
The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.


The 2009 draft produced many stars, including Blake Griffin, the core of the interior core of the city, Ricky Rubio, the Spanish golden boy Rikiruo, the classical guard DeMar Rozan, the former core of the Rockets James Harden, the pioneer of the small-ball era Stephen Curry, the utilitarian guard Zhu Holiday, the Nuggets' former core point guard Tylawson, three-time champion Danny Green, the Bucks' former core guard Branton Jennings, as well as Jeff Teague, Tyrek Evans, Jordan Hill, Darren Collisson, Omicasby, Demarley Carroll, Patrick Beverley and others, from these players can see the strength of this rookie.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

2009 Draft

Hashem Tabit, from the University of Connecticut, played 36 games for the University of Connecticut in the 2008-2009 season, averaging 13.6 points, 10.8 rebounds and 4.2 blocks in 31 minutes per game.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

Tabit beat Curry, Harden, and Holiday to become the top spot

On June 26, 2009, the Memphis Grizzlies chose Hashem Thabit with the second pick in the first round, and even James Harden and Stephen Curry, who were later famous all over the world, could only be ranked behind Thabit, at that time the Grizzlies had Mike Conley, OJ Mayo, Rudy Gay and other new stars, and there was no shortage of core players in the front line. It's just that after the draft was completed, the Grizzlies got Zach Randolph and Haddadi through trade, and Tabit, who just entered the league, needed to compete with Mark Gasol, Zach Randolph, Haddadi and others for playing time.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

In his rookie season, he competed with the black and white for playing time

In the 2009-2010 season, Tabit ushered in the rookie season of his career, due to the Grizzlies' overcrowding, the Grizzlies did not want to develop Tabit, resulting in less and less playing time for Tabit, Tabit played 68 regular season games for the Grizzlies that season, including 13 starts, and contributed 3.1 points and 3.6 rebounds in 13 minutes per game.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

Thabit vs. Stoudemire

On February 26, 2010, the Grizzlies sent him to the Development League NBDL based on Tabitt's performance, thus setting a record for the highest draft pick in NBA history.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

Thabit during the Grizzly Bear

In the 2010-2011 season, although Tabit was recalled by the Grizzlies, he was still not reused by the Grizzlies, playing in 45 regular season games, averaging only 1.2 points and 1.6 rebounds in 8.2 minutes per game.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

The Grizzlies decided to drop the No. 1 pick

On February 25, 2011, the Grizzlies traded Hashem Tabit, Carroll, and future first-round picks to the Houston Rockets for Shaun Battier and Ismael Smith, and then Thabit played in two regular season games for the Rockets, averaging only 0.5 blocks per game in 2.1 minutes.

In the 2011-2012 season, the Rockets who lost Yao Mai completely entered the rebuild, and the original trade to Tabit was just to save the team's expenses, and the team's coaching staff naturally did not give him the opportunity to play, and Tabit only played 5 regular season games for the Rockets that season, averaging 1.2 points, 1.4 rebounds and 0.4 blocks in 4.6 minutes per game.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

Thabit in the Rocket Age

On March 16, 2012, the Rockets traded Hashem Tabit, Jonny Flynn, and the 2012 second-round pick to the Portland Trail Blazers to get Marcus Camby, and then Tabit played 15 regular season games for the Trail Blazers, including 3 starts, averaging 1.9 points, 2.3 rebounds and 0.5 blocks in 7.7 minutes per game.

On July 5, 2012, the Oklahoma City Thunder announced the signing of free agent Hashem Tabitt, who played in 66 regular season games for the Thunder that season, including 4 starts, averaging 2.4 points, 2.9 rebounds, 0.2 assists, 0.4 steals and 0.9 blocks in 11.7 minutes per game, and the Thunder entered the playoffs with 60 wins and 22 losses in the regular season, and Tabit played in the playoffs for the first time in his career, averaging 0.5 points, 1.5 rebounds and 0.3 blocks in 6.4 minutes per game in the four games he played.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

Thabit during the Thunder served as Perkins' backup

In the 2013-2014 season, Tabit played in 23 regular season games for the Thunder, averaging 8.4 minutes per game, contributing 1.2 points, 1.7 rebounds, 0.1 steals and 0.3 blocks, becoming a dispensable role player in the Thunder.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

Thabit lost his chance to play with the Thunder

On August 27, 2014, the Thunder traded Hashem Thabit to the Philadelphia 76ers for a $1.25 million trade exception, and on September 1, the 76ers announced the elimination of Thabit.

The draft overtook Harden Curry to become the top pick, looking back on his short career.

Didn't play for the Pistons against Thabit

On September 25, 2014, the Detroit Pistons announced the signing of Hashem Tabit, and on October 20, the Pistons announced that they would cut Tabit, and the free agent Tabit never received a contract from an NBA team again, and Tabit who left the NBA game has played in the NBA Development League, the Japanese B League, the CBA, and the Taiwan League.

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