
The Taoist priest accepted an apprentice, but the apprentice was a monster, Taoist priest: I want to get rid of you

author:Li Bian please 03

Oh, our folks in Gada in the northeast, let's talk about a freshly baked story today. In the south of China, there is an inconspicuous village called Xinghua Village. I heard that there is a Taoist priest in this village, named Zhang Qingfeng, this old Zhang is not an ordinary character, he is a master with two brushes. He usually likes to wander around, catch demons, get rid of demons, and solve problems for our people.

It is said that one day, Taoist priest Zhang Qingfeng was resting under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village, and suddenly, a young man appeared from behind the tree, wearing a green coat and a scholar's hat on his head, looking quite gentle. As soon as this young man saw Zhang Qingfeng, he knelt down with a puff, and shouted in his mouth: "Dao Chief, please accept me as an apprentice!" Zhang Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, thinking that this young man was quite clever, why did he think about learning Taoism? He looked the young man up and down a few times, and asked, "What's your name?" Why do you want to learn Taoism from me? The young man raised his head, his eyes flashed with determination, and said: "My name is Li Qing, I have admired you since I was a child, and I hope to learn some skills to protect the villagers in our village." ”

When Zhang Qingfeng heard this, his heart warmed, and he felt that this young man was quite kind, so he nodded and said, "Okay, since you are so hearted, I will accept you as an apprentice." In this way, Li Qing became Zhang Qingfeng's apprentice and began his career as a Taoist. As the days passed, Li Qing studied very diligently, and he was quite perceptive to Taoism, Zhang Qingfeng saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

The Taoist priest accepted an apprentice, but the apprentice was a monster, Taoist priest: I want to get rid of you

But slowly, Zhang Qingfeng noticed that something was wrong. Li Qing's eyes were always a little indescribably weird, and there was always a demonic aura on his body. One night, Zhang Qingfeng got up at night and found that Li Qing was not in the house, so he quickly put on his robe and went out to take a look. Under the moonlight, Li Qing stood under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village, chanting words in his mouth, and clasping his hands together, as if he was praying for something. Zhang Qingfeng approached quietly, and when he saw it, a huge fox shadow appeared in front of Li Qing, the fox shadow's eyes were frighteningly red, and his fangs were exposed, and he was terrible to look at.

Zhang Qingfeng was shocked and thought, "This Li Qing, can't he really be a monster?" He hurriedly recited the incantation, and with a wave of dust in his hand, a golden light shot towards the fox shadow. The fox shadow screamed, turned into a wisp of green smoke, and dissipated into the air. Li Qing was also so frightened by the sudden attack that he fell to the ground. Zhang Qingfeng stepped forward and asked coldly, "Li Qing, who are you?" Why do you practice demon law here? Li Qing raised his head, his eyes were full of horror and pleading, and his voice trembled and said, "Dao Chief, I... I'm actually a green fox demon, but I really haven't hurt anyone. I practice demon law because I want to turn into a human form and live a good life in the world. ”

Zhang Qingfeng frowned, looking at Li Qing's sincere eyes, his heart was a little shaken. Although this green fox demon has a special identity, it doesn't seem to have any bad intentions. But as a Taoist priest, Zhang Qingfeng's duty is to kill demons and protect the peace of the world. Zhang Qingfeng took a deep breath and said, "Li Qing, you monster, you have violated the way of heaven by cultivating demon law in private. As Taoist priests, we can't just let you go. However, I'll give you a chance, if you are willing to let go of the demon law and concentrate on cultivation, we will spare your life. When Li Qing heard this, a flash of hope flashed in his eyes, and he nodded again and again, saying, "I am willing!" I'm willing to let go of the demon law and practice with the Taoist! In this way, under the supervision of Zhang Qingfeng, Li Qing began the difficult path of cultivation. He gets up early every day and practices Taoism hard, hoping to get rid of the identity of a monster as soon as possible and become a real person.

The Taoist priest accepted an apprentice, but the apprentice was a monster, Taoist priest: I want to get rid of you

But it's not that simple. The deeper the cultivation, the heavier the demonic aura on Li Qing's body, he began to lose control of his demonic nature, and secretly ran out to practice the demon method at night. Zhang Qingfeng found out, but he didn't expose it immediately, but silently observed Li Qing's changes. Until one night, Zhang Qingfeng found that Li Qing was confronted by a huge fox spirit under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village! The vixen's eyes were red and its fangs were exposed, and it was obviously a vicious youkai. Although Li Qing tried his best, he was still not the vixen's opponent. Seeing this, Zhang Qingfeng was anxious. He knew that if he didn't take action, Li Qing would probably be victimized by that fox spirit.

So, with a loud shout, he rushed forward and engaged in a fierce battle with the vixen. After a fierce battle, Zhang Qingfeng finally injured the fox spirit. But at this moment, he suddenly found that Li Qing's eyes had become extremely weird, and a hideous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Zhang Qingfeng's heart sank, and he said secretly: "This Li Qing really went on a crooked path!" He hurriedly recited the incantation, and with a wave of dust in his hand, a golden light shot towards Li Qing. However, this time, Li Qing did not dodge, but rushed forward towards the golden light. Hearing a loud "bang", the golden light collided with Li Qing's body, and a dazzling light erupted. After the light dissipated, Zhang Qingfeng found that Li Qing had disappeared. All that was left on the ground was a broken green shirt and a drop of blood that fell on the ground.

Zhang Qingfeng was stunned in place, with mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't expect that the apprentice he had worked so hard to teach would still embark on the evil path, and finally end up like this. He sighed, shook his head, and turned to leave. Back in the village, Zhang Qingfeng didn't mention the matter to anyone. He knew that if the villagers knew that Li Qing was a monster, they would definitely be scared of the six gods. He decided to rot the matter in his stomach and digest it slowly.

The Taoist priest accepted an apprentice, but the apprentice was a monster, Taoist priest: I want to get rid of you

However, it is not that simple. It didn't take long for something strange to start happening in the village. 1. The chickens, ducks, geese, and dogs in our yard are sometimes few; In the dead of night, strange noises can always be heard in the village, like someone muttering there, and like something is sharpening knives there. When everyone talked about it, they all said that our village was haunted. Someone suggested that a Taoist priest should be hired to exorcise ghosts. When Zhang Qingfeng heard this, he felt a sigh in his heart, he knew that this matter had nothing to do with his apprentice Li Qing. So, he stepped forward and said, "Leave this matter to me, and I will exorcise the demons." When the villagers heard this, they were happy to bloom, and they all exaggerated that Qingfeng is the living bodhisattva of our village and a savior. But Zhang Qingfeng was bitter in his heart, he knew that this matter was not easy to fix. Although Li Qing is gone, his demonic aura is still there, and it is getting stronger and stronger. He has to think of a way to get rid of this demonic qi in order to restore peace to our village.

Besides, after Daoist Zhang Qingfeng dealt with Li Qing's matter, he actually felt quite bad in his heart. He has accepted a lot of apprentices in his life, and the first time he met a monster apprentice, he was still a very righteous monster. He sat under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village, smoking a dry cigarette, and pondered this in his heart. "Hey, in this world, everyone really has it." Zhang Qingfeng sighed and exhaled a long puff of smoke. He remembered that when he was young, he was also full of blood, and he wanted to go all over the world and kill all demons. But now, as he grows older, the more he feels that monsters and ghosts are actually similar to people, both good and bad, and they can't be killed with a stick.

At this moment, the little Erhei in the village ran over in a panic, panting and said, "Dao Chief, Dao Chief, it's not good, something strange happened to Aunt Zhang's house in the east of the village!" When Zhang Qingfeng heard this, he quickly pinched the dry tobacco in his hand, stood up and asked, "What's wrong?" What's going on at Aunt Zhang's house? Xiao Erhezi wiped his sweat and said, "Aunt Zhang's chickens and ducks are all gone, and there is a strange cry from her house, just like a child's cry, which is scary." Zhang Qingfeng frowned, and said secretly in his heart: "Could it be that Li Qing's demonic aura has not been dispersed yet?" He thought for a moment and said, "Take me to see it." The two came to Aunt Zhang's house, and sure enough, they heard a strange cry. Zhang Qingfeng walked around the room and found that the demonic energy was indeed emanating from here. He closed his eyes, sensed them carefully, and then opened them suddenly, and said, "This demonic spirit, something is wrong!" When Xiao Erhezi heard this, his face turned pale with fright, and he asked, "Dao Chief, is this...... What the hell is going on? Zhang Qingfeng pondered for a moment and said, "This demonic spirit doesn't seem to be Li Qing's. "Oh, I'll go, this cry is not ordinary, it makes people's hearts fur when they hear it." This cry doesn't sound like the cry of the little boys in our village, but like ......," he scratched his head, and continued, "It looks like something has been tidied up, and it looks like a lost soul." Xiao Erhezi was stunned when he heard this, but he knew in his heart that the Taoist must have a trick. He roared and said, "Dao Chief, you should think about it quickly, our village can't make any more trouble." Zhang Qingfeng nodded, with a serious face: "Don't worry, I'll go and meet that monster." ”

The Taoist priest accepted an apprentice, but the apprentice was a monster, Taoist priest: I want to get rid of you

He returned to his little nest, rummaged through the cabinets, pulled out a piece of talisman paper, and found a peachwood sword. These two babies, rune paper can seal demons, and peach wood swords can kill ghosts. He came to the door of Mrs. Zhang's house, took a deep breath, and then pushed the door open with a "bang" and strode in. And the house was dark, and the cry was heard circling around the house. Zhang Qingfeng closed his eyes, felt the demonic energy, opened his eyes suddenly, and with a wave of the peachwood sword in his hand, the golden light flashed, and he went straight to the source of the cry.

With a "whoosh", a dark shadow appeared in the corner of the wall. Zhang Qingfeng clenched the peachwood sword and followed, and the two of them came and went in the house, so it was not lively. After a struggle, Zhang Qingfeng forced the black shadow into a corner. When he looked at it, it turned out to be a black vixen, his eyes were as red as fire, his teeth were sharp, and he was frightening to look at. Zhang Qingfeng sneered: "It turns out that you little beast is doing something wrong here." With a wave of the peachwood sword, the golden light flashed, and the vixen screamed, turned into black smoke, and dissipated without a trace.

Zhang Qingfeng put away the peachwood sword, turned around and walked out of the house. He knew in his heart that this fox spirit was eighty percent of Li Qing's accomplices, and he came to find fault. But now that he's cleaned it up, there's nothing to worry about. He went back to the village and told them everything. When the villagers heard this, they were all stunned, and they all gave a thumbs up, exaggerating that the Qingfeng Taoist priest was really powerful. Zhang Qingfeng waved his hand and said modestly: "What is this, I should do." ”

The Taoist priest accepted an apprentice, but the apprentice was a monster, Taoist priest: I want to get rid of you

Since then, nothing strange has happened in the village. The villagers lived a peaceful life and were grateful to Daoist Zhang Qingfeng for saving his life. Zhang Qingfeng also continued his career as a Taoist priest, traveling around, subduing demons and eliminating demons, and eliminating harm for the people. As for Li Qing's matter, Zhang Qingfeng has never mentioned it to anyone. He knew that there were some things that would be scary to say. He just wants the villagers to live a stable life, and let it go with the wind.

This is the story of Daoist Zhang Qingfeng. He used his wisdom and courage to protect the peace of the village. Although his apprentice Li Qing is a monster, their story makes people see the brilliance and courage of human nature. I hope this story can bring some inspiration to everyone, so that we can maintain a brave and determined heart in the face of difficulties and challenges.