
Tuojiang River around Guo Zhiyumei The town lingers with the fragrance of bean blossom - a visit to Huaide Town's food

author:Zigong observes

Zigong network reporter Zhao Kai, Lan Yan, Zhou Min, text/picture, video


At 4 o'clock in the morning on June 29, the starting point of Huaide Town, Fushun County, was lit up. Zhao Subin, the owner of Zhao Soybean Flower Shop, began to get busy in the kitchen as usual - grinding soybeans, boiling soy milk, and ordering bean curd, "In the eight years since the store opened, this has been my daily routine. Zhao Subin said.

Zhao Subin's bean flower shop is not far from the entrance of Huaide Town. He was both a boss and a cook, and his wife was a cashier. "Our Fushun is the 'city of Chinese bean curd', almost every rural family in the county will make bean curd, and the craft of 'dotting bean curd' is still a provincial intangible cultural heritage. I learned this craft from my father, and I have continued to innovate and improve over the years. Zhao Subin chatted with reporters while boiling soybean milk, "The key to the bean curd is to look at the proportion of bile water and the heat of the soybean milk. During the conversation, the soybean milk had already been cooked, and Zhao Subin brought a strainer made of gauze and a bamboo frame to filter the soy milk. The milky white soy milk flowed out of the holes of the gauze, and the kitchen was instantly filled with a fragrance, which was a kind of earthly smell, fragrant, fresh, sweet, and refreshing.

Tuojiang River around Guo Zhiyumei The town lingers with the fragrance of bean blossom - a visit to Huaide Town's food

After the soy milk was filtered, Zhao Subin began to order bean curd. He took a bowl of bile water in his left hand, slowly poured it into the soy milk, took a long spoon in his right hand and gently planed it, and introduced to reporters: "Ordering bean curd must be slow, not only to control the amount of bile water, but also to let it spread evenly." If there is less bile water, the bean curd is too tender, and if there is more bile water, it will be too old, only just right, can it be soft but not old, tender and not loose. The bean curd was ordered, and Zhao Subin was busy taking out the dried sea pepper steamed in the steamer and putting it in the nest. He said that the glutinous sea pepper produced in this way is more fragrant than that beaten by the machine, so he will spare no effort to scoop a large pot every day. After all this, the sky also dawned.

Tuojiang River around Guo Zhiyumei The town lingers with the fragrance of bean blossom - a visit to Huaide Town's food

"Boss, let's have a bowl of bean curd." Just after 6 o'clock, a guest came to the door. "It's coming!" During the response, Zhao Subin's wife brought a bowl of milky white, soft and tender, fragrant and long bean curd to the guests, together with a bowl of sweet soup with a clear fragrance. More than a dozen dipping dishes are neatly arranged on the table next to them, and guests add herbs, shallots, garlic paste, millet spicy and other condiments according to their own preferences. "Every day it starts at 6 o'clock, and today the town is in a hurry, and the store will be full in a while." Zhao Subin said that most of the residents in the town and the villagers who rushed to the scene had a big bowl of dry rice and a bowl of bean curd for breakfast. As a result, there are 6 bean curd shops in just two streets of the town, and all of them are doing well. During holidays such as the Spring Festival and Qingming Festival, business is even more booming. Fushun bean curd carries a body of fireworks in this way, through thousands of years, and has been fragrant until now.

Tuojiang River around Guo Zhiyumei The town lingers with the fragrance of bean blossom - a visit to Huaide Town's food

When I came out of Zhao's soybean flower shop, the narrow streets of the town were already crowded with people, and the uncle with a leaf cigarette in his mouth sat in a small teahouse on the side of the road squinting and sipping tea with satisfaction, and the eldest sisters with baskets on their backs laughed while walking. With the flow of people into the bazaar not far from the riverside, I saw vegetable seedlings, chickens, ducks and geese, handmade bamboo farming tools, leaf tobacco, and agricultural products, all placed in familiar positions for the villagers in an orderly manner. The fireworks of life are lively and lively in this small town by the Tuojiang River......

In Huaide Town, on the edge of the Tuojiang River, fish is naturally indispensable to food. Ask the locals, "Which restaurant in town makes the best fish?" The answers were unanimous, "The bream of Wang Qima's Restaurant".

Tuojiang River around Guo Zhiyumei The town lingers with the fragrance of bean blossom - a visit to Huaide Town's food

When I came to the restaurant, I saw that "Wang Qima" was a big man. His name was Wang Heguo, and because the dishes were well cooked, the neighbors gave him this nickname. Wang Heguo said that his skill in making bream was inherited by his father, Wang Yinzhou. It is said that before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Yinzhou went down the river to seek a living, learning to find out the practice of this bream. Today, the Huaide bream making technique has become an intangible cultural heritage of Fushun County, and Wang Heguo is the second-generation inheritor of the skills.

"Bream is steamed fish, but some improvements have been made in the steaming technique." Wang Heguo entered the kitchen as he spoke, selected a catfish more than 1 kilogram in size, slaughtered, chopped pieces, and breaded in one go, and then put it in a steamer. On the lower layer of the steamer, there is also a pot of secret soup.

10 minutes later, with Wang Heguo's shout of "retort", the bream came out of the oven, and the aroma of oil, meat, and green onions came steaming, but there was no fishy smell. He then poured the secret soup on the fish, then poured hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, sprinkled with a handful of herbs and chopped green onions, and it was delicious. Wang Qima Restaurant has been open in Huaide Town for more than 20 years, and this dish of bream has been enduring for a long time and has become a must-order dish for foreign diners. "Now that the town is engaged in the integrated development of culture and tourism, our business is getting better and better." Wang Heguo said.

Tuojiang River around Guo Zhiyumei The town lingers with the fragrance of bean blossom - a visit to Huaide Town's food

Food and wine go hand in hand. The Tuojiang River basin has always produced famous wine, not only the climate is warm and humid, the water is abundant, but also in the relatively closed basin-like environment, the perennial temperature difference and the temperature difference between day and night are small, the humidity is large, and the sunshine time is short, which has the necessary conditions for making fine wine. At the same time, the soil is fertile, and the humid and hot climate grows high-quality sorghum with strong waxiness. Therefore, in 2008, Fushun County Rongchun Liquor Company settled in Huaide Town, and quickly grew from a small workshop to an enterprise with an annual output of 190 million yuan in sales and a total profit and tax of 20 million yuan. Its rise has led to the cultivation of sorghum in Huaide Town.

Tuojiang River around Guo Zhiyumei The town lingers with the fragrance of bean blossom - a visit to Huaide Town's food

According to the relevant person in charge of the Party Committee of Huaide Town, they are trying to combine the development of agricultural industry with rural cultural tourism, and create a multi-functional leisure format integrating leisure, entertainment, picking and farming experience, and the food and wine in the town is an important part of it.

Editor: Zhang Cuina

Editor: Yu Jia

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