
Approaching "two excellent and one first"

author:Zigong observes

Zigong reporter Chi Li

"This year marks our 71st anniversary." On July 1, the reporter learned at the Zigong Maternal and Child Health Hospital that the party committee of the hospital adheres to the party's political construction as the guide, firmly establishes the concept of grasping the development of party building, creates the party building brand of "women's heart and children's travel", and promotes the high-quality development of regional maternal and child health. In recent years, the hospital has won 21 national honors and 45 provincial honors. Zigong City has built an obstetric emergency command and dispatch center, an obstetrics and gynecology quality control center, and a critical maternal and neonatal treatment center, and the comprehensive strength of the hospital ranks among the top 100 maternal and child health care institutions in the country, and is located in the first echelon of the province. A few days ago, it was awarded the advanced grass-roots party organization of Sichuan Province by the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee.

Approaching "two excellent and one first"

Focus on party building and continue to strengthen political responsibility

"We integrate party building into the whole field and the whole process of hospital management." According to the relevant person in charge of the hospital, the hospital implements the "party building +" project, which fully covers the implementation of the branch secretary and department head, and builds the branch on the department, discipline and project. In addition, in order to promote the exemplary vanguard role of party members, it has successively organized and carried out selection activities such as "party member pioneer post" and "the most beautiful women and children".

In 2023, the hospital will take the lead in establishing the Zigong Eugenics and Childcare Association to fill the gap in the social organization of the city's eugenics and childcare associations. "The establishment of the association not only helps to improve the comprehensive literacy of employees, promotes the standardized development of the city's childcare institutions, but also continuously improves the quality of the city's new population." The relevant person in charge of the hospital said.

Approaching "two excellent and one first"

In the same year, it hosted the Sichuan Provincial Conference on the High-quality Development of Maternal and Child Health Care Institutions, and successfully applied for the Zigong Public Hospital Reform and High-quality Development Demonstration Project - Zigong Regional Medical Center for Women and Children, and received provincial support for the establishment of a provincial-level regional maternal and child health center.

Focus on discipline construction and continue to strengthen the responsibility of women and children

"Deepen foreign cooperation and exchanges, and continue to release new momentum for the high-quality development of hospitals." The relevant person in charge of the hospital said that in recent years, the hospital has effectively promoted resource sharing, realized complementary advantages, continuously strengthened the cooperation between colleges and universities, established the city's first IVF laboratory, built 11 scientific research teams and innovation platforms, newly established comprehensive surgery, ICU and other disciplines, and built a national training base for appropriate technology (special disease) of traditional Chinese medicine for maternal and child health care, and a provincial characteristic unit of traditional Chinese medicine for women and children. It has built the only medical institution in the city that can carry out fetal magnetic resonance and four-level prenatal ultrasound examination. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Department of Neonatology have been established as provincial key specialties; Maternal and maternal health care and neonatal health care have been established as provincial-level special specialties for maternal and child health care. Key indicators such as the clinical pregnancy rate and embryo implantation rate of IVF technology are in the forefront of the province, and the 14 indicators of the "national examination" have improved significantly.

Approaching "two excellent and one first"

In addition, the implementation of the "weekly scheduling, monthly supervision, quarterly evaluation, annual assessment" mechanism, high standards through the top three re-evaluation, and in the province for experience exchange. In 2023, the comprehensive evaluation of the key work on maternal and child health ranked third in the province, and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV was praised by the provincial government and the Provincial AIDS Prevention Office.

Focus on high quality and efficiency, and continue to strengthen service capabilities

In recent years, the hospital has strengthened the linkage between the party and the masses and broadened the service radius, "We have taken the lead in building a live broadcast room for maternal and child health in the city in a combination of online and offline methods, and carried out 213 health education volunteer activities, covering 315,000 people. The relevant person in charge of the hospital said.

In 2023 alone, the average number of health science readers on the WeChat public account will reach 12,000, and the comprehensive index of influence will rank fourth among public maternal and child health care institutions above the second level in Sichuan Province, and the obstetrics department will be rated as "Provincial Youth Civilization".

In addition, it has also innovated and implemented the "one station and four modernizations" service model, compacted service responsibilities, simplified service processes, and enhanced service quality and efficiency, ranking first in the city in terms of delivery volume for five consecutive years. Focusing on the needs of patients in the new era, we have carried out the practice of "Women's Heart, Children's Walking, Touching Service", and innovatively carried out more than 30 special services such as "Yu" You Encounter and "Cutting the Ribbon for Love", continuously improving the service temperature, and achieving more than 95% patient satisfaction.

Approaching "two excellent and one first"

In the face of the new journey, Zigong Maternal and Child Health Hospital will always maintain the spirit of "breaking through" and the momentum of "innovation", anchoring the construction of "Maternal and Child Health Highland in Southern and Western Chongqing", "Provincial Regional Maternal and Child Health Center", "Regional Medical Center for Women and Children" and other central tasks, so as to provide more tangible and tangible development results for women and children in the city.

(Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

Editor: Song Ziyi

Editor: Yu Jia