
What happened to the "outer heart" girl who was born with a long heart and lived every day to be a miracle?

author:Milk bean dad talks about parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Daddy~

I have heard a story, although I don't know whether it is true or false, but I can savor it carefully, but it can give people profound inspiration.

It is said that there is a patient who is dying, looking at the fallen leaves slowly falling outside the window, and secretly telling himself that if the leaves on the tree fall out, it means that he has come to the end of his life.

As the days passed, there were few fallen leaves left on the trees, and the patient's condition became more and more serious, and he had no hope of survival.

But in the end, there was only one leaf on the tree, and it refused to fall no matter how windy or rainy.

As a result, the patient rekindled his hope for life and felt that this was an opportunity given to him by God, so he relented and actively participated in the treatment.

Slowly, there was only a 1 in 10 chance of a cure, but in this case, it became a 50% probability.

Later, his operation was successful, and after he was out of danger, someone told him that the leaf was an ornament that was painted so it wouldn't fall off.

But it was this "fake leaf" that gave him the motivation to live, and also allowed him to get a new life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

In fact, many times, the state of mind can often make a person burst out of infinite energy in a desperate situation.

Just like the protagonist we are going to talk about today, Virsaviya, a Russian girl who was born with a heart growing outside, she shows her positive and optimistic attitude towards life and tenacious will to survive to the fullest.

What's going on?

What happened to the "outer heart" girl who was born with a long heart and lived every day to be a miracle?

01. A girl whose heart grows on the outside

As we all know, the importance of "heart" to a person is self-evident.

But in Russia, there is a little girl named Visa, whose heart has grown outside her body since birth, covered only by a thin layer of skin.

Outside, you can clearly see the beating of the heart, which is shocking.

And the reason why this is so is because Visa suffers from an extremely rare disease - Cantrell's pentagram.

When Visa was still in her mother's womb, she was unable to grow ribs and abdominal muscles because of this disease, so this led to the leakage of the heart outside the chest cavity after birth.

According to relevant data, 5 out of 1 million babies born alive may have the disease, and there are only more than 200 cases in the world.

Unfortunately, once associated with the disease, most people don't survive for long.

What happened to the "outer heart" girl who was born with a long heart and lived every day to be a miracle?

Although Visa was born safely, the doctor was not optimistic about her future, and even bluntly said to Visa's mother that every extra day that the child lives is a miracle.

However, under the careful care of his mother and his own positive and optimistic attitude towards life, Visa survived tenaciously.

In the consciousness of ordinary people, like the case of Visa, it is necessary to take 100% protective measures, after all, as long as the heart is collided, it may bring very serious consequences.

But Visa's growth is very different from what we imagined.

What happened to the "outer heart" girl who was born with a long heart and lived every day to be a miracle?

02. Be positive and optimistic, tell the miracle of life

Because of the existence of the disease, Visa's life has been full of unknowns since she was born.

No one can predict at what point the brilliance of life will come to an abrupt end.

Therefore, when Visa's mother took care of her daughter, she did her best to care and care, for fear that something would go wrong.

The immature and sensible Visa, under the meticulous care of his mother, quickly knew that he was "different", and also understood why he couldn't go to the school and the lawn like other children, playing and running wantonly.

However, Visa, who is full of hope, is not frightened, sensitive and fragile because of his own particularity.

did not become uneasy, inferior and introverted in the strange eyes of others.

On the contrary, she is cheerful, sunny, and loves to draw, sing, and dance, and although she can only be cautious and clumsy in the face of all movements, her signature sweet smile gives people an incomparably touching vitality and hope.

Although she sometimes feels deprived of oxygen and dizzy, Visa still believes in the principle of living happily and is brave enough to do what she loves.

As Visa grows up day by day, her mother takes her around to seek medical treatment, and at the same time gives everything she has to let her daughter feel the beauty of life.

On the beach, in the park, in every scenic place, there has been a presence of Visa.

Even if sometimes it is necessary to carry an oxygen tank with him due to lack of oxygen, Visa's positive optimism and tenacious perseverance have touched countless people.

Later, because the treatment was too expensive, Visa's mother posted her daughter's story online, hoping to get everyone's help.

As a result, one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the story of Russia's "girl with an outside heart" quickly aroused heated discussions, and many caring people were moved by Visa's story and reached out to help.

After so many years, what kind of life has Visa experienced now?

What happened to the "outer heart" girl who was born with a long heart and lived every day to be a miracle?

03. After many years, what happened to the "outward girl"?

We can't imagine the hardships and pains that a young child endures when growing up.

After all, her heart is in danger every day, whether it's a fall, a collision, or the slightest mistake, the consequences are unimaginable.

But in the face of all this, Visa will always be optimistic:

Don't worry, do you know why my heart is outside my ribs? It's because God wants people to know that it can create masterpieces as special as I am.

The sensibility and optimism between the words make us as adults ashamed.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this positive optimism that Visa bursts out with infinite energy, so that the legend of life is constantly being written.

At the beginning of 15 years, 6-year-old Visa finally waited for the good news that Boston Children's Hospital had found a doctor willing to treat this rare disease.

Unfortunately, because Visa has high blood pressure in the aorta, surgery is not yet possible, so we can only take it step by step and evaluate it according to the actual situation to determine the feasibility of surgery.

What happened to the "outer heart" girl who was born with a long heart and lived every day to be a miracle?

In order to condition her daughter's body to the best condition, Visa's mother took her daughter from cold Boston to Hollywood, Florida, where the climate is suitable.

And when Visa was 9 years old, he successfully entered Hollywood Elementary School by wearing special heart protection equipment, and finally could learn and grow in the school like other children.

Not only that, but even the doctors were shocked that Visa's body had slowly moved the heart to another place where proper blood pressure, blood circulation, and breathing could be maintained.

Now, at the age of 14, Visa has grown into a slim girl, she is still cheerful and sunny, shining with the light of life.

Although she is in a physical state and does not know when she will be able to undergo round after round of surgeries, her fighting spirit of not being afraid of illness and daring to fight against fate continues to present us with the miracle of life.

What happened to the "outer heart" girl who was born with a long heart and lived every day to be a miracle?

We also wish this optimistic angel to continue to be happy, and we also believe that with the continuous advancement of medical technology, she will finally be able to wait for the day of healing.

As everyone says:

As long as life is tenacious enough, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Finally, I hope that everyone who has suffered from illness can live their own wonderful life in the ups and downs and pain, just like Visa, and rely on tenacious perseverance to feel the beauty of life.

We must believe that as long as we are brave enough to pursue and live with a positive and optimistic attitude, miracles will eventually happen.