is never too late.

And Lao Li's story has also become a good story in the town, inspiring everyone to pursue the love in their hearts.

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