
How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

author:Transmission of network information

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Due to various reasons, you may encounter the situation that the document is not saved, this article will introduce you to seven ways to help you retrieve the fruits of your labor when the document is not saved.

演示环境:荣耀MagicBook 16 Pro,Windows 10,WPS

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

1. Use the auto-recovery feature

1) Open Word and select the "File" option in the menu bar in the top left corner. Select the "Info" or "File Info" option and look for the "Recover" option.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

2) Find options like "Recover from Temporary Files" or "Restore from Last Backup" in the pop-up menu. Select the appropriate option to try to retrieve the unsaved document.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

2. Find the system temporary files

1) Open File Explorer and go to the folder where the document is located. In the File Explorer address bar, enter %AppData%\WPS\Word.

2) In the open folder, look for files that start with "~$", these are auto-save files for Word. Double-click to open the file and check if it contains content that you didn't save.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

3. Use third-party data recovery software

Demo Environment: Honor MagicBook 16 Pro, Windows 10, Hi Format Data Recovery Master

1) Download and install the data recovery software. Run the software and select the target storage device you want to scan.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

2) Start the scan and wait for the software to finish the scanning process. Find and select your unsaved documents in the scan result, check the files you want to recover, set the storage path, and then recover.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

4. Use the version history feature of the cloud service

If you're using a cloud service, such as OneDrive, Drive, or Dropbox, the cloud service usually saves multiple versions of a document.

1) Open the corresponding cloud service application or web page. Locate the folder where the document is located to see the version history or file recovery options.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

2) Select the appropriate version, select the Recover button to export to local and open it.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods

5. Restore with a backup

If you have a backup of a document that was created elsewhere, you can use the backup to restore it. Check the backup device, such as an external hard disk, cloud backup service, etc. Locate and restore a backup version of a document that you didn't save.

6. Increase the auto-save frequency

To avoid document loss in the future, you can consider increasing the auto-save frequency of your document editing software. In software such as Office, you can adjust the time interval of auto-save to reduce the lost document content.

How to recover a document that has not been saved? Word mistakenly saved overwriting the previous document? Seven recovery methods


In the unexpected case that the document is not saved, you can expect to retrieve the unsaved document and minimize the loss of work through the above methods. At the same time, it is recommended to develop a good habit of regular saving and backup at work to ensure that the documents are safe and secure.